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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 15, 2023


Would you mind educating us plebs then? I had a similar question to op, and I can assure you, I definitely don’t understand local auth services the way I probably should.

It might be worth taking a step back and looking at your objective with all of this and why you are doing it in the first place.

If it’s for privacy, then unfortunately that ship has sailed when it comes to email. It’s the digital equivalent of a post card. It’s inherently not private. Nothing you do will make it private. Even services like proton Mail aren’t private–unless you only email other people on proton.

I appreciate wanting to control your own destiny with it but there are much more productive things you could be spending your time on the improve your privacy surface area.

If it’s working again all of the sudden I would lean towards f2b. I don’t know what your “timeout” is, but if f2b got tripped it would explain why you couldn’t get in yesterday but today it works (assuming your ban expires in 24hrs or so).

GPU with a ton of vran is what you need, BUT

An alternate solution is something like a Mac mini with an m series chip and 16gb of unified memory. The neural cores on apple silicon are actually pretty impressive and since they use unified memory the models would have access to whatever the system has.

I only mention it because a Mac mini might be cheaper than GPU with tons of vram by a couple hundred bucks.

And it will sip power comparatively.

4090 with 24gb of vram is $1900 M2 Mac mini with 24gb is $1000

Like he was saying, it’s more than just power loss. It’s a way of “sanitizing” the power as it comes in. This is “usually” not a problem. But dirty power is arguably worse than power outages. If the voltages fluctuate or get low for whatever reason that puts a big strain on your power supplies.

This could happen because you run a vacuum on the same circuit and your house is old, guy down the street electrocutes himself or the power coming in from the electric company is ‘dirty’ because they have an issue with transformers or up stream somewhere. It can be imperceptible to you, but your tech notices.

I switched the the snap package and it’s been rock solid and pain free the entire time.

I welcome any and all comments on why snap is Satan.

I use vimwiki and wrote a bash script that pulls all of the Todo items from across my wiki and puts them in a single file with TODO and IN PROGRESS sections.

I have a keybind that pulls up the list and runs the script to refresh it.

It’s not linked to any calendar though. I keep my to-do list and calendar separate.

I use Gmail and have that calendar for my personal stuff. At work I am forced to use outlook.

“rocinante” for my proxmox host.

“awkward, past his prime, and engaged in a task beyond his capacities.” From don Quixote’s wiki page.

It seemed fitting considering it is a server built from old PC parts…engaged in tasks beyond its abilities.

The rest of my servers (VMs moslty) are named for what they actually do/which vlan they are on (eg vm15) and aren’t fun or excitin names. But at least I know if I am on that VM it has access to that vlan(or that it’s segregated from my other networks).

I think unRAID does that. But I never looked into it much tbh.

I don’t have nearly that much worth backing up(5TB–and realistically only 2TB is probably critical), but I have a Synology Nas(12TB raid 1) and truenas (zfs striped/mirrored) that I back my stuff to (and they back up to each other).

Then I have a raspberry pi with a USB drive (8tb) at my parents house 4 hours away, that my Synology backs up to (over tailscale).

Oh, and I have a USB HDD(8tb) that I plug in and backup my Synology Nas to and throw in my fireproof safe. But thats a manual backup I do once every quarter or 6 months if I remember. That’s a very very last resort backup.

My offsite is at my parents.

And no, I have not tested it because I don’t know how I’m actually supposed to do that.

So it sounds like Vultr isn’t doing anything nefarious at all.

Someone apparently actually read the terms and services for the first time a few days ago and misunderstood them since they were saying it was in reference to the Vuktr website not your servers.

And either way, they removed the offended lang to clear it up.

This seems like a knee jerk mob reaction more than anything.

There is no evidence that they’ve done anything with anyone’s data.

Yep, that’s exactly what you need. It’s a right of docker passage to not have a volume set up and lose all of your settings/data.

What you are talking about is volumes. You can probably Google a dozen examples but I highly recommend trying chatgpt for questions like that.

It’s pretty good about telling you what you need to do or how to fix a issue with your compose file.

Breaking things is the best way to learn. Accidentally deleting your container data is one of the best ways to learn how to not do that AND learn about proper backups.

Breaking things and then trying to restore from a backup that…doesn’t work. Is a great way to learn about testing backups and/or properly configuring them.

The corrolary to this is: just do stuff. Analysis paralysis is real. You can look up a dozen “right ways” to do things and end up never starting.

My advice: just start. If you end up backing yourself into a corner where you can’t scale or easily migrate to another solution, oh well. You either learn that lesson or figure out a way to migrate. Learning all along the way.

Each failure or screw up is worth a hundred “best practice / how to articles”.

It sounds like you are using a volume and it’s reading the settings you saved. What is the command you ran exactly and I can probably tell you what you need to change or delete to get rid of your old settings.

There are different audiences for demos though. It should be that way at the “working level”. When you start moving up the chain with more senior leadership in your org, it starts to make more sense to have the PM do the demos/briefs.

Usually devs don’t particularly care or want to and sometimes they aren’t really qualified to–its not their skillset. But if it’s a good PM, that’s where they shine. That’s the value they bring to the project. They (should) know the politics, landmines, things that specific leaders would care about (and to highlight for them), and how to frame it to current business needs. They have the context to understand when a seemingly innocuous question is actually pointed. They might not know the intricacies of your code, but they (should) know the intricacies of the organization. That’s not something most developers know, and why should they? That’s not their job.

Sometimes it even involves groundwork meetings and demos to make sure you have support from other key components in your org-- like getting your CTO excited because one of his performance goals was x and your project is the first real implementation of x. Now, you have the CTO ready to speak on your behalf in front of the CIO. As a PM you know that the CIO has been getting flack from the CFO because there hasn’t been a good way to capture costs for Y, but your system starts the org down the path to fix that. Now they are both excited about the project and in your corner. Etc etc

As a former PM/PO who has moved up the chain, your PM is full of shit and you should look around. Looking out for your top talent is how you succeed as a PM.

you may need to check your server’s DNS configuration or make sure that the hostname “lemmy-ui” is correctly defined and reachable in your network. It looks like it’s expecting the lemmy-ui to be on the .57 machine. If you are expecting it on the .62 then something is misconfigured in the script.

It just looks like it can’t find that host.

Sorry I can’t be more help. I don’t run a Lemmy instance and I’m not familiar with the ansible config you are using.

It says 2tb limit for SSDs which is odd? Maybe I am misunderstanding that.

I’m interested in hearing what folks who are interested had planned for this. It seems like it would be an overkill pfsense box. Could be a proxmox host for high IO vms but at rh same time kinda limited in terms of storage.

I know snap isn’t popular among Linux nerds, but I was really having issues with the AIO docker setup and at the time I didn’t have the time to troubleshoot/fight it. I needed to give my family a file drop link to share photos for a memorial service.

I figured, the snap package was recommended on their site, maybe it won’t be horrible. To my surprise it was incredibly easy, has been rock solid, never had performance issues, and it’s always up-to-date.

Snap may suck for some use-cases but this one seems to be right in it’s wheel house.

It also has an export/backup capability built in.

I ended up on the snap because I couldn’t get the AIO install working properly. My snap version has been super solid. I think I’m gonna stick with it for a while.

My advice: use the nextcloud snap package. It’s seamless.

You’re using network_mode: “host” which makes the container use the host’s networking directly. When you use host mode, the port mappings are ignored because the container doesn’t have its own IP address, it’s sharing the host’s IP. Remove or change the network mode to see if that fixes it.

iOS and Android spend an inordinate amount of time and money on ways to increase the switching costs between the two systems. Aka they add friction to leaving their ecosystem.

So I’ve been working on a setup myself. I actually haven’t considered immich but I should. I was just going to do a simple js based webpage local server that auto boots chromium into kiosk mode and randomly switches pictures. I actually had it set up so it weights new photos more heavily so it shows new additions more frequently.

The way I got new photos in was a nextcloud webdav mount. That way my wife and I can just add photos to a folder from our phones and they show up on the frame. I saw a guide online on how to do that with Google Drive too.

So all that to say, that might be an option for you to get photos to a folder. Then maybe point immich to that folder as a source.

My mom just got access to my dad’s iPhone/iCloud data. She had his credentials I’m sure but they sent her a link to download it all.

Literally the same thing.

Every once in a while I have to have the onsite staff turn it off and back on again. (Aka my mom)

Lol. I doubt the inventors of regex know all of regex

It sounds like you’d make a better lawyer than whoever brought this case.

I agree with you for whatever it’s worth.

Isn’t this just a basic legal concept?

“In order to claim damages, there must be a breach in the duty of the defendant towards the plaintiff, which results in an injury”

Basically the judge is saying the plaintiff didn’t establish the basic foundation of a tort case. He’s not saying this isn’t wrong, he’s saying they didn’t present the case in a way that proves it.

It’s not enough to say “you shouldn’t be doing this”–even if that’s true.

Yea, the cultural lore surrounding public healthcare in the states is really funny. You can have people waiting months for things with our shitty system who will still say that wait times with public healthcare would be horrible.

Maybe. I guess if I had to choose between a financially debilitating procedure with a long wait time and a free one with a slightly longer wait time, I’d choose the latter.

I’m found that airports, airline WiFi, and some hotels will block certain VPNs. But they mostly do it the lazy way by blocking certain ports. If you use a random port it usually works. Or they’ll just straight block UDP.

Its a great thing to check. All of the issues I’ve ever had with tailscale stem from the ACLs. Its.Always.the.ACLs.

My favorite is when there is just a tiny footnote on the docs at the bottom that says ~“if you do this maybe check your acls because its not gonna work without changing them”~

Acls suck.

I always end up using chatgpt to get them at up properly.