• 20 Posts
Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Mar 23, 2020


Question: are there any countries where this is allowed? Would they have been able to go abroad and do this operation?

The dumbest part is like, why? How much work is it really to keep goo.gl links around?

In 2018, Google wanted developers to move to Firebase Dynamic Links that detect the user’s platform and sends them to either the web or an app. Google ended up also shutting down that service for devs.


The minors were charged with 20 counts of creating child sex abuse images and 20 counts of offenses against their victims’ moral integrity

Punishment or not, those charges are still scary. I think the probation and courses are a good addition.

Tl;dr IPTV-org.github.io took down Warner Bros content within 1 buisness day to settle the DMCA. Other content is still available on the site.

He posted online, telling his friends it was time to say goodbye. Then his friend called him up, saying he had an opportunity at his company Eternos.Life for Bommer to build an interactive AI version of himself.

It doesn’t get more tech bro than that

Almost certainly not, although fair disclaimer, I don’t actually know. Ads need to be tailored to the user when delivered, so it’s likely the YouTube frontend requesting the next chunk of video to be an ad instead of the next chunk of video from blob storage. yt-dlp likely just requests successive chunks straight from blob storage, passing this.

If YouTube served ads by saying “point to an ad chunk next” in their blob storage, 1. Everyone would see the same ad and 2. Premium users would still see ads.

To patch this, YouTube really needs to stop serving video chunks directly from storage, but I forget the reason they haven’t done that already.

(Technical note; I’m assuming blob storage chunks contain 1-2 seconds of video and metadata pointing to the next one, like a linked list. I’m not sure if this is how YouTube works, but many video platforms do this)

Sure, but if it happened I’d see a screenshot of the job posting, not someone who tweeted about totally seeing it


Reminds me of my previous job where our LLM was grading things too high. The AI “engineer” adjusted the prompt to tell the LLM that the average output should be 3. I had a hard time explaining that wouldn’t do anything at all, because all the chats were independent events.

Anyways, I quit that place and the project completely derailed.

Nah it’s a real project that’s continuing Yuzu’s work, but only half their project is continuing the emulator. The other half is sticking the middle finger to Nintendo, and doing that requires being really obnoxious and loud.

Suyu is a pun for “Sue you”, which Nintendo would love to do

Most countries mimic US laws on copyright. It doesn’t help that Yuzu was in the US, but virtually no country is safe if Nintendo tries hard enough

“We need a revolution! Eat the rich!”

Someone suggests doing something towards that goal

“Noooooo, I only care about injustices as a hobby!!! Don’t actually, plz!”

I mean that’s just the problem with C++. There’s 17 different ways to do things, 2 are always wrong, 14 are contextual, and 1 is reserved for super special cases

At my first job after university, we did releases every Friday evening. From 3-5pm, all you would see in the Slack channel was a flurry of everyone committing straight to master (with a bunch of merge conflict commits between). Oh and then we’d release. Fun times.

Lies, if you actually did that you would know you need the --no-preserve-root flag

Jeez are captions that bad for you? You can’t like, tune them out?

Something about the little girl in purple shirt crying always gets to me. I think it triggers the memory of the tear-gassed “birthday girl” photo from 2019 Hong Kong

Is there data that shows lower suicide rate when transgender support (?) is provided?

*Not sure if support is the right word, but just generally curious if there’s data around this sort of thing

Quake inverse sqrt is one of the most famous algos in the world. Although I agree, if politicians actually stood for public interest they would force any AI derivative work to be SSPL or AGPL

Copilot is great. I stopped paying for it after using ChatGPT so much (one subscription is expensive enough, as-is!) but I do miss it. Maybe I’ll buy it again…

I spent all day comparing Bard vs ChatGPT 4. Here are the results (Software Developer Questions)
I'm a software engineer at a startup with impossible deadlines - I've used GPT4 for months to generate huge amounts app/server code, and much like your IDE, once you learn to use these tools you don't want to go back to the days without it. **Speed** * Bard is very fast- similar to GPT 3.5 Turbo * You need to multitask two GPT4 instances side by side to compensate for how slow GPT4 can be **Reliability** * Bard lies and makes up fake API calls more than GPT4 **UI** * Bard UI is garbage - You have to keep manually scrolling down the chat window, and for some reason the largest button on the page is "stop" (???) * You can tell Bard to modify its response to be longer/shorter and a few other options - I thought this would be useful, but it never ended up helping **Memory** * Bard has really short memory - Forgets details from last response! * GPT4 memory is also unreliable, any details that are important you have to repeat **Intelligence** * GPT4 is objectively smarter **Internet Search** * GPT4 Internet search is garbage * Bard has "Verify with Google" - I had high hopes for this, but never actually had a use for it **Willingness to give full code** * GPT4 is bad, but Bard is worse. Both need to be begged/threatened to return more than 100 lines of directly paste-able code. **Generating Useful Code** * Bard can give more concise medium complexity functions **Adding tougher features** * Bard hallucinates and lies **Dealing with lies** * When you tell GPT something doesn't work, GPT will try something else * When you tell Bard something doesn't work, Bard will lie, claim to fix it, then give back the same code **Following Instructions** * GPT4 sometimes doesn't follow instructions, but improving the prompt will fix that. Bard will happily ignore instructions, as clear as they may be. **Summary:** * GPT4 is still objectively better than Bard. Quite frankly, the prompts Bard couldn't handle, GPT3.5 could. * The cons of GPT can be worked around, but for Bard, it's almost faster to do it yourself. Unless Bard was used like Copilot for short 1-2 lines of autocomplete, I wouldn't trust it. PS: If you're not using AI yet for development, I highly recommend it - It's like using an IDE instead of Notepad. AI can easily 2-3x your output, but you have to learn [how it works](https://writings.stephenwolfram.com/2023/02/what-is-chatgpt-doing-and-why-does-it-work/) so you can prompt it correctly, and you have be good at fixing its mistakes.

Image comes from the monstrous work the Asahi Linux team did to get Netflix working on Linux on ARM Macbooks: https://asahilinux.org/2024/01/fedora-asahi-new/

The pharmacy group, which is currently in bankruptcy proceedings, also failed to properly train employees about the fact that there could be false positives with the technology or to prevent the use of low-quality images.

Lol rekt

I can’t speak for LINE - But Kakao does a heck of a lot more than messaging; it’s one of the top companies to work for and the defacto app of Korea. It’s used for taxis, webtoons, payments, music streaming, banking, social media, OAuth, etc (and that’s on top of all its failed ventures no one uses). So yeah, it makes sense to have a lot more employees. Getting into Kakao is like getting into Google or Apple in the West.

It also doesn’t explain why Signal has 50. Signal is open source, but openly hostile to forks which throttles its development. So I wonder, what are those 50 employees doing? I genuinely would like to see a breakdown

I don’t care if employees are well paid. I do care that Signal takes 50 employees to operate. What are they all doing? This is a genuine question

Can they?

I’m an indie game developer (3 years at current company). Here’s a brief summary of the anti-piracy/anti-cheat history we did -

  • We noticed people were uploading old versions of our games on 3rd party app stores, so we introduced a feature that makes the game refuse to start if it’s on too old of a version
    • When we later updated the minimum SDKs, and older devices couldn’t update, we had inadvertently remotely bricked a perfectly functional game on their device
  • To prevent cheaters from figuring out how the game worked, we removed all logging from the application
    • EVEN TODAY I spent multiple hours and an Uber to get my hands on a specific device that was having crash issues because whatever logs I could get remotely weren’t nearly suffice to debug an issue
  • People were cheating Unity’s IAP store, so we installed a plugin that validated IAPs.
    • IAPs took multiple more seconds to process, hurting legit buyers
    • The cheating metrics went down, but because fewer people were buying IAPs, our rankings tanked on various ad networks
  • Hackers were making modded clients, so we added obfuscation
    • This made our builds much more harder to debug, and adds yet another step in our build pipeline
  • Users were editing values in memory to give themselves more levels and beat the leaderboard
    • We manually banned them from the leaderboard. It takes like 5 seconds and happens once a week, not a big deal
  • Users were editing values in memory for more coins
    • It doesn’t affect us in any way, at this point we stopped caring

Yup. My gf has Netflix but for one of our shows, the English subtitles disappeared (she’s ESL). Took like 15 minutes to figure it out, but happened again the next day. Now we pirate that show because it’s easier, even though she has it on Netflix.

Well, it’s another silly sensationalist headline… Oh a UN link…?

“There are reports that some of those who fled the hospital have been shot at, wounded, or killed. The latest reports say the hospital was surrounded by tanks”, he wrote.

“WHO is gravely concerned about the safety of health workers, hundreds of sick and injured patients, including babies on life support, and displaced people who remain inside the hospital.”

WHO again called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza “as the only way to save lives and reduce the horrific levels of suffering”, Tedros added.

Oh God

Imagine working on taking Z library down as your day job and still sleeping at night. Scum of the earth.

Perhaps your dream of self hosting is dead

Cross-post from Lemmy.ml - Free Software Developer Resume Review for Lemmies #1

Source: https://github.com/fre5h/DoctrineEnumBundle/pull/12