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Joined 6M ago
Cake day: Mar 13, 2024


If the only credible path you get to choose is 30 something thousand civilian casualties, or complete annihilation of those civilians, not choosing the prevention of complete annihilation places a moral fault on you.

88 at the end of a screen name is a well known Nazi dog whistle. It means"heil Hitler". The phenomenon has its own page at the southern poverty law center’s website.

The employees are using parking spots that should be going to paying customers.

That Keurig in the break room? It costs money to run.

These are the kind of things that keep us business owners up at night.


Piracy doesn’t take money from artists, just ask Cory Doctorow, a person making their living as a writer while uploading the torrents of his novels himself.

Corporate consolidation is what kills the artists. The studios make less movies per year, so the a list actors go to television and take the roles Rob Morrow used to get.

That is per mobile home. But yes, eventually he got priced out of doing multiple mobiles at once.

If it was only him doing this, the system would have corrected itself. The issue is thousands of people were doing this.

I have a family member who got into mobile flipping. What they would do is target retirement communities. When a person died, my family member would put in an offer, generally no more than $10,000 to the family. Enough to cover the funeral.

This person would then put about $10,000 into renovation (almost only ever cosmetic) and then turn around and sell it for $60k, not realizing that if he was selling 50 year old mobile homes for that Mich, everybody else in the area was doing the same.

After 5 years, this family member was selling 40 year old mobile homes for $120,000 but purchasing them for $85,000, and eventually, he was making maybe $10,000 in profit for a 3 month process.

Greed is good until it prices you out of the market you yourself created, but they never see their own actions as being the cause of any of this.

You made an offer likely knowing what content your mother consumed.

Also, doing this for her means those charlatans aren’t actually getting her money.

Something to consider in favor of doing your mom a solid.

Just make sure you out satanic films in the folder and rename them to Christian themed titles.

I am a member of a co-op. I strongly believe in the mission, however, it is not affordable for families. Maybe if we prioritized less speciality foods and had more members we could bring costs down, but it is truly a struggle in balancing supporting the community and staying open.

My co-op tries to balance this by incentivizing donating to the local food banks, both in product and monetary donations, but it is a real struggle.

All that being said, since the price fixing began, health food is no longer that much more expensive.

I would say in this specific situation, Al Jazeerah is more of a participie in the Israel-Palestine war than the New York times is.

I however don’t read the New York times and have no ability to defend them, since I cut out corporate media from my life years ago.

Besides NPR (which itself does not do international on the ground reporting) which of your sources are state funded? Specifically which of them are funded by a right wing theocracy?

None. That is the difference. Fox News might overtly hate gay people, but are they funded by people who have courts which prosecute homosexuality?

We should prevent that sort of stuff at home and disavow it abroad. Especially if we are leftists, no?

Well I notice Fox is a common denominator in both stories, and I do believe people who get their news from that source are generally guillable at best and uneducated at worst.

But I also think all sides are equally capable of getting things wrong, which is why we need independent journalists (such as those aligned with Bellingcat, for instance) to have reporters on the ground.

If you want to send me a pro-hamas diatribe, feel free.

You have taken my position against state funded media and extrapolated that to decide my opinions on the Irish?

Wow. Do you take palm readings as well or convene with the dead?

I would have to know what specific allegations you are making against other media sources before I answer that question.

I am willing to listen about how bias works if you are willing to inform me.

They won’t tell the truth about right wing theocracies, but you trust them otherwise?

You are very lenient on your sources. I’m not that lenient.

That isn’t what the ship of Theseus is, and I would also point out that staking money from the funder and shelterers of a terrorist organization, even if just 30%, creates a conflict of interest that can’t be ignored or brushed aside.

We are living in mirror world when leftists are getting their news from right wing theocracies.

Uhm… This is a joke, right?

Al Jazeera is the Qatari government. The stateargely responsible for the funding of Hamas, and the believed home of Hamas leadership.

I can’t imagine this comment you made was done in good faith. Or are you that ignorant?

I am thinking along the same lines as you. The fediverse needs to remain free of commercial interests and influences.

We all came here because we were looking for community driven social media, while metavitself has largely killed the modern world’s sense of community.