DRS GME and end the ponzi. Bleed the 1%


wiki-user: Zuberi

  • 7 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 14, 2023


Entirely front-end as a job, but have my own dell server and play around with automation surrounding my website all the time. I did engineering software/product support and IT in the past, so back-end isn’t entirely foreign to me but I wouldn’t even consider putting that on my resume.

My specialty as of late has been automation surrounding javascript/selenium/python for various healthcare companies but I have also used that skillset for viewbots for various SMM portals (Spotify/Tiktok/Instagram/SoundCloud views/favorites/follows/etc).

Depending on the anti-bot methodology I either use Selenium w/ proxies or just use the programs API calls (such as w/ Spotify).

Passive income on things like this has been fairly nice w/ my schedule, but I am looking for a change of pace if I can manage to find a company that would work with me.

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/22970715 Looking for a change in work and would love suggestions on how to find jobs with understanding bosses and/or odd hours. I can always get my work done, but I tend to put in bizarre hours for my own projects due to the ebb/flow of chronic pain. For me personally, I would prefer to work 16 hours on my good days and 0 hours on the days I can barely see straight because of migraine-level pain in my neck and back. I'm currently working in San Francisco and have major issues getting to/from work without my entire day being focused on work-related travel (not to mention spending all of my time at home recuperating for the next work day) I would take a massive pay cut to have a job from home with an understanding boss. Country is entirely irrelevant to me if they speak English and accept foreigners; otherwise, I know 2nd-grade-level Spanish, German, and French. - Is going through a recruiter a good idea? - Would there be any agencies that work specifically with disabled workers? - If not, what are good websites for actually getting call-backs on dev jobs? I have all of the requirements for a home gig (desk, monitors, multiple computers, home server, webcam, etc), is there a way to subtly express that to a potential hiring manger?

They’re axing certain adblockers on youtube / Spotify. AND they just took down one of the largest paywall bypass extensions for Firefox.

The billionaire class is scared as fuck this one last quarter of “profits” won’t he enough to satisfy wallstreet

I don’t see OP explaining it anywhere.

It’s just threads running out of order.

Why are you all overengineering the joke this much?

Lol at all of the people not getting it. Why comment here at all 😅

The survey was conducted online by the iPanel company on January 8-15, 2024, among 605 interviewees

The stats you are using are correct based on the source.

I just don’t think I agree w/ taking the Tel Aviv study of <1k people at face value.

Remember, if you didn’t see the >700k marching in DC (not a single television broadcast), why would US media show you the Jewish citizens who are pissed w/ Bibi?

Edit: I appreciate you providing the source though! The New York Times has a pretty heavy swing bias, IMO. I’ll include both of the polls mentioned below.

Palestinian Poll from the Article

https://www.pcpsr.org/sites/default/files/Poll 90 English press release 13 Dec 2023 Final New.pdf

Israeli Poll from the Article


I don’t even want to partially defend Israel here, but can you show me the 88% that have specifically said it’s about security/democracy and not the thousands of deaths?

Because I highly doubt the poll was “safety or dead children?” and 88% said “dead children” yeah?

Fuck the IDF, but don’t ALSO spread silly prop

Be careful with the us vs them mentality here.

They’re not all genocidal war mongers whether we think that or not.

Nah mate. Just not true. Millions of them have been protesting Bibi’s horrible leadership decisions here

My friend described it with the phrase “reddit liked it,” and I immediately crossed it off our list

Watching the bean counter (who makes >350k) struggle to open a PDF is 🤌🤌🤌

Just surprised. This is the quickest they’ve sunsetted a project.

Esp one that popular lol.

International “law” dictates they can do whatever the fuck they want if the giant bully country is also doing it.

I just know the UK will not stop this lol. 0 chance

The ole’ single C++ error turning into 600 lines of issues

So many comments could just boil down into ”🏴‍☠️? Yes, 🏴‍☠️"

LOL @ spotify on this one. Gunna piss off even the normies.

The same way I haven’t seen an ad in years, I also use a paywall bypass extension.

So I guess it skips my mind sometimes; when none of these sites have had paywalls for years.

I would argue a good chunk of the people here would prefer the OG link so they can archive it themselves (or make an offline .html copy directly)

If you follow the… “correct” channels for stuff like this, the user is going to release the info the moment that Reddit IPOs :).

Info about them (likely spying on their users) might really spook the insta-normie-scroll-on-the-reddit-app dorks.

If anything, it’s going to be a shit show even if BlackCat decides to hold on to it for a bit.

Maybe there is a place you could ask them about it specifically? I personally wouldn’t know.

Tbh I have no idea what a dark web even is 😏

Will be really sad when the ransomware files get leaked on the IPO date lol


I have post history of going through their JS, this is a Google-sucks thing, full stop.

I originally asked for things along the lines of survival: https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/4805526 With the following resources, it seems our community is off the ground in terms of bare necessities: >https://pastebin.com/gxfm3J7b >https://www.survivorlibrary.com/library-download.html >https://theswissbay.ch/pdf/Books/Survival/Survival/ >https://www.wikipedia.org/ (Download copy w/ pictures) >https://www.artofmanliness.com/skills/outdoor-survival/build-a-bug-out-kindle-a-digital-survival-library-at-your-fingertips/ >https://git.toad.city/brad/DeGourou Now, what is the best FOSS way to set up communication within the compound (and between our 2 communities)? The following list will help serve as a springboard for the types of things we're looking for: - Open-source server operating systems (e.g., Linux distributions) - Open-source web servers (e.g., Apache HTTP Server, Nginx) - Open-source database servers (e.g., MariaDB, PostgreSQL) - Open-source application servers (e.g., Apache Tomcat, WildFly) - Open-source server virtualization platforms (e.g., KVM, VirtualBox) - Open-source network monitoring tools (e.g., Nagios, Zabbix) - Open-source load balancing solutions (e.g., HAProxy, Pound) - Open-source server backup and recovery tools (e.g., Bacula, Amanda) - Open-source security tools for server hardening (e.g., Fail2Ban, ModSecurity) - Open-source server configuration management tools (e.g., Puppet, Ansible) - Open-source server monitoring and performance analysis tools (e.g., Prometheus, Grafana) - Open-source server provisioning and deployment tools (e.g., Foreman, Cobbler) - Open-source server access control and authentication systems (e.g., FreeIPA, OpenLDAP) - Open-source server backup and replication solutions (e.g., Bareos, DRBD) - Open-source server log management and analysis tools (e.g., ELK Stack, Graylog) - Open-source server file and storage systems (e.g., Samba, Ceph) - Open-source server containerization and orchestration platforms (e.g., Docker, Kubernetes) - Open-source server firewall and packet filtering systems (e.g., iptables, ufw) - Open-source server monitoring and management solutions (e.g., OpenNMS, Cockpit) - Open-source server collaboration and communication tools (e.g., Nextcloud, Jitsi) Edit: How do I make bullet points look normal on mobile? Sync has the page looking INSANE vs the desktop preview.

Is there a good collection of survival knowledge compiled somewhere?
I'm looking for a wide variety of topics. Feel free to call me crazy :)! But I would love any/all info regarding the following: 1. Self-sufficient farming and gardening techniques 2. Solar power installation and maintenance 3. Water collection and filtration methods 4. Off-grid food preservation options (canning, fermenting, dehydration) 5. Constructing and maintaining off-grid shelters (tiny homes, yurts, earthships) 6. Sustainable waste management practices 7. Home remedies and natural medicine for common ailments 8. Wild foraging and hunting skills 9. Basic wilderness survival skills (fire building, shelter construction, navigation) 10. Off-grid communication methods (shortwave radios, Morse code) 11. DIY appliances and tools for off-grid living 12. Sustainable living practices (permaculture, composting, recycling) 13. Essential off-grid kitchen equipment and cooking techniques 14. Emergency preparedness and disaster management 15. Financial planning and budgeting for off-grid living. Please feel free to include any topics along those lines. I'm sure if you've read to this point you get where I'm going.

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/post/2935413 > Gaming market expected to breach $500B by 2030.