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Cake day: Jun 26, 2023


If a tool were created that properly converted an UML diagram into a project without any need for code, all the programmers that lost their job to this tool would then be hired by the company that offered it, in order to give maintenance and support to everything the customers want in their programs.

It would be removing programmers from they payroll of some companies but they would still be working for them, just further down in the chain.

The same is true for AI. If AI could completely replace programmers in some area, it would need a lot of programmers itself to keep dealing with all the edge cases that would show up from being used everywhere that a programmer was needed before.

I believed they maybe weren’t listening because those cases that people claim as “proof” of listening can usually be explained in other ways as well. People tend to assume they were listening because its the easier explanation but with the amount of data that Meta has, they can easily lead people into thinking about things by showing specific posts on the Facebook timeline and also predict to some extent what people may end up talking about based on things like how many times you replay a certain video and how long did you keep certain posts in focus on the screen and that sort of stuff that people often don’t realize is also data for them.

Still, I would never put my hand on fire for them and never completely discarded the possibility of them listening.

Well we always accused Meta of listening. If it was their partners, they technically weren’t lying when they said they weren’t. “we don’t need to listen to you” was technically correct too, it just missed one word: “we don’t need to listen to you ourselves”

My favorite 8 bit game was The Little Samson. So few people know about it but it was an incredible game for that time.

GitLab has such a strong work from home culture that I wish more companies would adopt, I hope they don’t lose that if they’re sold.

Nah, I’ve lost it 25 years ago and never really missed it. On contrary, in the rare instances in which I was able to smell something since, it’s always been something I would rather not.

It would be a service problem if the chapter was released officially in one language then translated to others by pirates faster than the official company, but that is not the case. The official Sunday release includes the English, Spanish and Portuguese translations (among others) and they are all made available at the same time, for free for several regions.

Pirate websites only manage to release it faster because they get access to the unfinished product and then have people work on them with no regards to any work laws in order to finish and release it as soon as possible without any schedule or time constraint.

In general, yes, but in this case I don’t think there’s any way for the service to beat piracy even if the service was just as good (which it isn’t). Take the One Piece manga, for example. A lot of people read it from illegitimate sources simply because they can manage to release it two to three days earlier than the official every week. You can read it for free online in your local language once the magazine reach the shelves in Japan, but even that is too late because the contents gets leaked while all the partners are preparing for that simultaneous release.

Yep, though the combat is very hard to get used to early and it may feel to hard - only to feel too easy once you master it.

I deleted all my comments last year. Recently I got a notification for a response in one of such comments. When I clicked the notification link, my comment and the response were visible. The comment doesn’t show up in my profile.

The trailer looked uninteresting so I didn’t try it.

They changed their dependencies and now your stack no longer supports the lib until you fix your whole framework to work with the up-to-date stuff.

Last one can be freely changed by anyone, the middle one still has some restraints.

Yeah, but the difference is on the PC it’s easy and comfortable to buy games if you have the money for it, so piracy is a choice. On consoles it’s often a hassle and the services are shit.

On PCs (specially steam):

  • Games are often discounted, so you can buy them at lower prices
  • Games remain available in your account “forever” (as long as the service exist). You can upgrade to new PCs as many times as you want and the games will remain available.
  • You can play online for free, you can make cloud backups automatically, you get achievements, tradeable cards and items, extra visuals and fake points for karma.

On Consoles (specially nintendo):

  • Games pretty much never get any discount, even after a sequel is released.
  • Once you replace it with a new console, you likely won’t have access to games you bought on previous iterations (up until recently you would lose games even by buying the same console).
  • You need to pay extra to play online, or to backup your saves, and there’s no extra useless goodies.

So in short: There’s hardly any reason to pirate something on PC other than to avoid paying for it. There’s several benefits to getting the game legitimately. On consoles, getting games from the high seas is actually more convenient. Sometimes people will even buy the game but still play a pirate copy instead.

Damn, it’s been 20 years already? In my mind this was still a new game that I would eventually try out since I was familiar with the original.

Not exactly. Of course Gabe could be replaced by some idiot who fucks everything up, but if Valve doesn’t become publicly traded it will continue to be in the best interest of whoever ends up owning it to continue doing things this way. Gabe doesn’t do good things just because. He does it because happy customers means more money in the long run.

Publicly traded companies on the other hand need to extract as much money as quickly as possible and have no regards to what will happen to it a few months later. So even if Gabe dies, all Valve needs is a leader interested in what’s best for itself.

I would, just to have something different in my setup for a while. It gets boring when everything looks the same year after year.

Well civ 6 was like $10 with all DLCs and I’ve played for over 500 hours. Hard to get a better ratio than that.

There was a time I worked as a third party for one of the 10 most accessed websites in my country. I got assigned to a project that has been maintained by another third party for 10+ years with no oversight. I have many stories from there but today’s is that this company had very strict access control to the production database.

Third parties couldn’t access the database directly. All fine and good, except for the fact that we were expected to setup some stuff in the database pretty much every week. The dude who kept this project running for the previous decade, unable to get proper credentials to do his job, instead created an input box in some system that allowed him to run any sql code.

You can already guess the rest of the story, right? For security reasons we had to do things in the least secure way imaginable. Eventually, wheres were forgotten.

He can always not pay the bank who actually paid for Twitter. It is already worth less than his debt.

Except you can add the key with an undefined value and it may have different behaviors than if the key was really not there.

It’s a full chain of events that one thing lead to another. People invest money into companies in order to make more money, but they don’t make more money just because the company had profit - it that was the case nobody would have sold it to them. For the investors to profit from owning part of a company, it needs to increase the amount of money it makes compared to when the investor jumped in. With the companies being negotiated at all times, it needs to increase its revenue at all times as well. So companies’ objectives are no longer to make money, but to increase the amount of money they make. There’s no stopping point, no “we’re at a real good spot here”. If some company managed to amass all the money in the world, it would be screwed because that would mean it can’t make more money. Some companies may make some nice products and become profitable and have happy users, but even if a company makes enough money to give all of its employees a very comfortable life, it can’t, because it needs to continue increasing its profits.

The greed is so apparent these days because too many companies have reached a point where there’s no more room for them to grow, but they still need to.

And it’ll only get worse.

There was a scene in the show Parks and Recreation that happens in some near future and that scene had an ad saying “Proud to be one of America’s eight companies”. That absolutely is the future we’re walking towards.

Years ago when this meme first came my way I tried to explain this and nobody agreed with me, it was driving me mad.

Looks like you missed the point. This is about indentation, not formatting.

Use tabs to indent your lines, but if you want to align a parameter with the parenthesis on the line above or something like that, you add spaces after the indentation tabs.

That way if someone wants to they can configure their tab length to 20 spaces and the indentation will remain consistent and the code will remain aligned.

Because it impresses people and so it sells. If they didn’t do that, all those EAs and Ubisofts would have to find a new selling point like making their games good or something.

Sometimes windows itself will only let games know there’s a controller plugged in after a button is pressed, but connecting a controller with the game already open can usually be detected just fine.