• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 08, 2023


Have you tried different browsers? You should also enter the full URL sometimes they’re a bit stupid nowadays. So http://192.168.x.x:1500/

Maybe the browsers bring their own VPN. Some process all traffic to make it more “mobile friendly”. Or they have some other kind of proxy.

I’m still salty about how they fucked up Thief 4.

I think they actually are unionized. At least in the UK. That’s what some of the Baldur’s Gate 3 actors said when asked about the anti AI strikes. They can’t participate because of the rules of their union.

If I recall correctly there is even a sentence in the article about the British union starting to tackle this issue.

A bash script would probably be easiest to write and pluck into cron.

Edit: Clone all repos you want into one directory and then loop with a script over all cloned dirs and issue git fetch. Done. If you want to add a repo you clone another.

Copy protection software that is very hard to crack because it seems to be everywhere in the game binary so you have to meticulously go through the whole thing to weed it out.

It’s been known to slow games down because it’s called too often to check if your game copy is not pirated.

The world would be a much less interesting place if someone besides her was cracking Denuvo.

I wish people could learn to read messages. It literally says what it’s complaining about on there.

Hope that doesn’t lead to a crackdown. There’s tons of old and/or obscure movies available on YouTube that you can’t find anywhere else.

MythTV is the magic word. At least it was ten years ago when we were still watching TV. It comes with server and client packages. Kodi can also serve as a client. You can set up automatic recordings, timeshift, it can serve other videos and music. It’s great.

Doom got ported to the Switch, right? That’s great!

Luckily I can replay Thief every few years.

I really want to like them. They are everything I want in a game. Open levels you are free to approach however you like, a possible stealth approach, nice attention to detail and one of the later games even had native Linux support. But I never could get hooked to the story like other people seem to be.

I came to the conclusion (based on other games and media as well) that I just don’t like cyberpunk dystopias. Maybe because we’re in one, Miss Turner.

No matter what I play I always get pulled back to Diablo 2. Not even for the grind in the endgame. Just playing the normal game from Normal to Hell.

With newer games I always find myself overwhelmed with a screen full of indistinguishable enemies in later levels until I lose interest.

Put them into a playlist or download and use ffmpeg or possibly Handbrake (not sure if that can stitch together videos).

Try YouTube. I’ve been able to find tons of obscure movies on YouTube, blissfully unperturbed by any DMCA takedowns.

I wonder how that will interoperate with timestamps provided by users in comments or by the video creator themselves. Maybe those can be used to detect inserted ads.

It’s probably limited by your internet service provider. On many plans you only get much less upload speed than download speed. I guess it’s to discourage home users from running a server at home. And to discourage file sharing.

With docker-compose it’s almost there. Putting everything into a script with sensible defaults asking just for what is absolutely necessary should be relatively easy. It’s just that nobody bothered to do that.

Of course, if you want to have a performant instance with more than one user you will have to tweak everything according to your needs. But to simply get up and running isn’t that hard.

You never know.

Stop staring at my cable box. I don’t have a problem!

I guess the VPN adds an additional layer of authentication. And of course everything is encrypted by default which might otherwise not be the case.

Plus, with a VPN you can access multiple services.

They read the sentence “Yt-dlp and a cron job” which triggered a hormonal reaction in their brain which they linked to arousal due to prior experience. They used this as an opportunity to retreat to a more private setting and indulge in auto erotic stimulation.

Don’t think so. Maybe ffmpeg can do that.

Yeah, if you have the cloud folder already mounted it should be trivial to re-encode the videos with Handbrake and using the cloud folder as the output directory.

What is your end goal? Do you want to back up your videos with minimal storage costs? Compression won’t help you (because videos are already compressed) unless you can accept data loss through re-encoding. Handbrake (or pure ffmpeg) would be the tool to re-encode lots of files. This could save you space but you may have some loss of quality, depending on the configuration you use and how the original videos are encoded.

If you just want the videos to be available for streaming, tools like Jellyfin or Emby would do the job. They are servers that re-encode your media for streaming on the fly, depending on the client capabilities and your bandwidth settings.

You don’t talk about Usenet.

It’s similar to rule number two.

If I get my files already compressed they stay that way. If I rip something like a DVD I will just encode it in whatever is good at the moment. Re-encoding usually only makes sense if you can drastically reduce filesize. If you go from one lossy format to another you will always lose quality. So if that just means slightly smaller files I wouldn’t do it.

I very much doubt that they managed to block all porn.

  1. try lemmynsfw.com
  2. find the sources
  3. see which one isn’t blocked
  4. wank away

Does Arkham Knight get better?
cross-posted from: https://swg-empire.de/post/921635 > Does Arkham Knight get better? > > I never completed Arkham Knight and only played the first two games which I really liked. But for some reason I can't get into Arkham Knight. I find myself overwhelmed by the controls that seem to do something different all the time. > > Granted, I am much dumber now than five or so years ago when I played the first two. But as far as I recall they were relatively straight forward. But as soon as I reached the first tank segment in the beginning of AK I remembered when I gave up originally. > > But this time I decided to soldier through. Until I got to a segment where I had to complete five or six boring ass tutorials which all showed me different unrelated things of which I needed exactly one to progress and which all could have been integrated into the normal gameplay. Three I already forgot and with one I didn't even know what I was supposed to be doing but somehow I completed it. > > Is it worth it to go on playing? Do I **have** to know everything it's trying to teach me? I remember that it was pretty much needed to learn everything in Doom Eternal (as opposed to 2016). But at least all the controls were pretty consistent there. > > Anyways. Should I keep playing? Or is Arkham Origins better? Maybe I should just replay Asylum and City instead.

Git is already decentralised. Every github-like is interoperable with every other github-like. But just because something works together with many others doesn’t makes it invulnerable to legal takedowns. Nintendo is a gaming company. They have no problems playing whack-a-mole, as demonstrated here.

How many PostgreSQL services?
I want to migrate my Nextcloud instance from MariaDB over to PostgreSQL. I already have a PostgreSQL service running for Lemmy. And I'm pretty starved for RAM. Would it be better to just have one PostgreSQL service running that serves both Nextcloud and Lemmy? Or should every service have its own PostgreSQL instance? I'm pretty new to PostgreSQL. But in my mind I would tend towards one service to serve them all and let it figure out by itself how to split resources between everything. Especially when I think that in the long run I will probably migrate more services over to PostgreSQL (and upgrade the RAM). But maybe I am overlooking something. Edit: Thanks guys, I've settled for a single instance for now. And after a little tuning everything seems to be running better than ever, with room to spare.