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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


Aesthetics, plus the seductive appeal that pre-modern, pre-liberal-democratic societies (when the governments were authoritarian, the women were submissive, and the men “were men”) have for reactionaries, incels, and cryptofacists.

**Short Summary** The article delves into the unsettling ideological influence of Curtis Yarvin, a software developer known for extreme views on societal restructuring. Yarvin advocates for dystopian solutions like converting unproductive people into biodiesel and virtualizing them into permanent solitary confinement, ideas that have attracted influential figures like Peter Thiel and J.D. Vance. Peter Thiel, a tech billionaire, and Vance, a former Silicon Valley insider and now a Republican senator, are closely aligned with Yarvin's concepts. Thiel, particularly, has funded Vance's political career, elevating him into positions of influence within the GOP. Yarvin's philosophy, labeled neoreaction or NRx, promotes authoritarian governance and dismantling traditional governments in favor of corporate-controlled micro-states called "patchworks." Vance, shaped by his time in San Francisco and mentored by Thiel, echoes Yarvin's radical ideas, advocating for extreme measures like political purges and the replacement of civil servants to consolidate power. His rise within Republican circles, backed by Thiel's financial and strategic support, underscores a growing convergence of tech wealth and political power aiming to reshape American governance along authoritarian lines.

Mastodon has a major engagement problem and I’m not sure why.

It has significantly more users than Lemmy but also manages to feel a lot less social, somehow.

I use FLAC for long-term storage, 256kbps Ogg when transcoding for mobile devices.

Opus is the best lossy codec in terms of efficiency, but many devices/apps don’t properly support it.

In the video, the CEO specifically claims that the device contains a proprietary AI that can do all sorts of things, when in fact it appears to be ChatGPT with a bunch of hard-coded scripts slapped on top. If that’s indeed the case, then it would be an obvious scam and most likely fraud.

Funny how that word comes tripping so easily off the tongue in some situations but not in others, innit?

This didn’t happen to OP, and it isn’t recent - look at the report date.

This happened back in 2021 and apparently blew up on Reddit and Twitter, causing OpSec to release a public statement that claimed that the DMCA notice was a fake.



If you’re in the US, the Workpro line from Office Depot are pretty good. I picked up the Momentum for about $260 during a sale.

I think it would be fairer to say that homeschooling in the US offers a wider distribution about the mean, with comprehensive, school-board curriculums on the one hand and whatever backward, ahistorical, pseudoscientific garbage the parents want to fill their kids’ heads with on the other. It really depends on the state and the family.

Here in California, we do the same as you for our daughter’s schooling and it works great for us.

Except this “series of unfortunate events” appears to be entirely self-inflicted.

We’re not talking about a couple of hobbyists making YT videos in their spare time; LTT/LMG are by this point a huge media content factory whose unrelenting drive to produce the next hot slice of monetized infotainment means they are making constant (and often quite large) errors and not giving these products the time and attention required to assess them properly.

If you have the time, Gamer Nexus’ initial video critique where they matter-of-factly listed all the reasons why LTT need to seriously reevaluate how they do business is a very interesting watch.


Edit: wow, it seems to have finally sunk in - LTT posted this video not two hours after I posted my comment.

(Piped link because apparently the apology video is monetized 😑) :


In that case, you’d also want Lygisk instead of Magisk, to automatically have root reinstalled after every OTA upgrade. (Lygisk is a fork of Magisk, you get the same functionality otherwise)

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think Lygisk is a blanket recommendation for all devices running Lineage OS. I believe it’s for A-partition-only devices, so phones with A-B should use Magisk instead.

The GSConnect extension enables the same functionality on Gnome, btw.

Headsets and headphones are not the same thing and have very different market demographics.

Especially when you have to sign a waiver that literally reads:

“This experimental vessel has not been approved or certified by any regulatory body, and could result in physical injury, emotional trauma, or death.” Source