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Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Apr 26, 2024


I have multiple delisted games in my library that I can still download and play anytime I want. They just don’t have a store page anymore.

Oh yeah you’d be dumb to pass up working there. I totally understand not wanting to work on the same game forever.

Good for them, imo. I just think it’s funny they “played both sides” so to speak.

So they sold thier game to one publisher, and then left to work for a different dev?

Ah gotcha. Thanks. I was assuming it was the same publisher .

And I agree with you. It’s been like that for forty years. I never understand why people get so upset over it recently.

Is Control on steam? I have the GoG version. But that game is “multiplatform” then Alan Wake very well could be too

I’ll be completely honest. I don’t care anywhere near enough about the actual number that you do. I looked it up, and that was that. I didn’t write a financial report.

You’re thinking logically and with the desire for good service. I assure you they are not.

Gross profit can be defined as the profit a company makes after deducting the variable costs directly associated with making and selling its products or providing its services.

Flippant away

I edited in another thought. I agree with that fear, that’s obviously the concern. I didn’t feel the need to repeat it.

It’s bound to happen. Why waste hours replacing tags when you can just change what the shelf says when the prices change.

But this article is so pro Walmart it’s crazy.

Retailers argue that these innovations increase efficiency and reduce costs in an industry known for its slim profit margins.

Slim profit margins my ass. Walmarts gross profit for the twelve months ending July 31, 2024 was $163.786B,

Artists that give away entire albums tend to own the music. That doesn’t seem to be the case with Radiohead.

Tldr: it’s XL Recordings (the company that owns Radioheads catalog) and Google that are trying to file the claim, not anyone in Radiohead.

I’m surprised Radiohead don’t own their catalog, tbh.

I agree with 20-30. Stuff I’ve sold 20 years ago I’m not going to touch again ever. If someone gets creative with it , go for it. In my opinion.

It can be a tough call depending on what type of creation it is. I’m more undecided on how to limit ongoing properties. Life of creator? I don’t know. That’s tough.

I’m a 2D Mario guy. Everything 8 and 16 bit is awesome, except the crying baby island simulator one.

64 was of course amazing. Sunshine I like only because they tried something different. I never finished it though.

Imma get some hate for this: Galaxy and Odyssey aren’t that good. I did like Galaxy 2 a little though. I did finish Odyssey but man it has to be one of the most gimmick driven games in the series. Crap ton of one use only power ups.

New Super on Wii, and especially newER on Wii are a lot of fun (which is cheating but whatever lol). The WiiU game though? Oof huge fail.

The catsuite 3D land game is interesting to me. It has a ton of really great ideas, and lots of fun sections. But it falls flat overall somehow. I can’t put my finger on it. Good memories with it though.

Honorable mention: Yoshi Story on the 64. That game was great.

Edit. Wonder has been out for awhile. Still haven’t played it. I actually completely forgot about it.

That may be, but buying a Mac Mini is like buying a device made from the ground up for Windows, where any other operating system has to reverse engineer 100% of the things to work well, or you have to emulate another OS on it (which comes with its own pitfalls), and it’s 200+€ more expensive than its nearest equivalent.

Every single company I’ve worked at which introduced Apple Silicon to its developers has had headaches with compatibility. The worst I’ve seen was it taking a developer a month to get up and running because the specific component we used didn’t have a build for the specific ARM architecture. Multipass, UTM, podman, docker desktop, all didn’t work until colima and forcing the VM to emulate x86 + forcing docker in the VM to use the x86 image worked. There was a persistent problem with disk IO since it used 9p or whatever. Installing dependencies from scratch meant waiting 30 minutes on the M2.

Why pay a premium for less compatibility and worse specs? Just get yourself something that works, which is cheaper, maybe even supports a company that invests in Linux and its ecosystem, and be able to ask an existing developer community instead of asking the subsection of linux users that run your specific app on however you’re running linux on Appe hardware.

“We” didn’t do anything wrong. The people controlling the companies involved did. Don’t include yourself with a group of bad people if you’re not part of them.

It’s not an easy job, and it can absolutely be rough and frustrating. But knowing what your customer is saying is pretty important.

Haha while I love the line, that last part would quickly get you pulled into a talk with management.

I would laugh, and then tell you to never do that again.

Most of the time angry customers don’t even understand what they’re angry at. They’ll 180 in a heartbeat if the agent can identify the actual issue. I agree, this is unnecessary.

I completely agree with you. They need to be made accountable.
That’s the real root of the problem. ACAB/defund/whatever, if they were actually held accountable for their insane actions a lot of the problems would go away.

“You killed three peop- oh you resigned? Nevermind then. Have a good day Officer.”

Aww poor baby. Whatcha gonna do about it, dismantle everyone’s rights or somethi-

The same thing happens on Lemmy, unfortunately. A lot of people just want to be keyboard warriors.

It’s also filled with repeat comments. Most posts you read a few top comments and their threads. But then it quickly becomes other people just commenting the same exact thing.

It’s just not worth looking at comments there.

It fits so perfectly too. Females? Oh Celeste and op is bi.

Calling women demakes is a new one.
Holy crap, my autocorrect did it too! It changed demakes into females. Wtf

Holy shit that picture showing where the search results will be is insane. Why even bother with any results at all?

I was a huge HL fan back in the day. I recently bought Black Mesa… and had it refunded pretty quickly. I played the demo… ten years ago? And enjoyed it then. But imo it just doesn’t hold up at all.