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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


I can’t believe people were buying into their “franchise”. They approached me in 2020 when they were trying to expand into the town I live and I had a downtown warehouse to operate out of. After they got done explaining everything, I laughed until they hung up.

You had to buy the scooters from them at around $600 each, you were responsible for all the recovery/batteries/maintenance/damage/theft caused by customers, warranty was non-existent (“call our chinese supplier and they will totally hook you up”), and after that they took 20% off the top. Some quick math put it at over 6 months before each scooter became profitable IF nothing happened to it in that time. Someone throws it in the canal just to be a dick? Sucks to be you, you’re out $600 + whatever else you’ve put into it every time it happens.

Really came off to me that they were making their money selling to suckers who thought they were going to be entrepreneurs.

Edit: They did apparently did get someone here into it because I saw them around for a few months before disappearing completely.

After referencing actress-comedienne and Trump supporter Roseanne Barr earlier in the interview, Grammer was asked by host Justin Webb if he was still a supporter of the former president.

“I am,” Grammer said. “And I’ll let that be the end of it.”


Suppressors do exist. And are commonly used in close quarters combat. Especially by well funded combatants like the IDF.

I doubt he’s broke. Far more likely that he’s just a bigot.

it’s interesting to see the drone’s perspective for a change.

The Russia/Ukraine conflict has really shown the drone’s place on the battlefield. It’s awesome; and terrifying.

I don’t mean it’s good for them to ride the whole race out, that is just a spoiler vote. But at this early point it’s good to have left leaning opponents out there to force democrats to answer questions that may be popular with the public but they wouldn’t ask themselves if they were running opposed.

Pre-primary 3rd party candidates have their place. They can attend debates and can force their opponents to concede to popular ideas for fear of losing votes. Past that, yes they are just spoiler votes in our two party system.

Are you really blaming Nader for the 2000 shitshow?


The national Democratic Party is the farthest left it’s been since before Watergate

That’s still not left enough for me.

While 3rd party candidates aren’t even remotely viable until we get ranked choice voting; Anything that helps to pull centrist dems left is a good thing.

I think Nexus should be able to ultimately decide what they do/don’t host on their platform. Regardless what it is. They have many mods that aren’t my taste. I don’t install them.

I’m also bit worried as folks told me you can miss certain side quests if you advance too fast,

Yeah if you’re wanting to do as many side missions as possible, it’s best to do all the white colored missions first. The yellow one’s aren’t going anywhere and they are sometimes chapter milestones that can lock you out of side missions. But I wouldn’t worry too much about it. A. There are so many quests that are only available at a certain time/place or after certain events, you’ll never hit them all in one play through. and B.


You can play a lot of the side missions you missed in the epilogue. Albeit with different dialog.

Take your time and enjoy it, definitely worth it.

Now I’m going to have to fire it up later just to spend a couple hours roaming the wilderness camping, hunting, and fishing with my “Never leaving chapter 3 Arthur”

No, I played it at release and was HOOKED. I remember clearing a 3 day holiday weekend so I could play through the whole thing (for the second or third time) in one sitting.

I had somehow missed that a HD remaster was released a couple years ago, so I gave it a shot and got sucked right back in. Still a fantastic game, even if the cut scenes and voice acting are a little dated.

For anyone who hasn’t played it, it’s abandonware now.

Game: https://archive.org/details/Freelancer_201807

HD mod: https://www.moddb.com/mods/freelancer-hd-edition/downloads/freelancer-hd-edition-v06

Still on a space game kick. Finished up Freelancer and started playing No Man’s Sky’s recent “Voyagers” expedition. It’s still got over a month left so I highly recommend checking it out if you haven’t played the game in a while. Just to see whats new; It’s come a long way.

And picked up Hardspace: Shipbreaker on sale for when NMS starts getting monotonous.

“Test for Ricardo” Notification?
Any other Motorola phone users get this notification pop-up? I found a post on the forum that shall not be named and it seems like a worldwide Motorola glitch but no official word yet. Just wanted to repost here in case anyone else was weirded out by what Ricardo is doing on your phone.

We already have the tech to let signal lights at intersections know emergency vehicles are approaching so they can direct traffic accordingly. No reason this couldn’t be adopted to autonomous vehicles.

I’ve been hoping Everspace 2 turns out to be a worthy successor. The first one was fun but didn’t scratch the Freelancer itch. I haven’t played the second yet.

I just recently learned there was a HD remake for Freelancer. So I’ve been taking a nostalgia trip all weekend. Still such a good game. And free/abandonware now!

Edit: Game can be found here: https://archive.org/details/Freelancer_201807

HD Edition mod: https://www.moddb.com/mods/freelancer-hd-edition/downloads/freelancer-hd-edition-v06

Yeah it does. But I find that claim extremely hard to believe.

I’ve never used youtube music, how are the suggestions? I use spotify at work for background music. I want to be able to give it an artist or genre and get 3-4 hours of music I know and some I may not have heard of. But it needs to match my tastes close enough that I don’t have to keep stopping what I’m doing, walk over and hit skip when it plays something horrible. Spotifys daily mixes do this pretty well. Does youtube have something similar?

When I just installed it, the second or third option that came up was “Restore purchases: Restore your previous in-app purchases made in Sync”.

This is my first time using sync so I don’t have anything to test it with.

I liked on Postal where if you saved too often it would announce “My grandmother could beat the game if she saved as much as you do”

Thank you for your service. Those really were the days.

Edit: not dismissing your current work. This place is pretty nice too :)

Thinking back to those carefree days fills me with a strange sense of melancholy. It all seems to have gone wrong somewhere along the way, and not just in terms of IM apps.

Same here. And I can’t put my finger on it. I always dismissed it as coming of age and lifestyle changes.

Yeah, it’s been so long now I don’t remember why I stopped using Trillian (and Pidgin). But when it worked, it was so much nicer just to have one program running vs 5.

Bored old dudes with rifles watching over their parked vehicles in dense urban centers seems like a disproportionate response to having some tires deflated. I think your speculation about the public supporting someone being murdered over their participation in peaceful protest is pretty depressing. I hope you don’t actually think that.

Oh, absolutely. I’m not advocating for it, just commenting on the local climate. All it would take is fox news saying “AnTEEfah is coming to cut your tires so you can’t go to church and worship jesus! Why do they hate baby jesus?” and there would be people willing, if not itching, to kill over it. It is very depressing, all that rage could be put to much better use.

I wish this form of protest would catch on elsewhere as well.

I feel this would go over differently in the land of “fuck around and find out”. You’d have bored old dudes with rifles setting up watches. And if when something did happen, public opinion is not going to be on the air-letters side.

not enabling the vehicle owner to file an insurance claim.

My insurance comes with road hazard that would cover this at no cost; and I’m a poor.

It seems misguided. The people doing the most climate damage aren’t parking their cars on the streets. Go pop some private jet tires.

This seems like an excellent way to get normal people interested in spoofing facial recognition.

I know. I really want to like turn based tactical games but the RNGs end up making me rage quit before I can get into them.

My brain autocorrects x.com to x-com every time. And I just couldn’t get into that game.

But we’re totally going to own huffman by putting “fuck spez” all over it! He’ll probably shut the site down out of sheer embarrassment.


Edit: I do like how they make you show your work on HumanShader.

Or 3. Something to boost engagement numbers they can show potential shareholders.

Is he not worried about getting voted out or something? Why does he seem to want to stick his finger in the eyes of the French citizens?

From what little I know of french history, I would be worried about far more than just getting voted out.