🌘 Umbra Temporis 🌒



I always go crawling back to Arch…

In the real world, I love music 🗣️:

- Industrial Metal 🔩
- Aggrotech 😡 
- Deathcore 💀


  • Long walks or hikes 🚕
  • Custom keyboards 🫦
  • Writing 🥶

Student, studying mechatronics.

  • 1 Post
Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Dec 09, 2023


At least you can use Windows without an account, on MacOS you can’t even install an app without one I don’t think.

Just to be clear, I hate both of them, I’m a Linux user.

You’d better hope that be pretty close to zero before attempting repairs.

From the one time I tried MacOS in a VM, setup is similar to Windows with somehow even fewer options and stronger 1984 vibes.

I’m a Proton slave, all my eggs are in their basket so I’ll go ahead and provide some free marketing for them. ProtonVPN is pretty good since it’s ran by a good company that cares about you, getting Port Forwarding setup on Linux is a bit of a chore but I believe they’re working on automating it, the Windows app does have it automated already by the way.

I do worry about the long-term practicality of ProtonVPN because of this manual process, since as far as I can tell there’s no way to automatically hand your assigned port to the torrent client…

I use Hetzner exclusively and have just one complaint. You don’t get much choice as to where your VPS is hosted country-wise nor the OS it runs. You do get the standard list of options, as you would with any other provider, except that list is quite small on Hetzner. It’s good enough, I use Fedora everywhere and they support that so I’m good. Anyway, it’s obviously free to create an account so there’s no risk in case your setup isn’t supported.

Apart from that, they’re brilliant. The web console is nice, clean and well-designed, great value (1TB of storage clocks in at a few euros/month), room to scale and a decent company. Can’t comment on customer support since I’ve never needed it.

For the services you’ve specified, that’ll run you maybe 3 - 4 euros a month (that’s with automatic backups of your entire server + tax) since you can run all of that under one server.

Printing flip-books for the videos and keeping that in essentially a time-capsule. With a vacuum if you can afford it. Not perfect but will definitely last for hundreds of years. Look at the Magna Carta for inspiration.

For the audio, vinyl and kept in an even stronger container, instruct everyone to use gloves before touching it.

I have experience with this, from a friend…

You can download without an account, but if I remember correctly it’s only certain types of media with a quality restriction.

I’ve got it downloading non-real time right now cause I was able to fix the Opus issue (PR is open on Github “Effective libopus support”), so I want to stress-test my changes a bit.

I’ll switch it back to real-time soon, and I’ll turn on the archive :P.

Thank you! Seems like Opus doesn’t work though which is a shame. I made an issue on the Github page. I’ll make a script to do that after and preserve the cover art.

I’ve now got it going with real-time downloads, this is going to take days 😭. However this tool is the best out of a set of compromises so I’ll make the most of it.

Seems like most of the tools I’m finding are CLIs, so iPhones or just phones in general are definitely a no-go I’m afraid.

If you listen to popular artists, you could try Soulseek. Not sure on how easy it is to access it on an iPhone though, I’ve never owned any Apple devices since I went off them at a young age so I’m really firing off into the dark.

Yeah I’m aware of Spotify’s 320k MP3 cap, but for the equipment I’ve got that’s fine. Thanks :)

Yeah, of course I shoot some support over their way. It’s just if I do that it also comes down to the whole ownership thing too, hence the downloading.

That was looking really good, however it doesn’t seem to download into separate sub-directories which is rather annoying. I’ll keep my eye on that though, thanks :D

See, torrent availability is more or less directly correlated to the size of the artist / band in question. So when you get someone who’s into some rather niche stuff and has quite a few small bands in their streaming library, torrenting is just not an option.

Any way to rip high-quality from Apple Music? Or Spotify?
Hi all, I've been scouring around for a tool to do this for some time but haven't had any luck, hence here I am once again asking for your pirate support. I'm aware of Cider, but it doesn't do High-Quality Lossless and the people behind it seem a bit scummy to be honest; the whole Cider 2 thing. Forgive me if I'm wrong, and please correct me. I'm quite keen on doing this since I'm part of an Apple Family plan, so I don't pay a penny for the service but still get full access. I've got terabytes of storage just waiting to share music via Soulseek. While I'm at it here, might as well ask if anyone's got a similar thing for Spotify? It's the same deal with the whole Family plan thing (It's a complex situation) so downloading from that service is just as appealing, though AM is preferred because quality. Sidenote, I don't want any of these tools that just match the song and rip from YouTube; always gives crap quality.

If you ask me, I say Hetzner is a seriously underrated provider. I love using their services. Cheap as chips too.

But the server is still operational, it’s just moved.

  • Resilient
  • Durable
  • Secure

  • Easier to setup
  • More control
  • Easier to maintain
  • Dirt cheap
  • Low power
  • Space efficient
  • Zero downtme

Need I go on? This is clearly the future. Friendship ENDED with Network Hardware now PEG is my best friend.

For now, the integration is a minor gesture, as it’s only a one-way connection from Threads to the Fediverse.

Could someone explain what this means? It it like he can see us but we can’t see him? I didn’t know the Fediverse / ActivityPub could work like that.

In Windows’ case, this is the truth. But certified corporation momentos are not a required side-effect of this approach to updates.


A notification, in the tray and elsewhere across the OS, with a short description like “Updates are crucial to the security of you and your device, they also provide the freshest experience.” would get the point across. What would be even better is if there was a one-click NQA button to initiate the update, perhaps even included on the notification.

Supernatural spirit from an alternate reality hell-bent on destroying video game monopolies.

I’m gonna guess ByteDance also wants to enter the AI “art” field.

Just checked for this as I was going to go grab the latest for archiving. Anyone got a Linux build they’d be happy to share?

Fair enough, but to hold it in a position good for displaying… The base plate makes a lot more sense.

Like how they decided they’d hold it by gripping the top of the pyramid, not the base plate like a usual sane person.

I bet if you asked them to hand you a drink, they’d hold it from the top with two fingers dipped into the fluid. Then proceed to be confused as to why you don’t want to drink it anymore.

I pay for Proton Unlimited so I use Proton VPN. Getting port forwarding to work on Linux is a bit of a hassle but they have steps on their website. It’s hardly any slower than my internet connection, but that’s because I’m on the paid servers. The free servers are rather slow. They have a graphical client for Windows and Linux.

Proton Unlimited is €12.99/month. The VPN has a good number of features and you get the whole Proton suite with it and 500GB of storage. You can pay for just the VPN which is cheaper if you don’t want the rest of Proton.

Yeah, recently R4FO has been quite on/off. Just switch to another one with the least users.

Like other people, whole discographies. Artist URL straight into deemix and let it do it’s thing.

For finding new music, I mostly rely on radiostations such as Kerrang! and YouTube subscriptions or recommendations.

MP3 320 is what I go for, I don’t have the equipment to benefit from FLAC.

I set and forget too, never delete. You never know when it’ll become impossible to get that data back if you want it.

It’ the individual frames that are compressed, essentially the video is unpacked and detail is culled from averages across multiple other frames beside it. So if the top of the video, for example the sky, doesn’t change then that part will be kept static.

It’s not so much properties about the video, but properties about each frame. I can take a 1080p image and blow it up to 8K in GIMP, but it’s got the same detail as a 1080p image.

Hold fire on that 4K business, if you haven’t yet I recommend you do a test to see if you can actually tell the difference between Torrent 1080p & Torrent 4K. Out of my friends & family on a few can see a difference, but if they can they do say T4K looks better, but only slightly. So weigh up if the 2x or 3x larger file is worth the improvement.

Sorry if I sound aggressive or preach-y, just trying to save a fellow sailor some space on their ship is all.