• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


I mean Pollivere, refused to have access to security docs… Plausible deniability…

Honestly we need the population to continue economic growth. But we need housing services like we had in Ontario in the 90s.

That Zelda game looks like a banger!!

I remember when Europe taxed companies even more! The whole place died!! No Business! No Europeans! Nothing existed! Business ceased to exist!! it was horrible!!!.. Or was it business as usual…?..

Me: Spends 4 hours making a pause menu… “I wish this was true… This man has not met the hell of a 50 state, 100 elif statement…”

Amateur Coders code: " We don’t do this because its easy, we do this because we thought it would be easy"

I’ve been making a game as a hobby. The more I learn to program the more I see AI is great at simple tasks like spellchecker. But needs fuel(other people’s work) to do anything. On top of that if you ask it 2+2 it’s going to run every addition statement in existence to determine the best route to 2+2.

Kirby has never got enough love. DreamWorld and 64 were mainstays of my childhood. Kirby can be anything Kirby needs to be. Nintendo could make a Kirby card game, JRPG, racing or stick with the main line. The games would be fun and make sense thematically.

Big Company: Well if you can’t afford food you should not have food.

Also Big Company:… sobbing pwease we neeed fweee… pwease we need mowe moneys!

Victims of a war, they did not choose. At the very least we can make them feel welcome and hopefully send them more weapons.

One of my friends is a newfie, best kind. He sounds almost exactly like this dude in the video but picked up some Northen slang. I don’t know to much about Peterson. Probably he’s from Ontario though. All of Ontario has radically different accents, I’m from the northern hell part and talk like the stereo type from the video… But Southren can be anything from Woodbine Posh to Toronto teeth kiss special ( https://youtube.com/shorts/Lt4PYWqBo48?feature=shared )

I do alot of traveling south, see alot of hockey and football games. I’m not saying it’s alien, it probably is the closest thing we have to a brother. That’s why I said we love them, Yada Yada Yada. But we are different and that view is becoming skewed. Also, I can almost say with certainty your from Ontario. As a Maritimer, Quebecer, Northerner, Indigenous or BC’er. Would probably say how wildly different it is. As we are both huge countries with mosaics of local cultures. But Ontario has a similar culture to Illinois, Minnesota or other northern states. Also, rural states are funny… Stopped at a roadside dinner in Minni a month ago and posters of Biden with Devil horns everywhere and no one flinched…

  1. I mean accent is such a strange thing to say is similar. You can’t compare a new York accent to Toronto. This video is a good sum https://youtu.be/9XpVHbFsLDQ?feature=shared

  2. I mean if we support you guys, we’re dead and we gained you guys 3 hours xD. Also, politically speaking I don’t think anyone on Lemmy is deciding our international relations.

  3. I grew up with Mr Bean on the CBC and Monty Python movies on CBC on Sundays.(Showing my age) I can’t say for sure ether way but that’s a wild assumption xD.



  1. We have 70 less guns per person than the states.


This may be ranty, so sorry in advance. Canadians and Americans are very different. They are our brothers and we love them.That being said politically, socially and culturally we are very far apart. I would not be offended if someone thought I was American but I would correct them. I belive the equivalent would be if someone said “Oh your a Scott?” neighbour’s for over a 1000 years but not the same. I’m assuming your British sorry. Also, to add we do have a growing presence of “We should be part if America” weirdos. Who would say something like “Canada has no culture”.

Its ok to touch up code. If you have lots of notes, on what its supposed to do… I learned this the hardway.

The Rabbits mario RPG is Xcom MP I think? Maybe Google just in case though.

I wouldn’t even consider it all intent to steal. Our Walmart is nothing but self checkouts and they put the oldest slowest dude at there only checkout. My friend walked out without scanning the cat food at the bottom of her cart and we didn’t realize until the parking lot. No one has training so you can’t expect 100% success.

I know, no one here is voting for this guy but holy fuck. Glad I could die from Indian government involvement and he wouldn’t give a shit.

My friend is trans she, grew up with hetero church going parents, teachers who talked about the hetero families and basically had no exposure to trans ideas til her 20s. I dont think knowing about something gives full on desire on top of that you can’t transition until your 18 and a individual adult…

Generally I think the world is mad. It’s bad here but it’s bad everywhere and worse in alot of places.

The thing is I got Starfield for free on game pass… And it scratches the itch along with Starsector.

I can’t read the article but it kind of depends on context… If it’s anyone who was apart of tbe Nazi party ya fuck that. Anyone who was apart of the Nazi Party should be buried in history and only brought up to be shit on. If it’s someone like Larry Thorne, who was a Finnish soldier who once Finland fell fled to Germany. Joind the German army to fight Soviet Aggression on his homeland but never was a Nazi. Then he actually fled to the USA and was a war hero in Vietnam saving his fellow soldiers. I think its a tad acceptable, but articles blocked so that may of been a empty history lesson xD…

Edit: Dudes affiliated with Nazis fuck him

Reminds me of thar episode of Scrubs. Where an old doctor is doing an outdated and more dangerous procedure when a new one exists that has zero risk. The head of Medicine has to fire him because medicine is always evolving and you have to be ready to save lives.

We’re from a “redneck” part of Ontario and we have a family friend who’s a principle. The principle said 99% of the kids get LGBT+, it’s about mutual respect and lifestyle. He says 80% of the parents don’t get it though…

Thank You, when Its done and im old and gray I’ll throw it on Itch for free probably xD

It’s in the vein of dragon. Warrior monster, simple combat but the fun is more seeing all the monsters and exploring. I posted some art assets ill share in a moment. Please keep in mind this is a fun hobby thing.




I’m creating an RPG in GoDot using asprite for resources. I’m about 6 months in and I find it so relaxing making assets and plunking them in. Whatever you do it should be for you is the golden rule. To often people want to inject themselves in or offer input thats sneakily what they want. It should be what your vision is, your pace and you shouldn’t answer to anyone.

My friend and I discuss this all the time 70% of the population is center left to left. The Liberal NDP split is tough, I don’t want these popularist parties (PPC,New Blue, Maveric) are a cancer but I kinda sometimes wish they gained more traction to split the vote more.

Ditto on the old school final fantasy, I joined semi late at 8. But I played them all by now. The solo mechanic doesn’t appeal to me I like. team who has interactions and build bonds through battle:C And yes it has to evolve but it has evolved into something generic IMHO.

From my understanding “Fans” were obsessed and loved it. But generally was considered meh by general audiences?

Theres a handful but Reus is probably the most successful.

Humans are still not ready to use the internet… Needed a generation of house hippo ads targeted at older folks on facebook:X