• 5 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


okay doctor. can you think of a reason why they aren’t considered for a living donor? besides corruption and malfeasance?

whoa wait a minute. I didn’t realize which comment i was replying to. I read three different articles and found NOTHING stating she relapsed.

I do similar documentation and I can promise you that “minimal abstinence outside the hospital” does NOT mean relapse.

I’m gonna have to ask to see the citation or ask you to delete your comment for misinfo

‘minimal abstinence outside of hospital.’”

I’m not sure why folks seem to think ‘minimal abstinence outside of hospital’ is a smoking gun. That’s pretty much how medical staff should document an alcoholic whose sobriety only began while hospitalized. It means she hasn’t been able to quit drinking!

Yes, I read the article three times over, trying to chase down false info someone posted in here. His offer is irrelevant. The prognosis was not good enough for him to donate. They only included it in the article for the melodrama. It’s nothing more than an “I would die for her!” moment. Well, I’m glad the medical board did not condone assisting him with suicide.

Lying about substance use to a confidential healthcare provider is not going to do you any good. If you have drank so much that you are having liver failure, they will know you are lying. If you haven’t drank that much, what’s the purpose of lying? To perpetuate the addiction?

I assume you were not getting a transplant? The risks of regurgitation during surgery is in no way comparable to the risk of relapse in someone with hx alcohol use disorder in early remission. Addiction is a terrible beast. I am sad that she died too, but we have to blame the systems of addiction, not the medical board.

I believe this is FALSE:

[she] relapsed into drinking while on the transplant list,

Where does it say this? I reread it 3 times. That’s a huge part of the story and not one you should just make up!

Giving a donor liver to an alcoholic, who only quit drinking upon diagnosis? Hell no. There are people with 5+ years who still worry about relapsing. A year is a start. Being forced to quit? I’d have wished her good luck if they gave the liver, but the person who dies instead of her?

I’ve watched alcoholics die of liver failure. It is a horribly sad thing. But sobriety is a choice, and you don’t get to go back in time to make it. I’m not sure why this article is spinning this as cruelty from the transplant board instead of maybe, just maybe, highlighting the destructive role that alcohol plays in society. I wonder if a booze company pays their bills or something.

Oh come on, now you’re just feigning ignorance. The body types correspond to both modes of human sexual dimorphic presentations. Just because you take away the names doesn’t mean the dimorphic traits are absent. It IS a sexually dimorphic character creation system. So within that, let’s look at who gets to be the default and who gets to be the “second sex” (highly recommend reading de Beauvoir, again). OP is taking issue with not just the veiled binary but also the hierarchy within it.

Let me put it this way. Imagine if the body types were no longer sexually dimorphic but had varied skin tones. And despite the fact that we know skin tones present in a variety of ways, they only offered light peach skin tones and dark skin tones. And they made the secondary one the darker skin tone. Maybe you or I would have a problem with it, maybe we wouldn’t. But could you understand why someone might take issue with that? It’s a fair objection to make, whether we can conceive of a solution or not.

And hey I think OP’s solution would apply pretty well here: let us create characters with a variety of presentations! Or maybe just take away the “light” and “dark” options? A lot of people in this thread responded with great rationale from game dev standpoints, and that stuff is valid. I can see why devs do things the way they do. But I can also see why OP doesn’t like it.

“Why do we have to be Universe B?! You be Universe A and we’ll be Universe’s 1!”

lol you should see what the slider does. it’s not great. max femme makes you turn cartoonish puffy and red

yikes, OP wasn’t calling this secondary any more than Simone de Beauvoir was when she published The Second Sex… it’s an actual problem that deserves recognition, and shitting on someone for recognizing it? you’re the one reinforcing the problem now!!

OP was merely gesturing at another instance of patriarchal culture treating the feminine as secondary by putting it second. not a controversial revelation tbh quite trite really

Poor California. Looks like a giant pants load.

smoking rooms are still common in Korea. they’re quite nice. they are walled off so you don’t have to smell it

That one was recommended to me in my search for a satisfying mobile game. Didn’t look into it much. Does it have mtx?

Heh, that’s usually the plan - except I don’t wanna have to wait for it to finish. But then I go back the next day to get it running before I leave the house, and it’s finished before I can even get out the door!

Lol I respect it, definitely not my style though. I purposefully seek out the 720p files to save HD space. Quality dif is unnoticeable to my eyes. Growing up poor is helpful sometimes… yay!

we just didn’t care anymore and threw on a show we know and enjoy.

Yep! Ya know back in the old days we had to just watch whatever was on TV! Or go buy a VHS! But nowdays we have entire media libraries on our computers that, as a VHS collection, would be the kind of shelf someone would brag about. I suppose I should feel grateful for that. But I wanna have it! Blockbuster died for a reason… maybe not the one we thought?

I’m resolved to just watch from my own collection even as I’m checking Netflix
I am over being disappointed by streaming sites. "I wanna watch X, let's see if Netflix has it..." \*Opens webpage* "Hmm... Netflix usually sucks, they probably wont have it. I'm just gonna say I'll watch Y off my hard drive instead. But let's still confirm that Netflix doesn't have X..." *Next thing you know, I'm watching Y off my hard drive.* Streaming services suck so much nowdays that I already resolve myself to watching something else before I even finish checking. Gotta shield myself from disappointment. Why would you pay for each channel on a TV? Just get the hard copy at that point....

Hmm maybe usnig servarr is the way to go. I couldn’t really figure out how I was supposed to configure it. Ideally I would just wanna use a VPN, TPB, and qBit and not fiddle around with any additional programs. It’s already confusing enough! But I guess servarr is something I can incorporate into qBit?

“Why is X so hard to find?”
No, I wont name the specific title. I don't want to break Rule 3. But I do want to understand why a movie or show can be so hard to find, because maybe that will lead me to understanding how to find things. I am surprised how hard it is to find some titles. Maybe it's because the one I'm thinking of is an old title, 60s or 70s era. But it's extremely popular, even today. It's been on hopping around streaming services. One would think it would be readily available on the high seas too. I don't really know how one creates a torrent but I'm assuming anything that can be streamed can be captured. I guess maybe it's just not as popular as I think?

Anyone got a link to some reading on this subject? This is the first I’m hearing about it and it seems pretty complex.

to give an actual answer instead of jaded teenage bullshit:

yes, we have several

Don’t expect any actual info from people around here. something tells me the comment section isn’t up for a fair analysis at where these things have failed us. it’ll be all soapbox, zero fact. I’m pretty baffled at how many people just told you No

Who is crapping on anything? I just haven’t heard of SoulSeek since the days of Limewire. longer even

Cool! Thanks. I take it I should either use one or the other but not both?

Adblocks for TTV?
I just checked out Twitch again after a while and WOW has that site gotten shitty. But I'm trying to watch someone and really don't want ads every few minutes. Instead of paying Bezos to remove half the ads, how can I configure my uBlock Origin to block them all for free?

Copyright Infringement notice while using VPN?
[Resolved, thanks!] Weird, but I just got two copyright notices from my ISP. I always use a paid VPN (Proton). How'd they see me? I did accidentally open qBitTorrent before connecting to the VPN yesterday, but immediately exited the program before anything loaded. Is that enough time to get two strikes? One was for seeding TNG S03 and the other for TNG S05 lol. What confuses me is that that happened yesterday, but the email lists the day *prior* as the time of offense. So I guess it's time to set up a kill switch or make sure the qBitTorrent wont open without Proton connected. If anyone has a guide for that send a link my way.... thanks.

How do Sonarr / related services work?
Recently learned about this stuff on a Lemmy World post and I thought I'd move the conversation here since they've been fussy about DB0 in the past. I'm really just a common seaman when it comes to the high seas. I just use Proton and qBit and whichever website is supposed to be safe and active nowdays (currently Torrent Galaxy?). I just download from the magnet link to qBit and save it on my drive. I don't know much about torrent streaming or ports or networks or anything IT might ask me to check beyond "plug it in". But for some shows I've only been able to find single episodes, not full seasons, so when I heard about something that compiles stuff for me, it seemed convenient. I'd be curious to learn more. Unfortunately the websites for these services don't really offer any explanation to new users and laymen, so I got a bit lost. Thought I'd ask here rather than venture into their forums where they already don't seem to welcome idiots like me. So... what the heck is Sonarr and how do I use it?