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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


“Copyright should protect the artist, not the publisher.”

https://social.hails.org/@hailey/113081760374774478 from the replies: - > “Piracy already has a definition, and I don't have a boat. Now it's just independent archiving.” - [If buying isn’t owning, piracy isn’t stealing](https://pluralistic.net/2023/12/08/playstationed/)

pile on layers of cultural norms – some cultures place a priority on punctuality, and some cultures it’s downright rude to arrive at the time stated – and then there’s the US where workers are required to be on time but bosses don’t even need to show up

if you download Boy and the Heron but end up watching Fight Club, you know they can’t be trusted

“If I had to suffer, then so should you.”


  • Minimum: Windows 10
  • Recommended: Windows 10
  • High Spec: Windows 10
  • Performance: Windows 10

Why Isn’t Functional Programming the Norm? – Richard Feldman

  • objects and methods are just structs and procedures
  • encapsulation is just modular programming

(fixed – Firefox keeps trying to “autocorrect” it to a secure connection)

I think I was the reverse, I found it easier wrapping my mind around Scheme than C …

the old languages still have their fans – and COBOL, Fortran, Ada, and Lisp are still holding strong in their respective niches

Ada sitting at #22

EDIT: COBOL community adopting a dinosaur for the language’s logo

thing is, most of us should of known, they pulled this same crap back when they tried forcing everyone to drop the physical discs and switch to streaming only …

very much a convenience factor – Apple broke the MP3 sharing scene with the simplicity (at the time) of iTunes – video streaming started out simple but now it’s turned into cable TV, trying to find out which service is streaming a particular show, if it’s region-locked, or gated behind a premium upgrade, or just been dropped completely, or two services are still arguing over who gets the rights, or find out all the seasons are on one service except one season is on another service …

Piracy decreases the profits of the publishers, publishers decrease the profits of the rightful owner. Piracy hurts the rich man, the rich man hurts the poor man. The publishers will still hurt the rightful owners whether piracy happens or not.

abcde uses whatever current codecs you have installed, it doesn’t do any of its own encoding

will also see it sold as “magnet wire” (for winding your own electromagnets) and the heat from your soldering iron is usually enough to melt through the enamel varnish

I have no knowledge in this area, but this really sounds like containers territory (Docker, not VSCode) ?

at one point, that was the main platform of the Pirate Party: “Copyright should protect the artist, not the publisher.”

so many companies would rather engage in collective punishment rather than just behave – see a similar thing with gamble-boxes in video games, companies are happier blocking countries rather than just publishing the odds/payouts/return-to-player …

  • reinforcing others’ comments – “define the lifestyle you want”
  • do you really want to move up to management? – not just social skills, management requires both a different skillset and mindset – there’s no shame staying on the technical/development/engineering side of things
  • in your off-time, try out stuff and find what feels most comfortable
    • backend? – there can be more focus on interoperability over performance, plenty of companies trying to get their web frontends working with enterprise backends that they’re never planning on upgrading – ex. there’s still a huge call for COBOL programmers
    • embedded? – between maker communities and self-hosting communities, there’s a big hobbyist community sitting outside the corporate sphere – ex. programming microcontollers/SBCs in C, MicroPython, PicoRuby, Forth/Factor, …
    • 8-bit? – tools, programs, and games for virtual consoles (uxn, Pico8, TIC-80), chiptunes and tracker music (keeping the legacy of Amiga MODs alive)
    • Android? – pick up some Go or Dart/Flutter skills (one of the current maintainers of Dart, Bob Nystrom, has put out Game Programming Patterns and Crafting Interpreters and likes programming roguelikes)

Unity has absolutely no qualms about laying off employees …