• 9 Posts
Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Dec 15, 2023


Storage is cheap if you are lucky, in my country storage is so overpricedto the point thatI don’t wanna bother with it.

Could you dm me a couple good open/effectively open?

It’s 2024 and no isp’s in my country still provide ipv6 from what I have seen.

In my experience, 100% use mpv over vlc.

Vlc in my experience is just too heavy and has playback issues, while mpv is perfect.

Or you live in a country that purelly doesn’t care about it to the point you can have a seedbox running 24/7 throught your network.

Bonus points if it also shows your “location” to be 100km away. To the point that it sometimes shows you to be in another country next to your.

Another point when it changes your public ip address dailly.

Sed comes into play there, or :%s in vim, whichever you prefer ;)

I tend to grow my fleet of servers every couple months, and that requires me to once again setup everything from the beginning, settings, sshd, update debian if old version, new user for ssh, docker/podman, …

Quite literally added new vps to my fleet yesterday and spent 4 hourson setting all that up, when it could have been a simple ansible script.

Fun fact: I actually run nixos on my main pc.

This sounds amazing!

You have any good resources to recommend for learning ansible?

Is ansible worth learning to automate setting up servers?
Hello, I have recently been seeing a boom in people using ansible for automating setting up vps's, services, ... Is it worth it to learn ansible to do also automate the way I setup everything, or is a bash script good enough ( I know some bash scripting but ansible seems like it could be more worth the time to learn )?

It’s discord like interface and I plan on only having selfhosted related content on it, mostly just for people to help one another in a more “well known” way of discord and real time chatting.

I agree with you, they serve different needs.

That’s also where your argument from before comes in, as I don’t use matrix. Never had an use for it, that’s where the conflict for me comes in not wanting to create an account on a platform I don’t personally use.

Mattermost I will have an use for personally and with friends, while matrix for me is unnedded and overkill for my needs, that’s why I didn’t go with matrix, neither on an already established server, or self host it.

I feel like matrix is an overkill for something like this personally, because I wan’t to be motly only used for quick help with peple around the globe and matrix is more generally used to communicate with a huge amount of people around the globe.

Main reason also why I didn’t go with matrix is because in my eyes it’s still inmature and requires a good amount of maintenance, for what I think of as a simply a quick and dirty server to quickly help people in a more real time setting.

I don’t mind people not liking the fact that it’s a mattermost server and not wanting to sing up only for this community, it’s their choice after all.

Mattermost: Casual Selfhosters
Hello, today I would like to announce the creation of a mattermost group "Casual Selfhosters". I created it because I feel like there is a need for real time chat at times when it comes to helping someone with selfhosting and some aspects of communication generally work better in real time chat, than in a forum like setting like what lemmy does. The server is hosted on a dedicated hetzner machine. I would love for the mattermost group to grow alongside this lemmy community and be a good addition in helping other people get into selfhosting. Hoping for good feedback to make the community even better and hope people will find it usefull if they are ever in need of real time chat to help someone across the globe.

Minimal, I have to force myself to check the servers for updates atleast once a week.

Main problem for me is I automated podman and docker updates with their respective autoupdate mechanisms and use ntfy for push notifications so I know if a service stops working and I had an update recently on it that it’s an update issue.

Also have uptime monitor wih uptime kuma to monitor state of my services to catch them not working before I do, also ntfy for push notifications.

Also have grafana+prometheus seted up on my biggest server for monitoring and alerting with alertmanager+mail to get notifications on even more errors.

So in general I only have to worry about occasional once every few months error and updates of the host system (debian).

Yea, matrix is too much for that I need, an dhave seted up a mattermost server for my needs.

Planning to create a selfhosted team on it for the people of this communitty to talk real time about selfhosting and help each other fix issues in a more timelly and easier manner.

Update: Ended up setting up a mattermost server.

Main reason cause it’s the easiest to setup as it only need 2 containers.

Edit: Might create a specific team just for selfhosters where people from this lemmy community can talk about posts there, or generally about selfhosting

Edit 2: I have created “Casual selfhosters” team on my mattermost instance, will create a post either later today or tommorow promoting it, but for now will leave an invite link here so feel free to join in and talk about selfhosting! [https://mm.cronyakatsuki.xyz/signup_user_complete/?id=trbsbo38c3bu7kqirx644wcqiw&md=link&sbr=fa](Invite link)

That’s why I said E2EE is nice to have, but not required.

That’s a fine but, as long as the server was hosted at my personal devices, which it isn’t but on a hetzner dedicated box. Which is still better than on shared pc’s.

Don’t really need it, it’s just nice to have.

Selfhosted messenger/community software like discord
Hello, I would like to hear your opinions about a good selfhosted messenger like discord. To list exactly what I mean by that is: - No need for federation ( only will be used by friends ) - E2EE - Support for direct messages - Support for discord like server management by which I mean the ability to set rooms and topics for such rooms. From what I know, this seems to be more similar to slack alternative's but wanted to hear opinions of others. I have been thinking about either matrix, mattermost, rocket.chat or revolt chat. I already have a XMPP server, but setting up encryption and client's has turned away quite a few people I would like to get onto this platform. EDIT: As pointed by other people E2EE isn't needed for my usecase if no federation.

For podcasts I recommend audiobookshelf. It has a very nice podcasts category with ability to backup the podcastst yourself, also syncs progress over multiple devices.

For rss I use miniflux.

I selfhost an instance of ntfy and changedetecttion.

Ntfy is for simple push notifications from absolutely anything, even just curl.

Changedetection is for detecting changes on websites, prices, is something in stock, … It supports ntfy for push notifications so I just add the releases page from github to changedetection and then I get a push notification on my phone when anything gets an update.

I agree with you, recently moved to hetzner one of my vps’s, ended up costing me almost 2 euro cheaper than vultr + higher specs.

Also have another auction dedicated server with them, which is really amazing for the price it costs me (hosting my lemmy instance/sharkey/… in total about 20 diff services plus a minecraft the 1.12.2 pack server ) the server barelly sees around 20% cpu usage on my grafana dashboard.

So from the point of price/performance hetzner is amazing.

Docker and podman in general work the same, commands are the same, …

Only biggest difference is that now that I’m trying to migrate from docker to podman is figting over volume binds permissions for databases and such.

Finished migration of 3 containers, 50+ left.

I am using it in a cron script, but the mumble server doesn’t support automatic reload of the ssl certs, so I need to restart tge mumblr server to load the new certs. That’s where my problem comes cause I run it inside docker.

I have been thinking about moving to kubernetes, this just adds gives me another notch into doing it.

Yea this seems like the most easy solution for mumble specifically.

Restart Docker Container Without root privileges
Hello, I have a mumble server running as a docker container. I'm using lego to generate let's encrypt certificates using dns challenge as an unprivileged user. My problem is that I need to restart the mumble server so that it can reload the ssl certificate, which means restarting the docker container. Is there any way to do this withuot adding the user to docker group, since there are security issues with that group where it's easy to escalate to a root user. I thought about maybe a user level systemd service could be able to do it, but wan't to hear your opinions? EDIT: I mention mumble specifically here, but this can apply to any server that requires manual reload of ssl keys, like postfix for example. I'm also not againd the idea of converting to something like kubernetes or even podman ( which would be harder cause of file permissions on all my binds ) if they can allow for woking on the container without root privileges.

I personally do a restic backup on my server (I have a dedicated hetzner server), and keep a backup on the server itself, and do a backup to a backblaze bucket for an offsite backup.

I also have a restic check job run every week, that reads 10% of the random data making sure everything is fine and working correctly.

For my local machine I do the same but additionally backup also to an usb drive for a 3-2-1 backup solution.

Here is the link to the wiki page I created: rsync

The most important part for you is the last one, but I would recomend to read it whole to understand how rsync works a bit.

Don’t really have some rn. Will make a page on my wiki and link it to you later with some basic examples.

No, I only have new files on my local machine, and as I collect new stuff I move them to my server with rsync and just remove it onthe local machine.

Rsync is more than smart enough to, if you keep same folder structure to easilly move the files to the server without you having to manually copy other each file.

When it comes to media like my music library and comics for example I just use rsync to move new ones to the server every time I collect some new (I have about 60gb of it)

I would just use rsync on the whole folder.

Rsync is smart enough to be able to only send files you didnt’ have previously like a regular mv command.

Or you can sync the whole directory and have it also delete removed files.

Edit: If you wan’t something to automatically “sync/backup” the data, why don’t you try and use syncthing? P2P syncing solution that might be exactly what you need in your hse case.

Shitty thing is, emulators and emulation themself aren’t ilegall.

What nintendo attacked here is the fact yuzu was used to play copies of games for their still used and developed for system, doesn’t matter whether it was pirated or not to them, all they care about is the fact that it was a current gen system emulator and they didn’t like that fact because they think it hurts their sales.

Used to not monitor at all, but after setting up crowdsec I got completeky into prometheus + grafana system resource and security monitiring on my dedicated hetzner server.

I also keep uptime kuma on another cheap vps to monitor the states of websites directly for issues and I have seted up watchtower to send ntfy notifications on updates so I can know an update is the one fucking everything up.

Recently also setup restuc backups so I made it so I also get backup health check logs as ntfy notifications on my phone, which really helps me keep everything runnig.

What I really need to also do is create prometheus/grafana alerts for additional things to get notifications on my phone for them also ( like when crowdsec starts to randomly not get any more acqusitions, so I have to restart it. Once passed over a week before I looked at grafana and caught that ).

Note: this is all a hoby, I also don’t host anything at home out of a couple reasons, most important being internet and hardware is expensive af here so it’s simply cheaper for me to play around with vps’s and hetzner dedicated servers.

Just add in syncthing in your stack and you will get keepass with the benefit of syncing directly between devices in a p2p matter.

I have been using this combo for almost 2 years now and it’s better if you ask me than using vaultwarden.

Or piped, depending on what you prefer.

i don’t have history either man. Every private tracker I tried applying tl wanted atleast proof of good seed ration from w other private trackers also. Which I don’t have because I never tou hed private trackers before.

And either way I don’t have disk space to keep torrent’s around to build up the ratio. ( I have 100gb free for movies/tv shows ).

I didn’t bother applying, mostly because I don’t look for contant stream of media, and the fact I would then need to managage my seed ratio.

Not interested in all that, plus I’m very limited on storage, and not can’t upgrade it cause it’s too expensive here either way.

Usenet is just better for my usecase.

I moved to usenet, seted up a few good indexers and providers and the experience is 1000x better and easier than trying to get into any kind of private trackers.

Selfhosted twitter alternative, not mastodon if possible
Hello, I have seted up my lemmy server couple months back and am loving it. One problem I have with it is that I can't follow individual users so I have been thinking about selfhosting another fediverse service that will satiate my need to follow specific users. Most popular platform on the world generally for that is twitter so I wan't to see if there is any good twitter alternative. I know of mastodon but have heard that it can be hard to selfhost and uses a lot of storage ( that wouldn't be that much of a problem with s3 storage provider, like what I do with lemmy already ). So I would like to know if there is any simpler "twitter" alternatives for following single user's on the fediverse, preferably with s3 storage support. If mastodon is the best in that regard I most likelly will just selfhost it.

Alternative to certbot for acquiring ssl certificates to use with nginx.
Hello, I wan't to ask if anyone knows of a good alternative for certbot for acquiring ssl certificates for nginx. Certbot isn't good anymore for me since I started using crowdsec with nginx bouncer that uses lua block's inside nginx config that cerbot can't parse, making it not work anymore. I use nginx because it's the one I know the best and for my use case work's the best. ( Hosting both program's directly on metal and docker container's )

Traefik + ntfy redirect curl
Hello, recently I have moved from nginx to traefik and have found an "issue" that I would like to have fixed. Originally with the nginx config I had a block that allowed for ntfy to work with curl without having to specify `https://` but with traefik this doesn't work and throws out `Permanent Redirect` when trying to send a notification using curl. This are currently my traefik settings for ntfy using labels: ```yml ... labels: - traefik.http.routers.ntfy.rule=Host(`ntfy.cronyakatsuki.xyz`) - traefik.http.routers.ntfy.tls=true - traefik.http.routers.ntfy.entrypoints=websecure - traefik.http.routers.ntfy.tls.certresolver=lets-encrypt - traefik.port=80 ... ``` Is there any way to setup traefik and ntfy to be able to send notification without having to specific the protocol or is there no way?

Hetzner Server auction worth it?
Hello, recently I have started to see the limit's of vps's and have been thinking about getting a hetzner dedicated server from the auction. My question is are they worth it and if so what would be the best way to make use of them. By that I mean should I get something like proxmox on it and make use if it that way, or install a stable os like debian and have it all installed in docker making use of the pure power of the system that way? Edit: My use case for my server vps is my main website, but I also host a lot of alternative frontend' and some other thing like a feed reader (miniflux) and other things like that, that with time I have accumulated and if I wanted to have them all running well would either have to spend money in uograding one vps, or buy multiple smaller one's. In both cases this could end up quite costly. Reason I can't do it on my own hardare is space contraint's, part's avalibility where I live and prices. They are high. Edit2: If there is any other good alernartive dedicated server peovider that won't break a bank like hetzner, please recommend them.

Jellyfin on a vps
I have a jellyfin instance running with radarr/sonarr/... for my media needs on my vps. Problem is that I don't have huge amount of storages and I would like to expand the storage until I'm able to make a personal server ( I don't have space where I live for even a mini pc rn ). From the options that I have been considering the contabo ( my vps provider ) storage expansion are quite costly so I have been thinking about hetzner storage boxes or a backblaze b2 bucket mounted with rclone/s3fs. The problem with backblaze is that I use hardlinks with my *arr suite so to save up on space so I'm not sure if I can mount them preserving the hard links. What would be your thought or reccomendation? Should I get a hetzner storage box and just mount it or is there anything else I could do until I manage to make my own personal server?