• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 08, 2023


Wow what a dull lineup

Aren’t we sick of Marvel yet?

The way you can blacklist listicles and similar garbage is worth the asking price in the face of it

Google is absolutely useless now, nothing but SOE farmed rubbish.

It’s become completely unusable.

I’ve moved over to Kagi 100%

It’s well worth the money for the amount of control I have over my experience. Being able to black list, downplay or uplift specific sources is awesome

They’ve just tied their careers to the profits of tech and have lost all passion they have for the nerdy hobby of their youth

Tech “journalists” have no idea how to speak about Mastodon or the fediverse.

They seem to think that unless something has billions of users, it’s dead. They can’t even comprehend how people could prefer a smaller more selective userbase

You’re describing every Sonic release.

Lots of people will keep saying it was good until the next announcement at which point they’ll admit that it was bad but the new one actually looks good

Don’t forget:

-Microsoft App Store

-Microsoft iPad

-Microsoft Galaxy Fold

-Microsoft Gmail

-Microsoft iTunes

-Microsoft Slack

-Microsoft Facebook

-Microsoft Facebook Work

-Microsoft FaceTime

-Microsoft Google Docs

-Microsoft Dropbox

I just want it to be fun, silly, and a bit camp.

Everything takes itself to seriously these days and Fable never did.

100% the boyf tunes out on most my gaming YTer bullshit but enjoys AA, the absurdity and the Sims help 😅

I’ve never played Skyrim
Never played past an hour or so. I'm gonna give it a good try to get into it. Are there any mods that people would suggest I use for quality-of-life improvements?

Mandalore, Hbomberguy, AmbiguousAmphibian, Jwlar, The Dadliest Man, MattKC, Oxhorn, Joseph Anderson, Your Favourite Son, Summoning Salt, Noodle, Avalanche Reviews, Monty Zander, Boulder Punch, The Nth Review, King K

Maybe some others, but those are the ones that jumped out in my Sub list!