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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Good thing my company pays to maintain Windows 7 & 10 and I didn’t notice a damn thing.

Not sure why but I’m not having issues? Is it still going on?

Shoot, I’m just a mid-level guy in supplychain and had several 7-step interviews during a 13-month layoff. The place that finally hired me was 1 interview and 20% more than I was making at my last job.

Yeaah I keep checking ot see where I can watch it and can’t find anything. Guess it’s off to the high seas.

comes back as consultant

Comments like this really don’t add anything to the conversation

There’s been lots of complaints on the Microsoft forums and it was replied that they’d add it back in a future update. Meanwhile I’m trying to get IT to downgrade my laptop to windows 10.

Obviously not an analyst.

I’m not sure why it’s ever a good idea to remove features with “upgrades”.

I was bitching a month ago about $5 sandwich sliced pickles that used to be $2.50 but last week they were raised to $9.50.

Look, 15 years ago I was homeless sleeping in my car. I was laid off 13 months ago but recently started a new job. Household income $150k. I have no idea how the average home income folks can possibly survive. I don’t shop at fancy places and the necessities are making it hard on my family.

Last time I went to the grocery store, it was $9 for a “family size” 22oz box of Raisen Bran Crunch.

He’s not even on the same planet of people I hate. Stealing from rubes is less harmful to society than taking away basic human rights that the collective of the world’s conservative party sponsored by corporations. They just don’t like it when you steal from them.

Worster case: You’re the harasser and the police are on the way.

Soon to be disbarred John Eastman, you say?