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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


Love this series so much! Relaxing and chill and just fun to go at your own pace and make your own goals. I remember buying two cartridges for Wild World so I could have two saves! Also played a ton of New Horizons during the pandemic, like a lot of people I think. I actually kind of got burned out on that one and haven’t played in a long time, my island is probably covered in weeds now, ha ha!

I really love how they opened up more customization in New Horizons, including the terraforming. But they need a better system for actually doing the terraforming in the next game, because it seems so finicky right now. I also would love to see some inspiration from Pocket Camp come to the main games with more ways for the villagers to interact with your outdoor decorations so the villagers don’t just end up sitting on the ground most of the time!

I don’t play The Sims for months and months, then come back to it and play really intensely for few days.

Skyrim, Fallout, Stardew Valley, and the Animal Crossing Games are my perennial favorites!

Time will tell on this one, but I think Baldur’s Gate 3 will be one I come back to again and again.

Been playing a new farm in Stardew Valley after the 1.6 update. I hadn’t played much since back before 1.5, so there is a lot of new content! Also still grooving on Cyberpunk 2077, getting some of the main quest done.

I relate to this a lot. I was on Reddit for over a decade, too, when I left after the third-party apps shut down. I loved a lot of the discussion over there (once I got away from some of the big subs and found smaller ones), and still kind of miss it. There really was a period of sadness when I left. I’m trying to be active over here to help these communities grow, but it’s hard to get back into it and be motivated sometimes.

I saw that something unlocked, but I thought it was the same maps with a chance to go back and get the species you missed or something like that. I’ll have to go look more closely!

I played Terra Nil, which was really enjoyable, but way too short! It only has four levels, and I would have played much more than that.

Also playing Against the Storm, which I stumbled across on Steam looking for something else to play after I finished Terra Nil so quickly. Really liking this one as well! The city building itself is fun, and the added aspect of the metagame/cycle outside of the city builder is a twist that I think works really well.

Also still working on Cyberpunk 2077!

I kind of miss Street Pass. I always loved it for when I was going through airports- you could get Street Passes from lots of different places!

Still having fun playing Cyberpunk 2077. Mostly I’m just driving around Night City doing side gigs and not really doing the main story, ha ha!

Animal Crossing games for me! Just chilling and catching bugs or fishing or whatever is super relaxing. I also like that nothing feels rushed, you can move at your own pace, and make your town/island look however you want.

Someone else mentioned Skyrim and that’s another one for me. I have it on practically every platform and I drop back into it every so often.

I completely missed getting Gale in my first run, so I finally got to see his story the second time around! Also accidentally skipped the Mountain Pass area (and some smaller areas) and did a big chunk of Act 3 backwards. My first playthrough was a mess, ha ha!

Just started up Cyberpunk 2077, which I’m really enjoying so far! I’m playing it on Steam Deck, so some of the UI elements are really teeny-tiny, which is probably my biggest complaint.

Same- I also did back-to-back playthroughs! I enjoyed my second one more, actually, because I at least partly understood how the DnD mechanics worked by that point. (And figured out how to romance the companion that wasn’t interested the first time around, ha ha!)

I just finished up Divinity Original Sin 2 this week! I enjoyed Baldur’s Gate 3 immensely, so I thought I would check out something else from Larian Studios, and it had been on my wishlist forever. Loved the combat system in this one, and how you could mix and match different skills and abilities to make interesting combinations. The battles were so much fun to play! I had a hard time keeping track of the story and all the different factions and their motivations, though, and went into the final act of the game not exactly sure what my character should choose. (Especially compared to BG3 I had a harder time keeping track of what was going on for some reason.) Still had a ton of fun playing this one and will probably replay it with a new character and all new party at some point!

I’m also working on my second playthrough of Disco Elysium and playing Cult of the Lamb. And then sometime soon I’m going to start Cyberpunk 2077.

This was the first game I played on my Steam Deck when I got it! Had a tiny bit of trouble with lagging, especially when there were a lot of enemies on screen, but some tweaking in the settings fixed it. Had a lot of fun with this game, though!

How does Pillars of Eternity run on the Steam Deck? I just got one and Pillars of Eternity has been on my wishlist for a while!

Maxis was the one that came to mind for me, too! I played everything of theirs that I could get my hands on. Still playing The Sims after all these years!

I always say that buying the games and playing the games are two separate hobbies, ha ha!

Finally finished up my first playthrough of Baldur’s Gate 3 and started a new playthrough two days later, ha ha! I did not find Gale at all in my first run, so I got him this time around and am traveling with a different party. Still having a ton of fun with this game, and I’m excited to explore parts of the story that I missed the first time around!

Also about halfway through a third playthrough of Fire Emblem: Three Houses, siding with the Black Eagle house this time around.

Still having a blast playing Baldur’s Gate 3! I just made it to Act 3 and there have been some very unexpected events (don’t know how to do spoiler tags) ha ha! It’s been quite an adventure so far; I’m already planning another playthrough!

Also thinking of doing another run of Fire Emblem: Three Houses to complete the house I haven’t aligned with yet.

This saved my butt the other day! I got some message that my current save was corrupted or detected tampering? and to stop playing on it. I was able to go back a couple of auto saves, find a good one, and not have to do a bunch of content over again!

I’ve been playing Baldur’s Gate 3 as much as I possibly can. I’m having a ton of fun with it! I’ve never played D&D, or any of the Baldur’s Gate games, so I don’t know what I’m doing most of the time, but I’m slowly getting the hang of it!

It’s just crappy that good, ethical, quality clothes do cost a lot more. I absolutely understand why, but man does it suck for the average consumer nowadays.

I’ve been slowly upgrading and updating my wardrobe over the last couple of years, and I’ve bought a lot second hand and then been trying to put my money towards the most sustainable/ethical choices that I can when I buy new stuff. (And I realize that being able to do that is a luxury, too.)

I like RKG! They play Dark Souls and those types of games- one of them plays, the other two chat about the lore of the game or whatever. Right now they’re playing Elden Ring!

Silent Hill was the first video game I really played all the way through on my own (and was also on the first console we ever owned). I had played Mario, Sonic, Donkey Kong, Goldeneye, etc. at my friends’ houses, but that was the game that really started it all! I was already into horror stuff at that point, so it was right up my alley, though. I still think of Pyramid Head on foggy days.

Related, but PT was a fun experience when it first came out. Played it once on my own and then once with a group of friends!

I’m bummed about Spider-Ham. I have him in my deck (and also hate when my opponent uses him to bash one of my good cards), and I guess he needed a rework. But I agree that it seems to defeat the purpose of the card.

I somehow overlooked that the Soul Stone also drew a card, so I guess I won’t miss that feature, ha ha!

A lot of the Zelda games, for me. I tried Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask and they were not my thing. A lot of people raved about those games but I couldn’t get into them. Then there were a couple on the DS that I couldn’t get into, either.

But then I found Wind Waker and absolutely loved it, and then loved Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom (so far), too!

Me either. I’m a “normie,” I guess, and it feels unwelcoming and condescending.

I just learned about the whole idea of retro handhelds the other day and I had no idea there were so many options! These look like they would be really fun, but I would have no idea how to load games onto them (because it looks like they don’t use cartridges for the most part?). That’s beyond my tech knowledge, ha ha!

Right? I haven’t signed up for Threads, but I definitely wouldn’t want a feed of random stuff the algorithm wants to show me, instead of people I actually want to follow.

Really enjoyed his book as well. While all the tech stuff was cool, what really impressed me was how much he was able to do by just acting confident and working the people around him. Like calling up companies and asking for information (with just enough insider knowledge) and getting what he needed. The social aspect was really interesting to read about!

I’ve been using Memmy for that Apollo-like experience, ha ha!

I’ve been trying to comment and post way more, too. Feels nice trying to grow/participate in communities instead of just getting lost in a sea of rage bait. So far I’m liking the slower pace and kinder tone here!

I’m really enjoying the vibe of Lemmy so far! Still figuring out how to effectively discover communities on other instances, but I’ll get there eventually.

At this rate there won’t be any mods left to respond to the admins’ feedback request!