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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 20, 2023


You should not have any issues. Worst case scenario is that one is slower than the other and will cause the faster one to step down, but unless one is significantly slower, you should have no issues.

Generally, in the past 10 years at least, mixed memory on dual channel configuration has not been an issue.

Google is doing this. I will see the time increase and get random skip backs pl on antenna pod.

So, I guess 20a dryers aren’t super common here in the States.

Also, where I grew up apartment complexes don’t allow you to run water lines. I have heard that leases in New York City allow for more modifications, so it could be a regional thing.

Not all American apartments have water lines for the washer or 30a outlets for the dryer, much less dedicated space for the devices.

I’m using truenas for my homebrew setup. I need to buy 2 more drives and start planning on rebalancing my setup, but this is how it looks right now.

If the drives are good, maybe. If not, you are looking at buying 4 drives from their compatibility list.

Do you already have a storage server? I’m running TrueNAS on a computer I retired a few years ago. I have 4 1TB drives in it and am about to install a used SAS card I got from eBay for $40 to add up to 6 more. It should give me 8tb of space.

That sounds better then what I have run into, so thanks!

How about the ability to set a specific dpi at the touch or hold of a button? I don’t need to cycle through six settings, just allow me to toggle.

I have opened other enclosures and found a custom board on the hard disk.

Without context, I would suggest Transmission for troubleshooting. Qbittorrent is bloating and weird on Windows.

The torrents should be hashed, but that wouldn’t stop someone from making a bad torrent or seeding one.

If someone made a file intentionally collided it would probably cause issues. These aren’t collision issues, but bad chunks of data.


At a peek, it seems that this attack only causes delays in downloads. It’s more possible that there are commonly shared files with similar issues.

Works fine enoughfor me.

What am I missing? Got a better suggestion?

If you cannot install Plex or Jellyfin on the TV, a streaming device can be added.

You can also build your own streaming device with Kodi. An old laptop would work if you don’t have the means otherwise.

If you already have a VPN, look into building an arrstack with Jellyfin, sonarr, radar, jacket, flareresolverr, and qbittorrent.

It works fine. My coworker said the older streaming stick did not perform well.


  1. Rains more than 20cm/6in
  2. Dams made of lower quality material were more easily overwhelmed
  3. Fast moving water with debris is quite destructive

People who didn’t learn the first time.

People go back to Vegas.

As kolorafa said, writing at a lower speed might help.

Also, how is read performance on the optical drive? Could you try a commercial disk to see if it plays well?

If you made basic changes to your boot order I can’t see it causing performance issues with the drive. I can’t think of any settings that would cause issues.

My thought is more that there might be a bottleneck for the drive. In Windows a hard drive at 100% utilization slows down the system. I don’t know what kind of drive op has, but poor perform would be displayed in the performance monitor.

Also, if they are playing games and the network is saturated, they would experience network performance issues.

I’m guessing your writer is failing.

Same data

Same media

Multiple os rules out malware, mostly

Without being there to watch and understand your process, I have to assume you know what you are doing and haven’t missed a step in the writing process, such as finishing the disk or whatever. The fact that you are using multiple applications on multiple operating systems lends confidence.

That leaves the hardware itself. Luckily a new writer isn’t expensive.

Check your activity monitor. It is possible that the bottleneck is lack of network resources or a busy drive.

Is it possible that the video isn’t properly encoded in the first place?

Try transcoding to MP4 first and then burning it, even if it is already MP4.

Did you change DVD spindles recently to a new set?

Maybe you unwittingly moved from DVD- to DVD+

Will it play as a DVD on your system?

S.1199 - STOP CSAM Act of 2023

This is currently in Congress. The intent is to kill end to end encryption in the United States under the pretense of child safety. If you are in the states, contact your local Congressional representative and tell them to vote against the bill.

I’m surprised there is not more organization against it.

Do what you want!

Assuming you aren’t ignoring other obligations, gaming is completely acceptable.

Anything else is pretentious.