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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 05, 2023


Private Internet Access. Been using it for probably 10 years at this point, never had a single issue. Their “no logging” claim has been tested successfully in court.

New cars have magically new never-die batteries, never puncture tires, radiators that never crack, pipes that never split or come loose, etc now?! Holy cow, why haven’t we heard about this before?!

They don’t care about making the site good or attracting a healthy community.

They never cared about the “healthy” part either, just “big”. Reddit has been a cesspool for years and years and years, largely thanks to the moderators.

By 90% you mean 90% of the 15 people that saw the post and were using a client that could see and vote in the poll in the 8 minutes that they had it open, because that’s seemingly what most subs I was on that did a poll did. The comments were always 90% filled with people saying they wanted the subs to be open, they don’t care about the API changes, etc, yet the crybaby mods would say “YOU ALL VOTED FOR THIS!” while everyone is screaming “No we didn’t, we weren’t even asked!”.

Usenet will download much faster and is generally much more “private” and secure (your ISP can never see what you download).

Install the *arr programs that you want to manage your libraries - Radarr (for movies), Sonarr (for tv shows), Lidarr (for music)

Install NZBGet (for downloading the files)

Sign up to a usenet provider.

Sign up to an indexer like NZBGeek, NZBFinder, etc.

Put your usenet provider details in to NZBGet under the News-Server section.

Put your indexer details into the indexer settings in *arr programs.

Put your NZBGet details into the Download Clients setting section in *arr programs.

Pretty much the gist of it. Then you can just search for and add the content you’re after in Radarr/Sonarr/Lidarr and it will go looking.

If you need a hand I’m happy to help.

Because it’s simple. The company that owns the content does a DMCA claim and they either remove it or get sued. Removing it is simple and largely automated.

They do. Almost everything gets DMCA’d within hours of being uploaded. What happens is they just get uploaded again and again, on different backbones and servers, and you end up getting the complete thing from multiple sources or as soon as it gets uploaded but before it gets DMCAd.

I’m not “extremely young”, in fact I’m likely older than you. That is always how digital purchases have worked.

The PS had weak plastic laser eye rails. Prolonged use warped them causing laser/disc misalignment, so you would have to often play with the console up side down etc to try and adjust for it.

The PS2 has the disc read error, lost multiple class action lawsuits over the design flaw.

PS3 had the yellow light of death. Design/manufacturing flaw like the Xbox red ring of death.

With digital shows and movies -and games - you’re essentially buying a limited license that can be revoked at any time. This shouldn’t be news to anyone. You’re not actually buying ownership of the show/movie.

Even physical media you’re just buying a license. That license has restrictions.

If you knew anything about digital purchasing you’d understand why u brought it up.

When you “buy” a digital tv show or movie you’re not actually buying it, you’re purchasing a license to use it, a license that can be revoked, for content that can be removed.

I swear most people have no idea how digital ownership works. I expected more from people on here at least.

Sony are one of the most anti consumer companies around, yet their diehard fans and the gaming media especially just give them a free pass. It’s disgusting.

I can’t think of a worse mobile device to use for movie/tv watching than a steam deck 😂. Your phone would be much better.

The steam deck does nothing to prevent piracy though? It’s just a portable pc. Nothing about it is making pc gaming any more enticing to make people stop pirating.

Don’t let lemmy become another shit fest that we just moved from.

Lemmy literally started as a political shitfest site. It’s just now filled with the people from reddit too.

Does it count as tracking though? What private or personal data is it? I’d also say that it’s at the very least grey area since all they’re doing is trying to prevent people from using their service in unintended ways, ie without ads.

Their obvious solution to this is make you consent to it or you can’t use YouTube.

Obviously it’s different for unsigned artists who have self published, thought that was pretty self explanatory since they don’t have a record label/publisher/etc that takes the bulk of the money.

Also important to know that Spotify is a net positive for artists, even though they pay not much. The music industry is one of the very few where being “paid in exposure” actually is a valid thing. Spotify gets your music out there in front of tens/hundreds of millions of people that would usually never ever hear your music, and you’ll convert some of them to fans that will see you live in shows and buy merch. Artists make no money on cd sales either, that all goes to the labels/publishers/producers/etc.

That’s your right, but by not being on Spotify you’re likely worse off. I’ve discovered many bands on Spotify that I’ve then seen live and bought merch that I’d never have heard of otherwise. It’s one of the rare times where being paid in exposure actually works.

You should still support services that you use though. Pirate music if you want, but if you use Spotify you should pay for it.

Even buying the cd only puts a few bucks at best in the artists pockets. 80%+ goes to the publisher/producer/marketing/etc.

If you want to support an artist go see them live and/or buy merch from them directly. Anything what is just supporting publishers.

Artists don’t generally make money from music sales unless they self publish. Spotify gets the music out there and heard so people discover bands and go see them in concert and buy merch, which is where bands make their money.

It’s crazy that it’s 2023 and people still don’t understand this.

Those aren’t this only things that cause you to be demonetised though. Having the wrong opinion is enough.