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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


Probably off-by-one errors

You can code in Notepad in the same way you can eat off the floor with your hands. Using better tools is a nicer experience.

As for performance, when one of the world’s most popular editor runs on Electron, it’s not that hard to see why performance could be an issue when working on large projects on older hardware.
I’ve never personally had an issue with VSCode’s performance, but I’m also fortunate enough to be in a position where I can afford a relatively modern machine. Many others have to make do with what they have, which is why Zed might appeal to them.

implying that any developer actually reads warnings

I reverberate.

I want to like Forgejo but the name is really terrible.

Is it “forj-joe”? Nah, that double-J sound is way too awkward.
Do you then merge the J sounds to make “forjo”? If so, why not just call it that?
Is it maybe “for-geh-joe”? That seems the most likely to me, but then that ignores the “build < forge” marketing on their website.

I know it’s pretty inconsequential, but it feels weird using a tool that you don’t even know how to pronounce the name of.

Seems like a “haha JS bad” kind of joke, but OP seems to forget that Python is also in a similar boat.

You at least have to know that it’s a meme format. Otherwise it just looks like someone complaining about async with a bad crop.

Interestingly, this JXL loads in Boost, but the one in the post doesn’t. Perhaps it’s because it’s inside a comment?

I would say finding that the bug is in a library is worse than finding it in your own code.

If it’s your own code, you just fix it.

If it’s in a library you then have to go and search for issues. If there isn’t one, you then go and spend time making one and potentially preparing a minimum reproducible example. Or if you don’t do that (or it’s just unmaintained) then you have to consider downgrading to a version that doesn’t have the bug and potentially losing functionality, or even switching to another library entirely and consequently rewriting all your code that used the old one to work with the new one.

Yeah, I’d take my own bugs over library bugs any day.

Do people actually say “select star”? When I read SQL I always say “select all” because it reads better.

that would break iMessage support on older iOS devices that no longer are supported

Yes, that’s what “no longer supported” means.

Valve is currently a private company, which is likely why they’ve been able to avoid enshittification for so long. All we can do is hope that whoever eventually takes over when Gabe steps down also has his ideals at heart.

I quite like the term Software Alchemist.

To me, the words “engineer” and “developer” both imply that a well thought out and structured plan is in place for them to do their job. Not so with “alchemist”, which implies a fair amount of experimentation and uncertainty, both of which are very common in the software industry.

Ah I see. I don’t think there’s a way to do that yet.

If you’re so inclined, perhaps you could contribute to the discussion (or development) around tags on Lemmy here, since a feature like that would solve your issue.

Just block the community. It would have been faster than typing this comment.

I get the advantage, and if I could change our schema with a click of my fingers I would, but it’s not that easy. We do use the native date type in our schema, but the dates we store in there are in local time. It’s bad, I know. It was originally written by a couple of people about 15 years ago, so software standards were a lot more lax back then.

We already have many customers with lots of data that are currently using this product, so it’s unfortunately non-trivial to fix all of their data with the current systems we have in place.

We developers often want to fix so many things but we’re often told what to do based on what the business cares more about, rather than what we actually want to fix. That’s why we always end up building shit on top of shit, because the business doesn’t want to pay us to rewrite 15-20 years worth of legacy code despite in doing so it would make the product an order of magnitude better in every conceivable way.

I think what they meant is requiring that only UTC time should be in the database. This prevents ambiguity when pulling dates/times out as with many poorly designed systems it’s not possible to know whether a date represents UTC time or local time.

At my work we store local time in our database and I hate it. We only serve customers in our country, which only has one time zone, so that’s fine for now. But we’ve definitely made it harder for ourselves to expand if we ever wanted to.

Inko looks like it copied Rust’s homework and changed it a little.

I don’t really see what it offers that I couldn’t get from another lang. What’s the USP?

The did not follow the hivemind of “Rust good, JS slow, C complex, PHP bad” which clearly means they are in the wrong /s

I took a look at Unison a short while ago when I saw it mentioned elsewhere on Lemmy and I’ll say what I said before: Their Hello World example, and by extension the rest of the language, looks very weird and unwieldy to me. With the repeating identifiers and relatively alien syntax I’m having a hard time seeing this catch on.

Crystal is very similar to Ruby, but is compiled to native code instead. Would you consider that? Why or why not?

Fira Code was my font of choice for a while, but now I use JetBrains Mono! Cascadia Code is also acceptable.

I’d give it a try, but I can’t see anything before being asked to sign up.

Websites that do that just leave a bad taste in my mouth, asking for your information before they’ve even shown you what you’ll get for doing so.

It’s a stretch, but the only thing I can think of is that it might be a bit better for dyslexic people because the letters are a bit more diverse, but I don’t think it’s nearly enough to be considered an actual dyslexia font.

Neon and Argon: Seem okay. They’re really quite similar though. It’s like the designers couldn’t decide which they liked more and so just decided to release both.

Xenon: It feels alright. The horizontal serifs give everything a more uniform look, but you can also get that with any other serif font.

Radon: Uh, no thanks. It’s like someone took the weird letters from Dank Mono and said “what if we did that but for the whole font?”

Krypton: What if we just took OCR A and added ligatures? Alternatively, “Floating Point Precision Error: The Font”

Overall, none of these are compelling enough to make me want to try them. I quite like the Texture Healing feature, but it’s not enough to make me want to move to it.

Also, using multiple different fonts in one code file sounds horrendous.

I really want to like Podman Compose but since the very beginning it’s been noticeably tougher to work with than Docker Compose. I get that it’s because it’s just an extra script rather than a first party tool, but still.

I’ve never seen the 1:a:0 as an arg to -map before, but maybe that’s just me following old tutorials.

Does it work if you manually specify which tracks you want? For example: -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map 1:1 should take the video and audio from the 1st input and just the audio from the 2nd input (assuming each input has video as the 1st track and audio as the 2nd).

Perhaps a paper hilt. It’ll trick some people into thinking it’s safer but as soon as you begin using it you realise it still has all the same problems as before.

Glad I saw this since I just redownloaded Insomnia yesterday and thought “oh”.

By the way, it’s not required to log in. There’s a button below the login form that lets you use it without signing up.

Mind explaining for the uninitiated?

Pick a movie. Any movie. You will always find reviews both praising it and disparaging it.

Programming languages are similar. People will always have their opinions about things. It’s your choice to try them and decide for yourself if you like them.

Just don’t choose PHP ;)

Don’t forget the $2000+ per maintainer mandatory Pro subscription fee when you reach over 1 mil clones.

No. The plugin will continue to work, but JB will no longer release new features and bug fixes for it.

Tell me you develop with modern languages without telling me you develop with modern languages.

You say this like it’s a bad thing?

Try linting perl, or bash.

If you’re already writing Perl/Bash scripts then it would probably not take you long to write a git hook to check the beginning of each line of source to check if there’s a space or a tab character and preventing the commit if the wrong one is found. Crude and far from perfect, but still better than nothing.

if you work on a modern JS/Python/C# project, whatever, whitespace is going to be autoformatted, so the tabs vs spaces debate does not matter AT ALL.

It does though. If you read the original article then you’d know that the advantage of tabs is that everyone can choose exactly how deep their tabstops are, which is an objective benefit over spaces.

Spaces and tabs are mixed from one line to the next

This is a solved problem: Enforce linting before committing using something like Git Hooks / Husky.

Have you ever tried to read an important technical diagram in ASCII art aligned with tabs by different people with different IDE settings?

No, because we live in the present and use proper tools for diagrams. SVG diagrams tend to be common nowadays. I’m aware you can’t read them raw, but realistically the intersection between people who need to read important technical diagrams and people who don’t have access to a web browser is vanishingly small (dare I say nonexistent?)

I haven’t seen any labelled NSFW. In fact, I luckily haven’t seen any at all. Though if I were to take a guess: the reason such discussions aren’t marked NSFW is because the people who take part in them don’t care about anyone but themselves and their own opinions. Asking them to be considerate and correctly flair their posts is meaningless as they are seemingly incapable of considering others.

I’m not sure what any of that had to do with what I said before though.


it centers employers as our source of social standards, which is a position of extreme submission to capitalist control of social spaces.

Have you considered the possibility that the general public’s social standards have been inherited by offices, and not the other way round?

The “work” aspect of the phrase makes sense because it’s generally understood that a great many people browse various websites in an office where it’s easy for other people to glance over and see what’s on your screen.
You’d be ostracised (or even fired) in most workplaces if caught viewing content we currently mark as NSFW, much like you would be in any other public place like a library or a park (though people seeing your screen in these locations may be less frequent).
Work is chosen for the phrase because a) it’s the most likely place you’ll be when viewing content, and b) the place you’ll get in the most trouble for doing so.
Knowing this, it makes sense.

It implicitly asks posters to tag their posts according to their understanding of other people’s employers’ opinions

I think you’re taking the acronym a bit too literally here. Plus I already explained why it it is the way it is above.

In any case, what else would you have everyone call it? “Content you wouldn’t want people looking over your shoulder and seeing”? Or perhaps “media that you would be embarrassed if your phone blasted it in public”? It’s a bit long winded, don’t you think?

I’d love tags to be added. I do have a few extra ideas about them:

  • Separate the NSFW concept into NSFW (as in porn / questionable content) and NSFL (gore / generally disgusting things).
  • CW should be different to NSFW/NSFL as some people may not want to see certain content that doesn’t necessarily fall into these categories - e.g. articles mentioning abuse or other potentially (for lack of a better word) triggering content.
  • Spoiler tags should be, as the name describes, used only for content that spoils the plot of a movie/book/game/etc.