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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 05, 2023


When I was in college for a CS degree, just about every single classmate I asked said they were planning on going into game dev, when you have entire graduating classes all gunning for the same positions in a relatively niche field, you can pay peanuts and still fill roles

100% agree, without it, the decentralization aspect is severely weakened

Yeah honestly hearing it describes as being full of neo Nazis is wild lol, it’s almost more left leaning than Lemmy

Poor people don’t really want things - you need a certain level of cash flow to qualify as a proper person with dreams and feelings, haven’t you heard?

I don’t really care whether people know or not.

Going out of your way to make a comment about it is an interesting choice then lol

People aren’t downvoting you because they disagree with your lifestyle, but your comment is like going into a thread about veganism and saying “fuck yall I’m gonna eat a cheese burger every day until I die”. A valid personal decision, but not really relavent to the conversation unless you just wanted everyone to know you’re different

Blame Hollywood - every movie programmer is just a natural savant (probably on the spectrum) who operates a computer in more or less the exact same way a wizard operates a wand

Regarding the societal collapse point, I really doubt that gold would be much in that scenario unless you can escape somewhere where things are relatively “normal”, in a genuine survival situation, bread is worth more than gold

OK, take a delivery mission from the crowded space station you’re currently on, load a rover onto your ship (by which I mean actually load a rover onto your ship, not just press “equip rover” in a menu) . Walk onto your ship (again, meaning actually walk onto your ship, not just load straight into the cockpit), travel to your fly down onto the planets surface without a single loading screen, head down to your rover bay, get in and drive over to the delivery location to deliver the package. All without one single loading screen at any point in the process.

The closest I can think of to that is space engineers, except space engineers doesn’t really have “missions” in the same way SC does and the station would be a ghost town, and all the ships/rovers would look like LEGOs lol

Don’t get me wrong, the game is very unfinished and even by alpha standards it isn’t at all perfect and there’s a 50/50 chance that at some point in the process above you’ll get a 30k or some other game breaking bug, but I don’t see how you can have played the game like you say and not think that it’s doing things other games aren’t. There’s no other game that I’m currently aware of that actually provides the same immersive experience (when it works) as SC.

Whether or not those extra bits of immersion actually matter to you is an entirely separate question, but they are present and a good measure further than any other scifi game I’m aware of. If I’m wrong pleasepleaseplease fill me in, because I fucking love that shit in SC but can’t deal with the bugginess for more than short intervals lol

Yeah no one can argue that it isn’t a giant mismanaged, drastically overdue mess, but it’s literally the only game of its kind right now, I haven’t played in a little while now, but earlier on I put easily hundreds of hours into it

That being said, God I wish they’d get their shit together and get the damn thing finished… At least just SQ42…

That’s awesome, but the real question is - will we be able to buy one for MSRP?

Yup, wrappers for everything you didn’t build yourself. That way when you inevitably have to switch vendors, you can simply write a new wrapper using the same interface, minimal changes necessary

Also how do you handle things that pop up mid meal? Like a second beer/cocktail with your meal.

I think a deposit when you sit down makes the most sense. If paying by card, then just keep their card on file for the duration of the meal, if cash, then do a small deposit per person - less than the cost of the meal, but enough to make dining and dashing really not worth the risk/effort.

Not exactly perfect, but itd work

Of course buildings cost money, no one is suggesting that the tenants of these public housing buildings don’t pay rent. Just that the rent is set at a rate that simply recoup costs instead of making the landlord (which in this case is the state) rich in the deal. And if states don’t have the funds to invest in the property, I’m pretty sure the state governments would qualify for some pretty solid mortgages. And the costs of those mortgages can be added onto the rent - same as a landlord would do, only in this case, that would be the end of the rent padding.

I can’t help but feel like you’re deliberately misinterpreting me at this point. That, or you’re just incapable of fathoming how human beings could possibly interact without one profiting off the other. The renters still pay rent, the mortgages on the property still get paid, the only difference is that the profit that would have gone to the landlord stays in the tenants pockets. That’s it - that’s literally the only difference. No free houses, no huge tax bills, just the removal of profit, and at-cost rents for folks who need them.

Demand isn’t high because so many more people prefer to rent - demand is high because it’s the only financially viable option. Why is it the only financially viable option? Because landlords (both corporate and personal) buy up all the property they can and rent it out. Because so many houses are getting bought as rentals, the supply of houses that can actually be bought is low.

Seriously, have you spoken to anyone who has tried to buy a house in the last few years? Every single one I know had a myriad of stories like “I put down an offer, but some investment company offered $20k over asking, cash in hand”

And because housing prices are so high because of the above behavior, more and more people are forced to rent, who would have 100% been able to buy a house not that long ago. And so rises demand.

If what you were saying was true (that rent prices are high purely because people love renting, and no one wants to be a homeowner), then why are we seeing sky high home prices at the same time? You’re quick to pull out a half baked supply and demand theory, but you’re very quick to ignore the other side of that equation.

Also, more fundamentally the whole “supply and demand explains all commerce” thing has been thoroughly untrue for ages. Maybe in a world without giant multinational conglomerates, political corruption, and price fixing. But in the real world, things are wildly more complicated

Yeah I think it’s less that people are setting unrealistic expectations for a Bethesda game, and more that people are getting fed up with being told they should be happy with all the faults “because it’s Bethesda”.

Bethesda gets a really weird pass in the gaming industry and when it comes to shallow content and bugs. I think a lot of that comes from the modability of their games, so that with mods and a few years of patches, the games often end up being a lot of fun - but the fact is that the games themselves, as released by Bethesda are usually hollow shells by comparison.

For instance it always irks me when people say Skyrim VR is the best VR game - you literally need a couple dozen mods just to make it function as an actual VR game (lack of 3d audio in a VR game is just unforgivable imo, let alone any actual physics interactions).

I think people are just starting to get fed up with Bethesda’s business model of building barebones games and counting on modders to make it fun. And then people get further fed up when they say so online and get told things like “but yeah it’s Bethesda, what did you expect?”

No one wants to pay for any of that ever tho

Pay for what? Again, I’m not talking about subsidized housing here, just at-cost rentals. The only people paying are the renters, they’re just paying significantly less because they’re not funding some random person/corporation’s no-effort-required retirement plan.

Idk about Canada but public housing in the US sucks.

I’m in the US, and idk where you live but public housing in my area is both high quality and super affordable (granted I live in a very liberal state, where such things are given priority). The only issue is that there isn’t enough of it, but that would be solved if we switched to public housing for rentals instead of landlords. If your area has “sucky” public housing, you should advocate for improvements in your community and vote for local policy makers who will prioritize it.

You seem to have this odd insistince that you can’t possibly have rental properties without someone leeching profits off the top of the whole deal

Well yes, hence my last sentence - there will always be some people who have to rent (or just prefer it), and for those people, we could have public housing. Basically housing that’s treated as a public infrastructure - run not for profit, but for public good. It’s really not that hard to grasp - remove the landlords from the equation, and set the rent prices to exactly the cost of maintaining the properties.

If you remove the landlords leeching away extra value for investment profit, and instead just charged what it cost to make the housing available, it’d be cheaper by definition. Providing essential services at an affordable cost is literally the whole point of civil infrastructure

You don’t need landlords to give people a place to rent, in the same way I don’t need to pay someone to bring water to my house, or haul my sewage away, I use the public utilities in my area. And I’m not even talking about subsidizing the cost with tax dollars (though I think that’s a good idea), you could give renters significant savings simply by not trying to make money off them

The reason so many can’t afford to buy is because so many houses are bought purely to be rented back out again, if no landlords existed housing prices would drop and more people could afford to buy.

For those who still couldn’t, as others have said - public housing

Yeah honestly I’ve been really confused by the claims about how bug free this game is.

It might be because I’m playing in split screen mostly, but my wife and I rarely go a session without a pretty major bug and a whole lot of minor ones

Don’t get me wrong, we both love the game and the bugs are totally worth putting up with, but the claims of it being super stable are a bit odd to us

I agree in principle, though I have a hard time seeing it going any other way than real estate developers getting even richer because now they just need to bribe lobby whatever politician is in charge of it for all the best deals

You’re not wrong, but the fact is that photorealistic graphics sells games. Everytime a AAA title releases gameplay footage prior to release, the graphics fidelity is always one of the most talked about things. Hell, there have been a lot of games where the majority of the hype has been around the graphics quality.

I’m not saying this is a good thing, quite the opposite, but the fact is that game studios are primarily interested in building a game that makes money (because that’s how capitalism works), and having the best graphics is a proven way to boost sales. The only way it’s going to stop is for people to stop basing their game purchasing decisions on graphics and start basing them on gameplay. But for casual gamers, that seems highly unlikely

I don’t think 3 monitors qualifies necessarily as “too many” under what I was saying before - I also have 3 monitors, one ultrawide and two portrait monitors on either side. I can see everything I need with only miniscule head movements, and I make a point of keeping my main focus work on the center display, to avoid neck strain.

My point there was directed mainly at the people who want VR workspaces so they can be surrounded in a sphere of monitors

we’ll see, I’m skeptical out of the gate until reviewers get their hands on some models to play with as to whether or not it can fulfill it’s many quite optimistic promises.

Even if it does everything it says on the tin (which frankly, I’m pretty doubtful about), my other concerns are still valid here. I just don’t see what virtual screens add that physical screens don’t give you. The only real advantage to something like that is that you can work anywhere I suppose - but for comfortable computer work, you’re still going to want an ergonomic KBM setup, a comfortable ergonomic chair, and a decent desk - so even if this solves the monitor problem, it’s not likely to lure many professionals away from their desks anyways.

If others really want to work in VR, more power to 'em, but I’ve yet to see anything (even super optimistic upcoming stuff like the Visor) that makes me seriously consider ditching my Physical monitors

Yeah I have to imagine that most people who think working in VR is a no brainer have never actually tried it.

VR is awesome, and using a VR desktop is cool as a novelty, but even the best modern headsets get uncomfortable after more than an hour or two of use and vr pass through has its own problems in terms of accuracy and comfort

If for whatever reason your working situation was such that you physically couldn’t have a traditional setup, then yeah it might be the next best alternative, but I’ll take monitors and a standing desk any day of the week over a VR workspace.

Also, past a certain point, adding more screen real estate isn’t actually helpful. You can only actually look at so much info at a time, and having too many monitors means you’re going to be craning your neck to see the ones that aren’t in front of you. At a point, you’re much better off using workspaces with good keybindings to handle more windows

Honestly this kind of attitude hurts workers way more than it helps them “well yeah I could get an extra $10k a year, but Bob over there might get $15k, so no deal.”

And if your coworker wants to spend an extra hour in their car (even if it’s paid), that sounds like their problem, not yours

Yeah working from home I already have my own office, just a few steps from my bedroom, with no manager looking over my shoulder, a fully stocked kitchen just downstairs, and 0 distractions while I work

Stop trying to make return to office happen, it won’t for anyone with negotiating power, and those are the most valuable employees. Try to make your employees go back to office and the best ones will just go work for someone else

You might be willing to pay an absurd amount, but you’re definetely in the minority there, most people will definetely not be willing to pay more than $60 for a remaster

That’s the thing - loads of people are also willing to shell out for a port

Why make a decent profit by remaking the game, when you can have a small team port the game over a few weeks and rake in basically 100% profit

I’d wager the difference between the number of copies that would see for a remake vs for a port is depressingly low

Why on earth would they “do something” about them? Companies doing that is literally OpenAIs business model lol

They only gave the public direct access to chatGPT to drum up excitement for it, the monthly subscriptions from people using chatGPT+ are nothing compared to the API fees from big companies

We actually know for a fact they don’t do it that way, since Reddit has already been caught undoing peoples “delete” edits after they’ve gone

Honestly it’s pretty rare for this sub to have genuinely good jokes

Most are just really forced jokes based around CS101 concepts shared by college students, most of the rest are the same few jokes told over and over like you said, and only a tiny proportion are genuinely clever programming jokes