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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 16, 2023


Youtube has been getting crazy with deletions! If it’s not G rated it’s getting tossed.

I remember this as well. Their whole stance was that they’d get everyone using Photoshop even if people had to pirate it. That’s part of how it became the industry standard.

I just went to nhentai .to and nhentai .net from TX and was immediately shown naked anime children, so no, I don’t think that site has figured anything out unless I got the domain wrong.

Owning a dozen or so websites doesn’t make them a monopoly when there are tens of thousands of porn sites available.

There are countless models over the age of 22 making bank in the porn industry. The only difference is that they have talent.

In addition, the porn business is hot right now! So many people just got cut off and are now paying for content.

Who the fuck even goes to a website to pirate anything these days? Go ahead and ban the entire www it will do nothing to stop piracy and only further ruin the internet.

Are there any phone games worth playing? The whole market seems to be saturated with shovelware I’ve given up long ago.

This is a method I use regularly but I don’t think you’re going to obtain any lossless content from youtube.

Same thing happened with South Park until they started posting all the episodes themselves on their website.

I use PHP to generate anything repetitive. With that and CSS it’s pretty easy to make site wide changes.

I must sound like an old fossil but I just use windows notepad to build any basic sites that don’t need like a shopping cart or anything complex.

HDD’s have been trusted for decades. Especially with S.M.A.R.T. enabled. Also in this case each sector would be written to like once. Should last several years easily.

Quality is hit or miss based on the studio but https://vrporn.com has a lot of content.

I avoid them as best I can but sometimes I find myself at a restaurant with a game on and I end up subjected to their content anyway.

The concept of a skip-song button being a privilege you have to pay for is so bizarre to me. I don’t understand how people put up with that shit. Arrr

They could have easily emailed that shit instead of making it a full screen popup that shouldn’t have existed.

No GUI but https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp

It can download, mux the streams and I believe has options to select language.

Yeah, it’s not on my fuckin TV anymore. Had to pirate the last couple of seasons.

FreeTube actually has Invidious support as well so you can use both if you like.

I did the same yesterday and was pleasantly surprised with how much more responsive it is compared to normal YouTube in a browser. The interface is very snappy. FreeTube also has Sponsor Block built in as an optional feature.

This is fantastic and a good example of what other cities around the world should do.

Same here. Not sure why you got downvoted for posting your personal experience. Like others have said already, this is not going to effect everyone, everywhere at the same time. YMMV

I fuckin love how it auto skips the sponsored bullshit. I have no idea how it knows even when it’s seamlessly part of a video but it does. It’s witchcraft and I love it!

Everyr VR game I’ve played that uses Unreal feels sooo much more optimized then other games using Unity. It would be a significant win for everybody if more devs switched over.

Unity is janky as fuck so I hope this turns more developers away so that they’ll use Unreal or anything else for that matter.