Rexxitor. Biology nerd. Roguelites, indie games, and TRPGs. Drowning in unused yarn, unread books, and mandatory cat hair.

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Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


It can be a little stressful even for me. And yes, the inventory management is atrocious btw, it’s a common complaint.

Like someone else mentioned, you can always pay a little to respec if you find out a character doesn’t have the stats to do what you’re wanting/what they’re built to do. That does require gold, and it is something that needs to be read up on and ultimately taken for a test ride to see if it’s even fun for you. That many options can feel really daunting.

But I think with enough cleverness, the game can be won with almost anything. Just last night, I watched a playthrough of a guy who had challenged himself to beat the game without killing anyone or manipulating anyone else to kill them for him, and he did it.

Whole game. The only NPC he had no way around personally harming could still be knocked out and left alive. He tricked the end boss into murdering itself through careful use of explosive barrels and he himself never fired a shot — a super cheesy fighting tactic common enough that the term “barrelmancy” is a thing.

I’m not gonna say there won’t be reloads, but there are a multitude of ways to handle most if not all altercations. Some things can be talked out of, or allies sought to help.

If not, it could be a huge, horrible fight taken head-on for the awful fun of it, or you could sneak up and thunderwave them into a hole and be done with it. Covertly poison the lot. Command them to drop their own weapon and then take it, and giggle while they flail their fists at you. Cast light on the guy with a sun sensitivity and laugh harder at their own personal hell.

You could sneak around back and take the high ground, triggering the battle by firing the first shot from a vantage point the enemy will take 4 rounds to reach through strategically placed magical spikes.

I passed one particularly worrying trial by just turning the most powerful opponent into a sheep until every other enemy was dead and I could gang up on them. Cleared another fight sitting entirely in the rafters where they had trouble hitting me, and shoved them to their death when one found a way up.

Going straight into a battle is the most expected way to do it, but there are usually shenanigans that can be played, is what I’m saying. Accept with grace the attempts that don’t work. If the rules of engagement seem unfair, change the rules.

If it helps any, the game does also reward xp fairly generously. Just reaching new/hidden areas grants a little bit, to say nothing of side quests.

That guy I was talking about, the one that finished with zero kills, ended the game at level 10. The level cap is 12. That was all just wandering around, doing stuff that didn’t require fighting.

Know which stat each class mainly uses and focus on that. Do not make the mages wear armor, it is not a happy fun experience. Beyond that, be clever and moderately lucky with your cleverness. You’ll be fine.

It’s a lot to get used to and does take time to be familiar with all your options, but I started out not very far above where you sound like you are. You do get used to it if you take your time, and I’m certain most people would be overjoyed to help.

I’m not so sure. I’ve not played the first two to be able to measure between them, but I do recall thinking that if I hadn’t been so into watching videos of other peoples’ dnd campaigns, I would be so helplessly far out of my depth.

As it was, I was already struggling a little bit with which class was best for my likely playstyle. Who can use what armor, why, and what happens when they don’t. What skills go with what stats. The general info they don’t have a need to go over when you’re not the one at the table.

Those aren’t things OP would know enough about to even know they don’t know, so I’m glad they have someone helping them. I don’t consider myself anything remotely resembling intelligent and they’re starting out with less. For being easily one of the best things I’ve played in years, it would feel impossibly daunting for a noob

War with Canada, though? Canada. I’ve genuinely never heard me or any other American on any political side have one negative thing to say about Canada, and we generally view them as our little brother no matter how frustrated and superior actual Canadians get about it.

The brits would be invading America’s hat, it would be a war over the rule of the monarchy, and both sides being NATO members means NATO is not really a concern.

I don’t think that would ever be a thing, but if it were a thing, I really wouldn’t choose to be at war with anyone on US borders. Not even saber rattling. We’re very paranoid, if that’s changed at all it’s gotten worse, and physically touching our borders will almost certainly draw aggro.

Plus, let’s be honest, Canadians aren’t brown enough to be ignored. We’d sell out Mexico faster than Canada simply because the cartels are too much trouble.

Hey now, Leon Cooperman has given over $155 million in different grants and charities.

He just happens to have two billion three hundred and forty five million left over.

Exactly. I’ve only ever pirated things I couldn’t afford, and even then I kept a running list of the good ones in the hopes that one day I could pay them legitimately. When I can afford to buy them fairly, I don’t pirate.

I was a thief when I was starving and I’m a damn thief now.

Thanks for single-handedly ruining my entire character 😭

So…not that I will ever be for such an idea, but how is requiring ID putting kids at risk. I thought that was a misquote, but no, that’s what the article itself says. Are we really just saying whatever random words come to mind these days?

Can I not, though? With the proper software, I can add and alter video frames. This is still a bit limited now, but deepfakes are on the rise. I can already download someone else’s art and add in whatever I want.

The only difference is whether or not the original creators/publishers approve of me doing that, not whether I’m able.

The language nullifies Food and Drug Administration guidance allowing the drug mifepristone, which is used in medical abortions, to be sold by mail and at retail pharmacies.

“Some states allow [mifepristone] to be mailed, some states don’t, but that should be a decision with the states and the FDA, not Congress,” said Rep. Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.).
“If that language stays as is, we won’t be able to vote for that appropriations [bill],” said Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer (R-Ore.).

Well, that’s an interesting development. This is so out of left field for what the party has continually committed to that I thought a comma was missing.

Not that I’m in ideological agreement and don’t see the danger in leaving an issue of health up to a state’s opinion, but I’m forced to respect that they’re standing by the “small government” schtick for once instead of only when it suits them.

I’d believe it if I hadn’t already heard of Musk being the type to fire workers in his line of sight at pure random simply to fire someone. It apparently got so bad that aids would plan the route he would take to the meetings around having as few victims as possible out in the open.

It would be a smart move for anyone, and he is succeeding to a good extent (they’ll just go elsewhere?), but I think that’s just a happy accident of his. I feel like he’s really just using it as a chew toy so he can feel all big and important with the headlines. If he were being journalistically gray rocked, I wonder what he’d do.

I’m opening up a rival called “social media.” Already, we’re on everyone’s lips, set to have a userbase spanning half the web.

[Don’t assume consensus nor finished state]

Often a proposal is just that - someone trying to solve a problem by proposing technical means to address it. Having a proposal sent out to public forums doesn’t necessarily imply that the sender’s employer is determined on pushing that proposal as is.

It also doesn’t mean that the proposal is “done” and the proposal authors won’t appreciate constructive suggestions for improvement.

[Be the signal, not the noise]

In cases where controversial browser proposals (or lack of adoption for features folks want, which is a related, but different, subject), it’s not uncommon to see issues with dozens or even hundreds of comments from presumably well-intentioned folks, trying to influence the team working on the feature to change their minds.

In the many years I’ve been working on the web platform, I’ve yet to see this work. Not even once.

What is this, “Good vibes only?”

That’s the one I was trying to remember, I’d heard about it back when it was just starting out! Unfortunately, it still doesn’t support türkçe, and I’m not exactly in the position as a learner to help add it or I’d be all over that :(

I would consider it a very fine line because suicide, by nature, is always a consenting choice. This does not mean anyone wants to die, most don’t. If you ask them whether they would feel the same if all their problems were magicked away, you wouldn’t really even need time to think. It’s just that, for them, there is no other solution. Or at least, not one that seems like it could ever possibly be attainable. You’re forced into it because there’s no other way to make it fucking stop.

Your condition that patients be mentally sound, I question. Either understanding the consequence of their actions (the concept of death) would be enough and nearly everyone would be greenlit with an appropriate time span for consideration, or nobody would be because in order to make that choice you’re almost certainly mentally ill.

If all it takes is understanding my own actions, I’d be approved tomorrow. Doesn’t mean it’s the first or even third option I’d choose. Just means I’m chronically broke, often homeless, and have been used and abused often enough that I don’t even bother with the idea of a support system anymore. The most impactful of my illnesses is so rare it’s hard to even find a therapist who mentions it at all, let alone one I’d click with. Of the medication legal in the states, one is not something I want to do because it has a risk of heavily worsening the dissociation that already leaves me non-functional, and the other causes brain damage.

It would be my choice, but it would not be a voluntary choice. It’s just…the option that I have that isn’t this. Which is by far the biggest risk here, of simply shrugging and egging those suffering to take the painless way instead of funding and supplying adequate treatment.

(this is, for somewhat obvious reasons, not to say I’m against MAID. I think since people are going to do this, they should have a way to do so that isn’t horrifically painful, with a lower likelihood of just making someone’s hilariously shit life somehow even shittier. But this is not a game, and the inexpensiveness of handwaving the people problems is a genuine danger.)

But that’s the thing. Are they going to…put him in a mental institution? Because he desperately needs to be in a good one. I would be much more ok with this ruling if he were. I’m getting the sense he’s going back to society where he will behave totally normally from now on.

Among Counterman’s communications to Whalen were messages that read: “Was that you in the white Jeep?” and “You’re not being good for human relations. Die. Don’t need you.” Others used expletives. . . .

. . . . Whalen has described the messages from Counterman, which came to her over a two-year span beginning in 2014, as life-threatening and life-altering. She never responded to Counterman during this time and blocked his Facebook account at least four times, prompting him to continue messaging her from other platforms or through new Facebook accounts he created. . . .

“In a world rife with misunderstandings and miscommunications, people would be chilled from speaking altogether if they could be jailed for failing to predict how their words would be received. The First Amendment provides essential breathing room for public debate by requiring the government to demonstrate that the defendant acted intentionally or recklessly,” Hauss said.

Well, it’s good that we have safeguards for those who sit on their phone wrong and thereby unintentionally create block-evading accounts on multiple platforms. Guy really went to jail and it was all two solid years of misunderstandings. /s

I’m hearing harassment officially can’t be prosecuted, if we’re turning a blind eye to that degree. A lot of people are going to be emboldened by this, like they already took the law seriously anyway.

Like, yeah, a friend of mine nearly or actually got run off the road several times because the perpetrator wanted to date his gf, but maybe the would-be murderer was just a really bad driver. It was a notoriously dangerous road for both of them to be on ¯\_ (ツ) _/¯

The saddest part of this is I’m more shocked the CO police did something about it. Over here, they refused even a restraining order until we could show them a physical crime, which…you know, would kinda be too late.

Oh, yeah. Anyone who complains they don’t have any hobbies actually does have a hobby, because I’m quite sure they’re not spending that time staring blankly into space. It just happens to be something like TV or scrolling a lot, and if I don’t do that I get bored enough to read, draw, etc fairly quickly. Turns out I don’t draw like I used to as a kid because I’m not bored in class.

My only current downfall is it’s REALLY hard for me to take a walk without music like I used to now that I have access to traveling entertainment for the first time. It’s healthier to be able to sit with yourself in boredom and distress because it forces you to process your thoughts, but it’s not fun and we don’t have to do the un-fun work thing now, and that’s probably damaging psychologically

The only thing I disliked about Tactics Advance was I felt like they really cheaped out on Ritz’s plot. I’m thinking maybe it comes off better in the context of a japanese culture where standing out like she does really IS culturally frowned upon, but it made very little sense to me in the west and I still feel like she got done dirty. Everyone else has a really good reason to stay, Doned doesn’t have functional legs, and she’s complaining about her hair.

Other than that one single thing, yeah, still one of the best games I’ve played. I’ve never seen a game tackle it from that angle before or since.

If I could wipe one game from my mind just to replay it, it would be the golden sun series. That’s stayed easily in my top five for almost twenty years now. 90% sure the kolima forest music was even the first mp3 I ever downloaded. Also the first game I ever saw where at least some of the actions you took made a difference to the overall world. If you don’t care enough to save certain NPCs, they canonically just die.