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Cake day: Aug 18, 2023


Just learned a new word! Gonna find new and exciting ways to use it.

“This lasagna is perfectly scrofulous, darling”

God damn it’s so stupid that we fill plans front to back just so people can feel special about sitting down first.

It could be credibly called an homage if it had a new punchline, but methinks the creator didn’t know what “sanitize” meant in this context.

Indeed, I’d say an algorithm split among different objects is usually an indication of tightly coupled code. Every code pattern has its pitfalls for inexperienced devs, and I think tight coupling is OOP’s biggest.

Everyone has a limited time on this earth. Some of us don’t mind or actively enjoy spending that time learning about the technology we use. Others, not so much. I think this comic is really spot on because it’s hard to understand as a tech literate person just how little other people may know. “What browser are you using?” “What’s a browser?”

The foundational knowledge is not that tough, but when you’re just interested in getting the damn thing to work so you can get on with your life, it’s easy to get frustrated by having to take a crash course on what the hell a BIOS is before you can try to fix it. And when you learn all that just for it to still be broken, patience quickly runs out.

As long as people have the general understanding that power cycling will solve a good 75% of issues, I’m happy. I hope people give me the same grace when I pay a someone to fix my car or replace my phone screen (I love building computers, but god I hate working on phones).

I agree to a point, but users also do some weird stuff that you just can’t predict sometimes.

If you ever think “an actual human couldn’t possibly click that fast”, you are wrong. Debounce your critical actions.

I respect code golfers the same way I respect a cobra, from a distance. Don’t bring that single character naming to the codebase please.

Back when WB threatened to block the release of a finished series on HBO Max (Summer Camp Island), the creator more or less threatened to leak it herself. I think most devs would feel the same. At least I would. Not like it’s making them any money either way.

Honestly helpful when I’m feeling overwhelmed with my side project. I really started getting in my head about load balancing and hosting before remembering “chill, it’s a hobby project literally no one is using yet. You could run it off a pi in your basement.”

I had such high hopes for HBO Max as a bastion for animation before they got completely fucked. They nuked Summer Camp Island (a very wholesome, charming, and slightly weird show) right before its final season came out, delaying the premiere more than a year and with zero notice to its creator, Julia Pott. Pott implied as legally as she could that the season would get out there one way or another, so either someone at CN has a heart or her threat worked.

And to this day they deny that Summer Camp Island, OK KO, Infinity Train (one of CN’s top performing shows!), and others even existed, while cutting funding for even more shows. I’m still devastated, we had a beautiful revival in the 2010s, but now there’s barely anything new on at all. So many up and coming creators utterly shafted no matter what network they work with.

All we really have left is Prime and Netflix, and god knows those aren’t reliable. What a mess…

It’s actually really fun to compare the pilot with its equivalent episode in the show, cool to see what little changes they made.

I imagine there are a few out there, but unicode has chess symbols so it’s certainly easy enough to do if you have a language, font, and terminal that supports it.

Surely they’re scared of more people realizing that saving these chats is important. How else will they get away with scummy practices?

Melting because someone didn’t configure the right profile and now isort and black are fighting over imports.

Genuine question, how many applications are bottlenecked by the size of text files? I understand your analogy, but even a doubling in size of all your utf-8 encoded files would likely be dwarfed by all the other binary data on your machine, right?

On the other hand, you can throw one of these things together in a week, ensuring that people have homes sooner. You also don’t have to worry as much about soil conditions, water pressure, and all the other complications of building large structures. If the choice is between space inefficient homes or no homes at all (because the cost is prohibitively expensive), then the one that makes homes wins.

Honestly what’s wrong with making a trailer park?

Listen, in industry programming (and for personal projects if you want to get them done), the thief is the way to go. By all means, challenge yourself to understand each of these functions, but 99% of day to day development will not look like this.

Oooh, need to find me a NAS buddy. I’ve been getting into using syncthing lately, I’ve learned that it can encrypt your files before syncing them so that the remote storage never actually knows what’s in them. Still probably need to trust the other end, though.

Really the fault of js since its standard library is so lacking (leftpad, anyone?), but js wasn’t built to do half the stuff it’s being asked to do, anyway.

I love python just because of the community. It is a very popular beginner language (for better or for worse, depending on who you ask) and its community has grown to embrace that. They have the most active Discord I’ve seen for a language and they do a lot to curb elitism and plain old rudeness. Not that other communities are necessarily bad, but the Python community is where I end up whenever I really want to feel passionate about programming.

I’ve had no trouble setting up jellyfin on Roku, Google/Android, and FireTV. It seems AppleTV is the only major one lacking support right now, and that will hopefully be addressed soon.

I tried out Plex (and Emby) before Jellyfin and was annoyed how much functionality was locked behind a paywall even though I was hosting the content myself. Jellyfin is completely free and lets me add as many users on as many devices as I damn well please.

I base my opinion here on my experience with the Python discord, which is probably one of my favorite haunts these days. It excels at helping newbies, of which there are many each day, because their questions are quick to answer and can be handled almost instantly by any decently experienced active user. It’s the more specific or advanced questions that languish there, because it’s less likely that someone experienced with that particular domain will happen to be online. It doesn’t need to concern itself with archival quality because no one expects answers to be referenced later.

So I think both types of communities can play to their strengths without diminishing their quality. The chat rooms can answer the simple, open ended questions that don’t bring value to SO’s database of knowledge, and the more complex and advanced questions can have a better chance of being seen and answered with valuable insight on SO.

I think the issue is that, as a new dev, you also have no idea where to go for the type of help you need, and SO is always at the top of the search results. I’ve found that discord servers are better for helping newbies because it allows more experienced users to interactively teach them how to ask questions and how to read documentation. Handing someone a URL and saying “look it up” is pretty helpful for a newbie, but that’s discouraged on SO since answers are much more permanent and links degrade over time.

Maybe SO needs some way to direct those who “don’t get the site” to a more chat-room like community where they can get their very common questions answered quickly rather than posting a duplicate question that no one wants to take the time to fully explain in a single answer.

I use the unholy IdeaVim and honestly… I love it. I won’t pretend that interacting with a heavy IDE while using vim is a great idea, but it makes editing so much more comfortable.

Also while you can use something like nano for editing files in the terminal, vi(m) is much faster for more in-depth editing.

I don’t think the length of program matters so much, especially with type hints making it easier to maintain larger projects.

That being said, it’s pretty well known in the community that distributing any kind of end user software is a nightmare with python (though there’s a small group of people who insist that it’s not that hard to get people to install python to run their program. Those people are nuts).

The biggest reason I use python for as many projects as is practical, though, is because it has an incredible community that I love to interact with. Unless I truly need something to be scalable, python is always going to be my hammer of choice.

I’ve learned to be very judicious about using libraries only if they’re well established (unless I’m working on a personal project and don’t mind taking a chance with a smaller library). I do think one should think very carefully before adding a dependency, especially in webdev where you have a million bloated frameworks that have a handful of things you actually need. That being said, a trusted dependency is better than trying to reinvent (and maintain) the wheel.

I’m a longtime fan of python, but honestly I don’t know how I lived with it before type hints. It still feels a little backwards from the original design philosophy of python, and it’s more verbose than other strongly typed languages, but it’s come to feel pretty natural all the same.

Absolutes in programming are most useful for clickbait and little else. Use what makes sense for your use case, following a trend will only lead to pain.

Sorry but I have to vehemently disagree. I find this views on transgender people abhorrent. He misgenders and deadnames people out of spite and disguises it as intellectual honesty.

His views on the role of women are outdated as hell, he disparages the humanities despite his participation in them, promotes toxic masculinity, and is a climate change denier. He holds all these views while wearing a mask of impartiality and aloofness, but his talking points are no different from and scarcely better supported than any other bigot’s.

So while I am against misinformation, I still feel quite confident in calling him a piece of shit as I believe he promotes hateful and backwards ideals.

How can we expect anyone to critically examine the media they consume if we fail to do the same when it suits us? Peterson is a flaming pile of pseudo-intellectual garbage, but there’s plenty of ways to prove that without intentionally taking sound bites out of context.

That and body shaming people you don’t like really aggravate me. Shit humans do shit things, attack that and leave the rest alone.