Count Regal Inkwell

Nerd|Furry|Linux User|Ace|BiRomantic|Taken <3

Leftist with an incorrigible love for fancy aesthetics (mostly Renaissance Italy/Victorian England) that might be incorrectly read as a monarchist because of that.

Unicorn, but also occasionally gryphon.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 27, 2023


When they were a kid and therefore couldn’t recognise political messaging due to not knowing what politics are.

What I’m saying is that literally 100% of “I miss the good old times when things weren’t political” people are just longing to return to their childhood innocence, where they could just enjoy things thoughtlessly, but also lack the self awareness to admit that.

Do the Mario RPGs count

I like the timing-based mechanics because they make the fights feel less like glorified menus. Sure menu-based fights can be strategic and entertaing, but sooner or later you’ll end up in grind city just mashing the confirm button to see number go up. Not a thing in the likes of Paper Mario and Bug Fables.

I’ve interacted with a few cool folks out of Russia

Most just want out of the country, assuming they haven’t already left.

It’s unrealistic and quite cruel to see people talk about how much it sucks to live under a shitty regime and tell them they have to fix it. Like no. They don’t. I hope they can get out of its reach. Move elsewhere where they can live better.

Glad I’m not the only chronically immature person here


If I ever make my own niche fedi instance I’m naming it that. The opposite of Facebook

If pirating a product that is for sale is “theft”

Is pirating a product that is for rental (like adobe)… Squatting?

(Joke obvs)

Another comment already said everything I was going to say in a far more eloquent manner, so refer to 's comment below :P

Retro-style: DUSK, Prodeus, Serious Sam

More modern: Wolfenstein - The New Colossus, Doom 2016, BioShock 1 and 2

Spooky, “ghost train”: Doom³

Exploration oriented: Metroid Prime (and 4 is coming up!), Powerslave Exhumed

Can’t wait for Americans becoming refugees on other countries en masse and getting a taste of the bitter medicine that was the way they treated foreign migrants for decades.

Human beings may not be perfect but a computer program with language synthesis is hardly the answer to the world’s problems

I find myself appreciating Deus Ex more and more with the years…

… But also utterly unable to replay it because it’s too close to home now.

While I had some fun playing torchlight 2 with a friend back in the day, in reality I never got on with the entire genre (or its sibling the Looter-Shooter)

It’s like

Every video game is on some level a skinner box, but arpgs and lootershooters are the most transparent and cynical about it, idk. Well no, the SECOND most transparent and cynical about it, MMOs still take the cake.

I guess this means I’ll finally get to actually play it

My playthrough on release got aborted midway through act 3 because I was using mods before official support and the constant updating and mod breaking eventually destroyed my savefile.

Seems we had a similar idea –

Sega Genesis/Mega Drive (850 MiB):


Super NES (2,03 GiB):


GameBoy+GBC (570 MiB):


Sega Master System (91,7 MiB):


Currently seeding all these.


You can expect them to drop at maybe one more good product, as going public is what companies do when they want to raise a lot of funds for some project

But after THAT, when it turns out that the new product is just… Making money instead of making ALL the money, the investors will take over and from then on it’s fucked.

But yeah RPi has alternatives now. No need to tie yourself to them when they DO sink.

In my country it is decriminalised unless you’re doing it at a very large scale and charging money, so I’m home free.

My ISP does block most torrent trackers – But changing DNS providers is enough to get around that.

Libre Graphics Manipulation App


Brushes with bellpeppers attached to them

Plus they could announce the rebrand by replacing the weird dog chewing on a brush with the same weird dog lifting weights

Hitting the GIM.

It’s almost like having your only strategy be “we are slightly better than the alternative” leads to the alternative racing you to the bottom and you being shit as well.

Likely the PS2. Simply for the breadth of stuff it can play.

Dark Souls has more in common with Castlevania than with anything “RPG”.

As for Diablo type games, I personally call them “looter RPGs” as a retroactive term. Because the “looter shooter” genre that popped up about a decade after diablo is literally just Diablo but FPS.

Genre names are wack anyway. The “[other game]-like” moniker will always be more descriptive and clear, plus being a reminder that every new thing in video games is a refreshed take on some pre existing thing.

Definitely on that first one. Normies are all inside the GoogleMetaAmazonMicrosoft panopticon. If they are old they might still have a Yahoo Mail, but that’s as spicy as it gets.

As for the second bit – All evidence I have is purely anecdotal. My ProtonMail account works fine and no one ever complained about not getting mail from me, but I have heard stories of people who use mail accounts not from GMail/Outlook getting flagged as spammers and having trouble chatting with the normies ™. Or having trouble creating accounts on sites because their e-mail is considered “not valid” by whatever system they put up on the shitty-ass site.

I will concede on the “we are all weirdos” bit. Fair point.

because Fediverse users are so paranoid of even vaguely coexisting in an interconnected vicinity

(this is a good thing, megacorps corrupt all that they touch, actually by your own metric, if fear of Meta is what keeps the fediverse safe, than I say the best defence is for us to never stfu about it)

They don’t need to kill “every” lemmy/masto instance to kill the ecosystem. You just need to absorb enough of it that the only people left outside of your perversion of the ecosystem are certified weirdos.

E-Mail was (and still is) an open standard anyone could use. But after decades of getting EEE’d, you’d be hard-pressed to find someone using an E-Mail Not provided by the corporate giants, even like, other enterprises have rolled their e-mails into the Google/Microsoft ecosystems, and ALSO if you have an e-mail address that is outside those domains, normies who are inside the corporate ecosystem will have trouble communicating with you as your address will get autoflagged as spam more often than not.

Uhm ackshully the “late stage” in capitalism is in late stage in the same way a Cancer is late-stage. So it doesn’t mean Capitalism dying, it means Capitalism killing its host (humanity)

Now I am ALSO a Final Fantasy 8 hater (and a Roman Numerals hater. I refuse.)

– But this is pretty fricking clever. I will never not appreciate this kind of spite. The FUCKING. SPINE.

I’ve made local copies of the code base and executables for both emus. Just in case.

Not that I think it’s needed per se. Projects were open source, and while the devs are barred from continuing application development… It’s a matter of time before the dust settles and some nerds pick up the code base and work on it

(for now any forks are just copy pastes made by randos, but that’s now)

Gringos saying this is richer than any billionaire in their stupid empire.

The one time we did have a military coup it was on their command. And the civil coup that ousted the worker’s party and allowed for Bolsonaro’s rise is also their fault.

Our military doesn’t like work and running a dictatorship is a lot of work. They wouldn’t have done it without a lot of money changing hands.

Murica should stfu and gtfo with their hero complex.

Small exception for when two for profit companies are fighting each other. At that point it becomes a question of which is the lesser evil.

For some reason I won’t even pretend to comprehend, it remains the industry default in Brazil. Might be in a couple other countries too. Adobe Illustrator is the “other one”, if you follow.

Real-time Strategy. Specifically single-player campaign oriented RTS.

Genre peaked at, like, Red Alert 3 or Starcraft II, either-or. And the only notable title in the past (N) years has been like… Age of Empires 4. Which is good but also… It’s AoE. It’ll always be more of a multiplayer oriented game yanno? Give me my cheesy campaign stories with cool hero units and/or cheesy FMV uwu

Finally: ClosedSubtitles

EDIT: Also, MAN, a lot of straight up bootlicking in this thread. What the fuck kind of pirates are you? lmao


I don’t know or care about the industry. Execs can lick my dick;

Player-side we can expect half a dozen well-known IPs to become Microsoft-platform exclusive. Like locking players from using Wine/Proton and only working on XBox and Windows.

Mind you, talking about it selfishly… It will not affect me. The only game from Blizz I played in the past 15 years is StarCraft 2, and only for the campaign, and I finished that quite a while ago. And on Activision’s side there’s… Crash and Spyro. Kinda cool nostalgia-bait games but I can do without. Plus I doubt we’ll be seeing them again after the remakes from a couple years back.

I actually don’t play many “AAA” games. All the titles I played in the past 2 years, with the exception of the Zeldas and Baldur’s 3 have been either Low-Scale industry releases or straight up Indie projects.

Depends on how much shooting is involved.

Mouse aim trumps controller aim after all. But for games that aren’t shooting-focussed I favour controllers because I can flop back.