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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


They said I didn’t need to because they were like a family.

What I didn’t realize is that they were like my family.

If it was so critical why did they deny my last raise?

Just because you’re wearing a turban or hijab for your religion doesn’t mean you can’t work a government job.

I don’t think the Liberals need to re-visit the gun laws.

They are pretty good and it’s political suicide.

The amount of people transfixed by Poilievre’s common sense approach is disgusting.

Pierre never says what his policies actually are, he lets people fill in the blanks with whatever they want to believe and it might be enough to win an election.

Even after when people figure out they’ve been duped by him they might double down lie what’s happening in the US or was happening in the UK.

You can’t fuck it up more so why not?

Trudeau is trailing Pierre by twenty points so he’s not wrong.

Something has to be done.

This guy is twenty percent ahead in the polls and Trudeau doesn’t seem to care at all.

I can’t wait to hear the details about Pierre Poilievre’s common sense way to tackle this.

He’s going to tell us all the details, right?

Without the government subsidies how would the oil companies make money?

What premise do you disagree with?

None of these replies are meant to be condescending, you’re correct when you say tone is hard to read through text.

Why do you constantly ask questions without adding anything to the conversation?

So what were we talking about before you started trying to derail this conversation with endless questions?

How would you argue inflation, food costs and housing costs aren’t a global problem.

Has implementing the speculation tax lowered house prices in B.C.?

The original comment that I responded to was about inflation, food costs and housing costs.

Those are all global problems.

I’m not getting into what they changed their comment to because I don’t know enough about it.

No, I spend a lot of time travelling and I see the problems you are talking about aren’t limited just to Canada.

It seems most the problems you’re talking about are global problems though.

Where do you think you’ll have a better quality of life?

Why do you think this country is a disgrace?

Are you suggesting the reason house prices are high is because they are all empty and no one is selling them for the high prices?

Housing prices are through the roof but nobody wants to live here?

Did Justin Trudeau just take them all hostage or something?

The IRS is drastically understaffed so I don’t know why there’s a comparison here.

I’d like to see what they bring in from tax cheats and people making mistakes to be able to make up my mind if there are too many people or not.

I think it’s cute the convoy leaders have groupies.

I know Canadian and the US intelligence both say it’s linked to the Indian government, I’m saying it strange and more then a little sloppy they used kids.

It also hasn’t been proven so I’m holding off making up my mind for now.