The Dark Lord ☑️

King of the North, Dark Lord of All

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


You can also use a custom UI. I recommend VueTorrent.

In fact, using this mod, you can even have Docker download it and keep it up to date. In qBittorrent you just need to change the WebUI location to /vuetorrent.

AirVPN allows a reserved port, so you don’t even have to change the setting in your client every time your port changes.

I have a second instance of Prowlarr running with this fork. The issue with ABB is that it blocks Prowlarr’s user agent. This fork changes the user agent and re-enables ABB.

I’m happy with that as long as there are strict rules to allow the tenant to keep renting at the current rate.

It sounds like the Labour Relations Board should be made aware of this branch.

They do. It’s likely that they aren’t aware that this store is trying to pull something illegal. Another form of action is to message Loblaws about this to make them aware.

So, the owner of this specific store posted it. As much as I hate how Loblaws has been capitalizing on peoples’ needs, this isn’t Loblaws, it’s the owner of one store.

But this also breaks labour laws. For-profit organizations can’t hire volunteers because it breaks minimum wage laws. An exception would be an internship for school.

Best thing to do is report it.

You can also order HEPA filters for those furnaces that filter smoke well. And if you have enough of those filters, you can tape one to the front of a box fan for a makeshift air purifier.

The IRS is not something we should be comparing ourselves to. They’re incredibly understaffed.

It’s like a tech company saying it has too many employees because they compare themselves to the employee count at Twitter. Sure, the numbers are small there, but…

They found the same with library fines. The amounts weren’t deterring people from not returning their books. People generally return books. The issue was that those who were hit with fines either paid them off or couldn’t. And those who couldn’t, usually needed the books more than anyone. The same can be said with public transit.

If we really want to be a functioning economy where people can afford to both live and work, giving people a reliable, affordable means of transportation is one of the first steps.

This should be for everyone. If we really want to cut omissions, reduce traffic, spend less on infrastructure, and make more walkable cities, we should tax cars more and use the funds to pay for free transit for all.

So… you do something to earn money. And you refer friends to do it too. You earn a portion of your referral’s earnings. And so you need to keep recruiting and having your recruits recruit.

(Slowly draws a triangle on the whiteboard)

More than just billionaires. Anyone who invests. But that’s disproportionately richer people, so it’s good. My complaint is that the tax isn’t raised enough.

How politicians view the economy: Yup, my stocks are up.

How regular people view the economy: Can I find a job, pay for rent, or afford a home? Can I pay for groceries and bills?

There’s a huge disconnect between how people try to grow the economy, and how the economy works for the people.

No one said they’re smart.

If they were smart, they would spend their money making their platforms more enticing than piracy. Instead, they spend it on lawyers.

I’ve been laid off both ways. It’s definitely less humane to layoff someone via email. It’s just easier for the employer, and they don’t care about you.

My issue is that other carriers are sinking to meet Flair. I no longer get to pick my seats when I book on other airlines. I now have to pay not to sit next to the toilet. One checked bag is no longer included.

You can’t sell animals like these. My guess is that the ones that can be released will be, and the ones who wouldn’t make it in the wild will be donated to other aquariums, so they can get the ongoing care they need.

Many zoos and aquariums have animals that can’t be rehabilitated and released. For instance, the Vancouver Aquarium has mostly blind seals because they couldn’t make it on their own. Having them at the aquarium also allows those seals to raise young foundlings so they can be released later. It also generates awareness of the amazing work that the Marine Mammal Rescue does to help so many aquatic mammals that have been hurt by humans.

So bizarre. Apart from snow, Alberta also has so much wind and sun. USE IT!

You don’t take your milk with an IV while you sleep? Weirdo!

Having lived in both the States and Canada, this is actually very untrue. Canada is SOOOO different. Yes, we import polarized opinions from the States, and yes they are our biggest trade partner, but we are still EXTREMELY different.

Look at how we handled the pandemic. Per person, our rate was 1/10th as bad.

Look at how we handle mass shootings. Healthcare. Diversity. Climate. Public spaces.

We may have similarities, and our crazies are influenced by their crazies, but we are very very separate countries.

The fact that we have to wait until America gets its act together is frustrating. They can’t even pass a simple bill like this.

People always use the example of “you have free speech, but you can’t yell ‘fire!’ in a crowded area”.

This should be another example. You have free speech, but you can’t use it to block people from medical services.

This is what’s somewhat surprising. If they followed most of the rules, and went a bit off on a few, no one would be as upset and it might even work. Now, I have a feeling the EU is going to be VERY clear about the rules and they aren’t going to be in Apple’s favour at all.

This is where they’re spending their money. Not on writers, but on this. No wonder movies are in the state they’re in.

Their version of pharmacare will just be them subsidizing the oil industry more.

Right. Before, people would check GitHub, but they found that it didn’t mean that people were better programmers, they just had more free time.

I’ve seen a lot of people asking which interview method the interviewer would prefer (project or algorithm interview).

It’s definitely pro-single person, and anti-parent.

At least give people an option. Otherwise you’re just hiring people with the most time on their hands.

Making a tool for people to use is fine to seek profits. The trouble with Plex is that they’re going the Reddit route of trying so hard to generate profit that they neglect their core users and the experience that they’re willing to pay for.