• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


I’m checking out 4mat and started with Decades. That is fantastic! Thanks for the suggestion!

Thank you for the recommendations! I’m starting with Internet Protocol and digging it already!

Hell yes I’ll allow it!

Great suggestion!

Ooo I like that. Thanks for the suggestion!

Best chiptune/gaming-inspired music?
I'm trying to expand my library of classic game/game-inspired music. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. I'm including some music that I particularly enjoy for reference. [Aethernaut - Neo-SF strut](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgliv2t_fY4) from 2064: Read-Only Memories. [20XX](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiUHe9GDXYc) from 20XX. [Forest Mystery](https://youtu.be/jVADSbJJVYM) from World of Horror. A bit esoteric but it's wild. Thanks in advance for the recommendations!

I’ve had less free time in the last few years than I would have liked

You’ll get no judgement from me, friend. Besides, being a patient gamer means cheap or free games to play.

If that’s all you’ve played from the free Epic giveaways, you’re missing out!

Fallout New Vegas
Enter the Gungeon
Dying Light
Bioshock: The Collection
Borderlands 3
The vanishing of Ethan Carter
2064: Read-Only Memories (not everyone’s cup, but it’s unique and the soundtrack has some bangers)
Metro 2033/Last Light
20XX Elite Dangerous

to name a few

This is about the worst take I’ve seen recently.

Blames the workers for not leaving sooner, for not seeing it coming, for not unionizing, for making a decent living.

So you blame the victims of corporate greed instead of the corporations themselves.

Maybe you should consider keeping your opinions to yourself?

Bungie has show themselves to be a good employer for a decade or more. You can’t blame workers because the company was sold to Sony and now are being mistreated.

My heart goes out to the Bungie team. It’s a terrible feeling to have to rely on your job for a paycheck and healthcare and to have to endure the anxiety of thinking you’ll lose your job or benefits any day. Especially with the industry being in such turmoil right now. Dozens of gaming dev houses are laying off their staff and shuttering their doors, so it’s not like you can just pick up another job in the industry when veterans are competing for the small number of positions available.

Doesn’t matter; had portal.

Hey don’t be too hard on yourself, that’s a pretty cool idea!

I use the shield with an alternative front end/launcher.

I’d vlan anything cheap and Chinese. It’s pretty much guaranteed to phone home and send as much info about your environment as possible.

I used to be into brainy games. When life gets busy, I tend to enjoy simpler games that are easy to put down.

MMOs require a lot of time and effort.

I think some games require you to be a bit ADHD.

Sorry fellas I’m all tapped out. I’ll shake out the couch cushions and see if we can come up with a spare million or two.

I use arch Linux.

No one? Not a single commenter recognized this as satire?

But how do you know if the screws are tight when you’re not counting ugga duggas?

That looks fantastic, if only the parts were available rather than needing to find a pcb manufacturer, 3d print the case, etc.

(Well, never had an issue I didn’t cause myself at any rate.)

As is tradition

I don’t think it’s hyperbole to characterize living in a christo-fascist ethnostate as the end of the world. Empires are made up of people and the decline you’re referring to involves the death of a lot of them, so maybe factor that into your apathy equation. It’s easy to view civilization as something you learned in high school, but for the people living in it, it actually matters.

Android - How to verify that torrent traffic is going over Mullvad VPN?
I have Mullvad and my torrent app isn't set to split tunnel. Is there any way to verify that traffic is going through Mullvad?