Some dingbat that occasionally builds neat stuff without breaking others. The person running this public-but-not-promoted instance because reasons.

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Joined 4M ago
Cake day: May 24, 2024


One of the few places it could be posted on Lemmy without being down voted to the abyss, but only because it can’t be.

Oh come on, you think some would do that? Go in the internet and tell lies?

I mean it is or at least should be a policy on most sites already, it’ll be nice to have some teeth beyond banning their accounts though.

Zuckerberg wrote that the censored content included humor and satire, and that administration officials “expressed a lot of frustration with our teams when we didn’t agree.”

It does, but given what it is they’re griping about being censored you can bet it was a lot of anti-vax/covid is a joke stuff. People trying to promote vaccination don’t tend to make jokes about it.

Anything specific to say they forced others not to run? The whole bit of others dropping out and endorsing happens regularly. Happened on the R side too. Bernie didn’t get nominated because not enough people showed up to vote at the end of the day. Having dedicated fans and lots of youth energy means nothing unless the vote count says what you want when it’s over.

I get the potential gripe, but realistically it’s hard to call it undemocratic even as it stands. People voted for an incumbent (essentially unopposed) ticket of Biden/Harris. Had Biden simply dropped dead this would have been the very same result. We just skipped the whole death part and moved on to the natural line of succession. Besides, how many times have we had a VP become pres or at least the candidate in the past few decades? Better than half since the 70s if I count correctly.

If they’re already giving exclusive access to Google for search and AI training, my bet is it’s all in a bid for ‘please buy us daddy Google’, and let them handle it from there.

If those people can look at Trump’s record and be fine with it, I don’t suspect the ethics of one’s work as a DA are going to be the deciding factor.

I’m not sure why there’s the need to rebrand confidence to the term dominance…

These are two quite distinct things. The former presents a self-assured certainty in your position, the latter is more aimed at a willingness to call out another on the wrongness of theirs. It’s a tough role to play when the positions of any given constituent and legislator are so entrenched, but necessary. It’s a bit like the comics of the type where you have one side saying ‘kill all X’ and the other saying ‘protect X lives’ and it’s somehow a compromise to only kill a few X…

And nobody cares that Trump is just a couple years younger… plus you know all the autocratic/dictator tendencies thing.

How would the DNC take advantage of the most racist parts of the R party abstaining over the race of the wife of their VP? They’re not going to condone bigotry and even if they where going to their own VP is Kamela…

After all, they wouldn’t want anyone to call them out on continuing chicanery during such a trivial event as their home country’s presidential election cycle…

Who is surprised here, raise your object manipulation attachment, er, hand…

Yet I see those same posts screen-shot and posted here as though they was reliable news sources.

I have to wonder, how hard would it actually be to set up one of these ‘luxury’ brand names with 1000% markups and use it to Robin Hood the crap out of a bunch of people with too much money. Pay for the local school renovation via profits off some of those people too high on their own farts to notice those around them.

Have to say that was a damn refreshing change from the vacant look and feel in the debate. May be far from perfect but I take that over the raving lunatic with an R by them any day.

I’ve used this kind of setup, not the cleanest and doesn’t actually move/remove the rars but let’s a media player import the contents directly from inside them. Doesn’t make any notable impact on performance that I’ve seen.

They’re a part of the mix. Firewalls, Proxies, WAF (often built into a proxy), IPS, AV, and whatever intelligence systems one may like work together to do their tasks. Visibility of traffic is important as well as the management burden being low enough. I used to have to manually log into several boxes on a regular basis to update software, certs, and configs, now a majority of that is automated and I just get an email to schedule a restart if needed.

A reverse proxy can be a lot more than just host based routing though. Take something like a Bluecoat or F5 and look at the options on it. Now you might say it’s not a proxy then because it does X/Y/Z but at the heart of things creating that bridged intercept for the traffic is still the core functionality.

It depends on what your level of confidence and paranoia is. Things on the Internet get scanned constantly, I actually get routine reports from one of them that I noticed in the logs and hit them up via an associated website. Just take it as an expected that someone out there is going to try and see if admin/password gets into some login screen if it’s facing the web.

For the most part, so long as you keep things updated and use reputable and maintained software for your system the larger risk is going to come from someone clicking a link in the wrong email than from someone haxxoring in from the public internet.

I have a dozen services running on a myriad of ports. My reverse proxy setup allows me to map hostnames to those services and expose only 80/443 to the web, plus the fact that an entity needs to know a hostname now instead of just an exposed port. IPS signatures can help identify abstract hostname scans and the proxy can be configured to permit only designated sources. Reverse proxies also commonly get used to allow for SSL offloading to permit clear text observation of traffic between the proxy and the backing host. Plenty of other use cases for them out there too, don’t think of it as some one trick off/on access gateway tool

Plugging a modem into the POTS made them smart I say.

Zabbix or Cacti are nice ways to draw maps that also serve a functional role in keeping track of the activity and alerting.

Looks like was just updated today pending transfer, so either the owner transferring registrars or someone took it over.

Domain expired on the 19th, so it’s validly offline. Has always seemed to be a low-adoptiom platform, will have to see the status in the next few days.

I’m fairly sure if they took porn off the internet, there’d only be one website left, and it’d be called “Bring Back the Porn!”

Exactly, the term has been pretty well claimed by people who host things like, oh say, their own Lemmy service or such.

Self hosted in this context is pretty well aimed at the ‘I do a service on my own time and usually own gear’ crowd. IT for a company is an entirely separate thing. Professional self-hosting would be more on a community like ‘serveradmin’.

It depends on the load on the disk. My main docker host pretty well has to be on the SSD to not complain about access times, but there are a dozen other services on the same VM. There’s some advisory out there that things with constant IO should avoid SSDs to not wear out the read/write too fast, but I haven’t seen anything specific on just how much is too much.

Personally I split the difference and run the system on SSD and host the bulk data on a separate NAS with a pile of spinning disks.

I know some VPN providers have their own DNS service that you can use similar to other filtered public DNS. If you mean an in house DNS/VPN gateway then what you want is probably best served by something like a firewall distro (opnsense/pfsense) to handle both of them.

Been a while since I used proxmox but that’s the nature of a lot of those free/corporate type softwares. The free ‘community’ edition is pretty well a public beta that you can get forum level support for, or sometimes you can get paid support at some limited level.

Because anyone needs a few hundred rounds a minute for hunting or personal defense of course. Wonder if there’s a path to sanity by attacking the proponents of these things obvious lack of skill (spray and pray) that they need to compensate for. Can’t let anyone question their abilities right?

Lots of them, if you want something large and powerful you could set up security onion, mirror a port and it’ll capture everything plus graph and slice up things all over. Needs a fairly hefty box not to choke if it gets fed a lot though.

Something like this makes logical sense, but can’t say I’ve ever tried such a feat. As a general rule though keeping the gateway/firewall free of extraneous software is a good practice just to limit the potential attack surface. If you try it I’d create a dedicated VM somewhere to host the i2p/Tor gateway from to keep it off the network edge directly.

Not sure if you mean to run the service on the FW or what ‘handle’ means here. If you have a second box though it would be easy enough to run all those services on a distinct server and then route their relevant ports through there with a policy based route on the firewall. That way you would only have to set up one for node for example and just have the client machines use that.

I guess do you mean with the cartoonish demeanor or just boxing ones as a whole? Have seen a few on playstation systems like knockout kings but they try and be all serious with it.

Oh there are folks already claiming the ‘not until appeals’ bit. Basically anything to calm the dissonance between ‘law and order party’ and ‘convicted felon is out nominee’

I guess it’d be a fuzzy space that falls right in why VCRs and cassette decks with record functions where allowed to exist. Time and format shifting are generally allowed, but retention or lending of it would be feasibly unauthorized distro. It’s that space carved out by the Sony/Betamax rule that says ‘if a tech has substantial non-infringing use then go for it’ in effect.

I guess it depends on what you’re looking for and what you consider flashy. I tend to do most of mine from GOG these days just out of a preference for avoiding DRM on principal. Found a few interesting ones just of the ‘cheap enough that it doesn’t matter if it’s not great’ types.

A major marker of quality for me tends to be if something just feels polished, like the menus make sense rather than looking like someone just stuck things where they could without though, but it could still run on a potato without making things melt.

Hardly the only, but not always the case either. I’d put some of it down to rose-colored nostalgia, some to the given fact that so much today is buying a base framework game and then selling 276 ‘addons’ to make it complete, and part to that back when systems didn’t have the power they do now developers couldn’t rely so much on all the flashy imagery and effects so they put more effort into the story and unique gameplay. A lot of smaller studio games pull that latter part off today still, but they’re sometimes harder to find.

Mealie previously, now Homechart. Mealie is probably better suited to the specific purpose, but Homechart includes a mess of other functions.