Computers are neat. Burritos are good.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Shockingly, it appears that it still has an average 480k daily players

Aww that’s cute, they’re trying to be big boy computers now

I used to know a guy whose cat had that name. He got a vet bill in the mail, literally addressed to said cat. The FIB showed up a few days later asking some pretty interesting questions.

I’m not self hosting an instance, but kbin is super fucking broken lately and it’s getting really frustrating. It’s been about a week. I submitted a ticket in their Git repo, but no response.

I just discovered this and it’s awesome, if you’re into gaming at all. It’s a containerized console emulator suite, and I think it is very well done.

FireTV stick, yo mama’s so fat, she brought a spoon to the Super Bowl.

The brain user would absolutely be a sudoer though, since it controls so many vital functions by default

Pfsense, Bitwarden, NAS running Debian, Kubernetes cluster. I have plans to expand And add more services when I get some of my newer hardware online.

Did they license the code?

Is there a clause in your employment agreement about the company owning anything you create? IBM does this, and it’s total bullshit.

It’s almost like Valve doesn’t absolutely hate their customers.

“I don’t need to comment this code, I wrote it so I know what it does”

And then

“Fuck, I should’ve commented this code, I have no idea what it does”

Comment. A lot.

I really wanted to like this game, but having to manage all the things gave me anxiety.

Hey, that guy killed some people in Ireland and got away with it!

You’re gonna hurt a lot of CDPR Fanboys’ feelings with this post.

Gonna buy it after release, if it’s not a complete letdown

I got it working in my local Kubernetes cluster, by writing all the yml files myself. Then realized someone built a Helm chart for it, which is much easier to maintain. The hardest part was generating the TLS cert.

Helm chart