Hello! I am a former reddit user who is harboring an interesting in the smaller side of the internet. My neocities is here - https://cavemeat.neocities.org

  • 10 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 01, 2023


Og castlevania is awesome, I gave it a try in an emulator after playing Bloodstained:Curse of the Moon (made by the original developer, and very reminiscent of castlevania)

This movie’s development was a mess and it had weird casting, it was basically destined to fail

Man, I have no idea if this is gonna be good or not. I’m interested to see reviews.

If you can, rip the files and post them to the internet, so that access to that game isn’t lost when the store is shut down.

Yup, because minorities hearing hatred and “plausible deniability” death threats all day is definitely not damaging at all.

I have slowly but surely moved everything important off google. My main email is a proton mail now, and I changed my pixel for a oneplus :).

Lol set up a countdown website like its New Year’s Eve

I kinda hate that about companies. The ones who make hairbrained decisions are never the ones who pay the consequences.

Huh, I wonder what site this installer was hosted on. It seems that (based on a cursory google search for this game) a wide variety of game sites, from reputable stuff to more questionable ones, host the installation files for this game. I wonder how many are infected.

God this video is excellent, he presents what he knows very well, and I unfortunately agree with his consensus that the sub imploded.

Aw man, I didn’t notice until you pointed it out. Why is news media always so reluctant to say rape even when the rapist has been convicted?

Me too, I wasn’t expecting reddit to actually confirm it

Wait that’s hilarious. I wonder how long because it all just fall apart under a pile of john olivers and shock videos

Huh, fascinating writeup. I’m gonna use crackers like this from now on.

Oh you have to try it. I have too many hours in it, but its such a good time.

That is true, the nature of the fediverse does mean that you won’t have to interact with fedbook’s server if you don’t want to.

I was thinking that. I can understand disliking lemmy for its developer, but then making it a call against federated media seems strange, as someone who also considers themselves an anarchist.

True, and I agree. Thing is, I don’t think the raddle base is willing to look past that, or consider how federation makes the dev’s beliefs largely meaningless outside of the server he moderates.

That is unfortunate. We’ll have to repost stuff here then.

I really like the musical puzzle game “Okay?”. Its one of the old classic app games to me, and has basically a million levels.

Don’t a lot of calls get recorded now anyway? (I’m just asking, I don’t actually know)

SMS delivery reports can be used to infer recipient’s location
A team of university researchers has devised a new side-channel attack named 'Freaky Leaky SMS,' which relies on the timing of SMS delivery reports to deduce a recipient's location.

A lot people here have been saying similar stuff. Dedicated mods being replaced by scabs isn’t gonna do any good for those communities…but maybe their degradation is a good thing.

You’re unfortunately right. It goes without saying that no cop is noble enough to go beyond their legal duty.

Given Orwell’s negative experiences with communism, I don’t think its innaccurate to say it was a reflection of the biggest communist country at the time–the USSR. That being said, it can be interpreted however anyone wants, and it being interpreted as solely anti-totalitarian works better in my humble opinion.

Me too, I’ve basically left all traditional social media because of it.

FOSS Games?
I've been trying to track down some interesting games that fall under foss philosophy. No preferences on genre, I just want to hear it all :)