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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


As a person who has been managing Linux servers for about a decade now, trust me that a few hours or days of learning docker now will save you weeks if not months in the future. Docker makes managing servers and dealing with updates trivial and predictable. Setting everything up in docker compose makes it easy to recover if something fails, it’s it’s self documenting because you can quickly see exactly how your applications are configured and running.

This is how I would describe my experience. Sometimes it’s crunch time and most of the time it’s fuck around time. After crunch time I always throw a tantrum about how if we only bothered with planning we could largely avoid it.

Most people shouldn’t self host. It’s a hobby for people who want to do it, and there are benefits, but spending 3 hours on a weekend fixing stuff is not how most people wish to spend their time. Furthermore, it’s not a good use of most people’s time. We split labor up into specialties, forcing people to do work outside their specialty causes pointless inefficiency. I agree with what other commenters have said in that a better approach would be to have more small businesses hosting federated together, and anyone not inclined to self host should just purchase service through one of those many small providers instead.

I use it to describe a variety of things, but usually it’s related to servers not being able to handle load rather than an outright crash, but I’m not strict about it. Laos balancer failures could be it, could also just be that something was really I efficient but wasn’t noticed until it went into production.

As far as I know there is only one SSD model that meets my criteria (Samsung 870 QVO 8TB), and at $520 right now so I’ve decided it’s best to wait. I’d like it to be quieter but not so badly as to spend $1k on it (need two).

How noisy are these? I have a pair of shucked WD drives that should be equivalent to reds, and they’re pretty noisy in my otherwise quiet home office. Given they’re only 8TB, upgrading them to SSDs for full silence is something in considering as soon as the pricing and availability permits.

Blocking a large messaging platform because a minority of people are using it for piracy, of all things, seems extremely disproportionate

That makes sense. Companies with no presence in the EU can likely skirt the rules, but any large company with an EU presence will be compelled to follow them.

On that page you linked, they say “So far, the EU’s reach has not been tested, but no doubt data protection authorities are exploring their options on a case-by-case basis.” So it hasn’t really been tested yet it seems. It’s true that there are extradition treaties and interpol that aid in cross-border prosecution, but that tends to be used primarily when the alleged crime happened in the prosecuting country’s jurisdiction, or the alleged crime is handled similarly in both countries. A GDPR violation by a US company wouldn’t be considered a crime at all in the US, so it’s entirely possible that they might decline to assist in prosecution.

That’s a really interesting point, has it been tested in court? The article is about US companies and US websites so I figured EU law was irrelevant, but I am curious to see if the EU can claim jurisdiction for actions foreign companies take outside the EU, regardless of if they have any official EU presence.

Subpoenas are tools the government uses to compel a private entity to provide information. This isn’t that though, this is one private entity asking another private entity to just give them data. It’s not a legal case, and because of our non-existant privacy regulations in the US, Reddit is free to just hand over this information, or not if they want. No crime has to even be alleged, Reddit can just hand that information out.

Getting out of a VM reliably is not usually trivial, and VM escapes are usually designed to target specific configurations rather than an arbitrary deployment. A VM with a minimum amount of shared resources is usually a reasonable security boundary unless you think the malware you’re analyzing has hypervisor-specific 0 days.

In the immediate aftermath of the Nakba, they didn’t want to make the refugees status permanent because they expected the refugees to someday be able to return to their land. In more modern times, Lebanon has a (largely unsuccessful) balance of power between the Christians, Sunnis, and Shias. Making the refugees position permanent would significantly upset that balance by shifting the population in favor of the Sunnis.

Add the Logitech unifying receiver to this list. It cuts out constantly with the dock model most people use at my work, and I have to put it on a dongle or extension cable to fix it.

I use rectangle for window snapping. It supports basic side snapping, more advanced layouts, and configurable keyboard bindings. It’s open source and you can install it from their website, it’s just a .app. I think I installed it via brew cask but that was just because it’s convenient.


That’s not even what 12ft.io was. It wasn’t scraping anything, it was just a redirect to the google web cache. Importantly, it was also accessible, something that anyone could use without installing anything.

They’ve made a lot of progress on pylint: https://github.com/astral-sh/ruff/issues/970

I think one of the main issues is that ruff doesn’t really handle types yet. They’re getting there and once they have reasonably good type inference I suspect the list will be quickly checked off.

If you are forgoing a backend entirely you don’t need SQLite. If you need a server that can respond to http requests, that’s where you would need something like Django or flask, and they would store their data in SQLite. If your data is all fake and you don’t need it to sync between different browsers you can just fake it all using the web storage api and a static site.

What are you using on the server side? Last I knew bootstrap was just a (albeit good) front end framework. SQLite is just a db.

If flask is a bit too simple for you, check out Django. It’s a much more batteries-included framework. It’ll simplify the database connection (it has its own orm) and also simplifies authentication.


I discovered ruff earlier this year as the project was really taking off. It’s a python linter, and very recently now a formatter too. Its main selling points are that it is insanely fast and implements features previously provided by dozens of different tools. It was a pretty easy sell at work due to its speed, and the guy who initially wrote it now has a startup and they seem intent on expanding to cover more tool categories. It’s been a huge improvement for my work as a python dev.

It’s a bit more complicated than that. Your IP can identify you still, if there are few users connecting from that IP. VPNs reduce the efficacy of IP based tracking because they allow you to connect via many different addresses, and every one of those addresses will have hundreds of thousands of users on a given day. It adds a lot of noise that makes any pattern identification useless.

I’ve gotten good mileage out of just an Ubuntu live image. If the network is working you can install packages via apt like normal, but they include a lot of the basics already.

I have some practical annoyances, most surrounding multiple remotes and the clunkiness of it. I have two TVs in my house: a Samsung smart TV from 2019 and a Hisense Google TV I purchased earlier this year. The Google interface is not the most responsive, but it packs in all of the stuff I would want. Android is the most supported platform for apps. Samsung’s OS has good app support, but open source projects and more niche apps aren’t there. I think there is a nebula app now, but for a while there wasn’t, for instance. So, I bought one of the Chromecast with Google TV sticks to bridge the gap. It works well most of the time, but unlike the Hisense, it doesn’t support airplay. So if someone airplays, you get kicked back to the native OS and have to use the native remote. It’s possible to configure the Chromecast to use the native remote, except the home button doesn’t map, it is the home menu for the native OS. So it’s just kinda clunky. I do think newer Google tvs with airplay built in (varies by brand) are going in the right direction here. If you’re concerned about privacy, they’re still gonna be a nightmare though.

They have “classes” which I think are supposed to be going in this direction.

I’m glad nebula exists as a good alternative for educational content. It has successfully replaced much of the time I previously spent on YouTube.

As someone who works on python code and kinda hates it, type annotations and a CI pass for mypy would catch the majority of our bugs. It’s painful

It does depend on the device though. A desktop PC can easily be upgraded with a new drive, but a laptop it may not be as easy, or in some cases, not possible at all. Could always use an external drive, but those are usually more expensive and quite inconvenient if you move the laptop around.

Suppose you buy an Internet plan for $50. On your bill, it’ll be $50, plus usually 5-10 other fees probably totaling around $5-10. Some examples from my cell phone bill are

  • Fed universal service charge
  • regulatory charge
  • admin & telco regulatory charge
  • gross receipts surcharge
  • state public safety comm surcharge
  • local public safety comm surcharge
  • state sales tax

That’s 7 additional fees, whose names vary from somewhat comprehensible to uselessly vague. And you won’t find these prices until you get your bill. They’re not advertised directly, instead you’ll see that $50 advertised price, and a little asterisk that points to tiny text “additional fees may apply” that somehow make this all legal.

The FCC is saying if telcoms are going to add all these fees, they need to be part of the ad and not hidden.

If you have access to a VPN you can also buy premium for a much smaller price in another region. I bought a year for 16 USD via India.

I just discovered this game this past weekend and it is sooo good. I wanted a fairly mindless “kill a bunch of guys and keep my hand busy” type of game, and that’s exactly what I got.

Then there are people like me who do use Spotify a lot, but I’m mostly listening to the same stuff most of the time. Unless I’m trying to find new things or listen to a podcast, it’s most likely all cached on my device.

Out of curiosity, what are some use cases that would fit this criteria? VMs and containers are very capable and it’s much easier to debug a failed VM than a failed piece of hardware.