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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Modern games sucks. I truly believe this push for graphics has worsened game development and quality.

The series S is the only thing keeping spec sheets in check. Without the Series S, Id say the steam deck and low end PC gamers suffer.

The way steam reviews work is a pure recommend or do not recommend syatem.

Its more accurate GBE say ow2 is the least recommended game of all time, not the worst

My KDE on Pop OS still won’t boot to desktop with Wayland :(

Smart people are more risk adverse. It seems like the only way to become mega wealthy is to haphazardly gamble. We only hear about the successes due to survivorship bias.

They really are just lucky bastards.

We’ve really got to kick this idea thatDemocratss who don’t like moderates are trolls.

They exist in large supply.

Does the word superdelegate mean nothing to you?

It just factually is rigged as long as the system is in place.

At the moment, just a Plex server, but would love to migrate to Jellyfin eventually.

The Plex ads and bloat are really starting to get to me.