I exist or something probably

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


nothing you’ve said is worth responding to in a novel way, see earlier comment.

“when they’re drunk at 8am”, he didnt say “we”

also note the other quotes in the article that similarly single out Crow.

see certain optical illusions in a way that other vision models cannot.

eh… but not in a way that is really like what humans see. which is the articles claim, but it makes a clasically cs approach to nuerology: zero effort to prove the quite substantial claim.

Word soup

that is most certainly not word soup. it’s also an accurate statement, though uncharitable to the authors claims.

Also, the detail in description of their “quantum” inspiration (an effect not unique to quantum mechanics in fact, at that level of description) reads like they skimmed wikipedia’s intro to xyz topic, whether or not the author understands the topics more deeply.

Datas is correct if you are referring to multiple distinct populations of data. Which in this case works.

The internet as the internet companies percieved it would look like and sold it as absolutely and completely vanished, yeah.

The internet is a funny analogue!

Because it experienced the dot com crash under almost the same sort of circumstances.

I mean I would and do in fact literally blame societal and familial problems when kids are brutal, unkind, or hurt others, and similarly blame societal and familial problems for when kids are not protected from brutal, unkind, and hurtful things.

Why are you saying the things you’re saying like a gotcha? Do you not feel that society has a significant impact on the behavior of youth?

At this point I can only determine you are arguing for the sake of arguing.

Much of what you said is very wrong but it’s not worth arguing about.

Or you know, reducing thermal load by using broadly more efficient capacitors allowing you to shove more current in the car. Or by meeting grid scale requirements for car charging by smoothing out the grid impact of a bunch of charging at once. Or any number of benefits.

Ultimately this certainly benefits car charging. It benefits all electronics. No you won’t be getting two second car charges with this.

Almost every electrical system on the planet uses capacitors. Especially high power systems. Of which evs are.

“No real point in mixing capacitors in with a large battery” ?? That’s done literally all the time for both filtering and for intermittent high power output. Like when I say almost every electrical system uses caps, I mean almost every electrical system.

More of an actual comment, good. More efficient capacitors in both speed and heat certainly helps in charging devices of all sizes. Of course it wouldn’t be charging large batteries in seconds, but that doesn’t mean no improvement.

Why do you feel that the researchers are wrong about their physics research?

Why would librewolf specifically advise that you minimize your extensions to decrease client uniqueness if it had no effect on client uniqueness? Someone’s misinformed, and I don’t think its librewolf.

It’s called “the cycle of violence” not “the self declining line of violence”. It’s easy to be violent over past suffering.

There are plenty of quantum resistant cryptography methods that already exist and have existed for a decade or more.

That’s not answering the question though.

“Pick a number between 1 and 100” doesn’t mean “grab two d10” or write a script.

What purpose did you think the quotes served?

Yes, I’m not going to devote much time engaging with comments very very interested in bringing up their unsympathetic idea of genocide real politik.

People often mistake convenient and unsympathetic rationalizations of their own views as realism.

“Civilians want to stop being bombed en masse, more open to demands of bombers” isn’t exactly the argument you think it is.

Your comment also fully assumes that the goals of Israel are to reduce war sentiment in Palestine.

Among other odd issues in this comment, ultimately you’re not addressing the core issue people are taking with Israel’s choices by taking a hard-line ‘realism’ stance.

Meh plasma could in theory be a very good radar absorber. Plasma stealth isn’t just buzzwords necessarily. A myth possibly.

Whether they got it working in practice is dubious though, it’s an extremely hard engineering challenge. Interesting if true, unlikely given it’s being announced.

Light phasing is already concerned with quantum effects so without seeing the actual claim I mean… Anyone could basically claim that lol.

316L is perfectly capable of rusting especially under pitting corrosion. I don’t know who told you it is physically incapable. It is just unlikely under normal food conditions.

Ooooh another supercomputer claiming to surpass or approach a human brain. Cute! The simulations it’ll run will probably be pretty neat though.

Or it’s phrased to illustrate the adverse incentive that will lead to unlabeled ai content.

This is not the comment of someone who doesn’t care what gm does.

Also your family is weirdly intense and cares far too much about someone’s choice of car manufacturer if “there will be some upset people at the dinner table”

And incredibly none of this has really any direct relation to the post or my comment.

I’m happy you have something to be passionate about.

Wait your counterargument to this is “it’s unsafe to remove the unsafe feature, because now im going to use my phone, the exact thing that’s unsafe”

What? “How could you make me do this” energy.

A recall is a bit more severe than am update. Common, but not simply pushing out a software update they couldve done wirelessly.

It means they have been regulated for a severe safety defect and are being forced to do this.

Brother why would you watch a 10 hour video. Just play the game at that point.

Clarify your position on this statement you dodged:

calling for Palestinian freedom is not genocide

Movies were resellable for decades and b movies still existed.

They are correct in the current interpretation of the effects of social media. Recent research has absolutely been pointing away from filter bubbles being a thing.

“I know nothing about Thing In Video but I will choose to vehemently insist this can’t be Thing It Obviously Is, also it’s fine they shot at a civilian with no regard for rules of engagement anyway.”


Do you genuinely believe the terminology of whether you consider this fits as “news” or not has any relation to the problems I outlined?

And yes everybody is projecting except you.

Hmm. Lmao

Alternatively videos have reasons they make a terrible format for sharing news due to the inherent time investment required and the difficulty of skimming for information. I can read a news article in 3 minutes that takes someone ten to ramble off, and video scrubbers don’t help bouncing between and referencing information at all.

Easier in some circumstances to absorb, harder to share and discuss, overall frustrating. No insecurity needed. Your immediate psychoanalysis tells me you might be projecting though. Consider that one for a while lmao.

You’re immediately going to posturing, something specifically not mentioned, to choose an interpretation which makes it nonsensical. It could simply represent a level of aggression and imperialist intent.

No they are not incompatible thoughts.

I really don’t care about this dude enough to argue this point any longer, just try to actually respond to arguments for their content and rhetoric rather than just choosing a nonsensical interpretation out of many sensical though still disagreeable ones.

I feel like this guy is largely just drumming up defense budget.

But like, your critique is kind of a silly mischaracterization of what he’s saying that doesn’t actually address the content of his message. Yes, he’s saying that he believes China and Russia treat peacetime the same as wartime, and that they also consider themselves to be at war with Canada. These aren’t incompatible thoughts…

I don’t think you know what apples and oranges means, but if it means you’re satisfied with the conversation then happy day.

Use the software that works best for you. If dealing with a database is too much for whatever else you’re doing, feel free to use something else.

And both the trilium db and markdown files validate that requirement. So it’s not really relevant.

I generally finish thoughts out in sections in a note and if I feel I need a new note I can drop in a link or I can send a section into a new note. I find it actually has cut down on note bloat, my main pain point is quickly writing aliases. If I was a script writer I don’t think it would be hard to improve the feel of it tbh.