Nerd, professional solver of imaginary problems

  • 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 14, 2023


Not enough info. What are you trying to actually accomplish here? If you’re stress testing and trying to measure how fast a server can process all those requests, use something like jmeter. You can tell it to do 100 concurrent threads with 10000 requests each, then call it a day.

I joined a team years ago where everyone would catch exceptions then throw a different exception in the catch, swallowing the original. Sometimes these were nested many layers. Troubleshooting was a nightmare.

I spent a week deleting all of them and told everybody that “try” was now a forbidden word outside of entry points.

Games like Baldur’s Gate assume you have at least some DnD experience. I remember playing Neverwinter Nights for the first time long ago and being really glad I played one session of DnD before it.

The f150 is huge, unnecessarily huge. But still better than this thing yes. I wish somebody would make an electric truck or ute the size of an old Ranger or S10.

This thing was announced over 4 years ago. Tesla has been taking preorders for 4 years. It’s a little late to change the agreement. Then again, I can’t imagine ordering this thing 4 years ago and still wanting it after everything Elon has done.

This is a worse experience than a phone on every way I can think of. For a moment I thought maybe it could be a good solution for visually impaired people, but then I saw the laser projection screen. This seems doomed to be e-waste.

As wraithcoop suggested, you can install additional software like rectangle to do the job. But why is that necessary in 2023? Window snapping has existed forever on Linux DEs and Windows since Vista.

I’m amazed at how many professionals use Macs because Apple seems to hate power users. I had to use a Mac briefly recently and was amazed to find they still don’t have window snapping.

It also had no idea what to do with my monitor, couldn’t even detect the correct resolution. I’m guessing if I had bought a $3000 Apple monitor it would have worked immediately. But had to dive into “advanced settings” just to set the correct resolution.

If everybody could stop using Twitter, that’d be great.

If they wanted to make browsers less secure, they would do so in much more obvious ways.

The new proposal demands browsers automatically trust government created root certificates. That means any EU government can do a man-in-the-middle attack on any end user running that web browser, even users in other countries. There is no reason to do that other than to spy on people or to manipulate the content that they’re viewing.

If any government, or company for that matter, wants to make their own root cert and deploy it to all their users/machines they can already do that easily. A lot of companies that work with sensitive data already do this, and some companies (ex: symantec) provide solutions to do it very easily, so the IT team can see everything the users are doing.

This is what the company valued itself as being worth. Not what it’s actually worth. So I’m not sure if Elon is trying to over or under value here, but I’m guessing over.

You’ve described a big part of why I hate startup culture. “Let’s build cool thing then sell it to a huge company and get rich.” I’m never doing it again, such a waste of time and energy.

So the full Republican party supports this guy, who:

  • thinks gay marriage should be banned
  • tried to overturn the 2020 election
  • wants to ban abortion

The dude that runs that site and writes most (all?) of the articles writes some wild conspiracy stuff. Is there a credible source for this? Like from a person who hasn’t said stuff like “If Ossof and Warnock win Joe Biden will have the votes he needs to impose Communism.”.

Edit: wait I just saw the organization linked. That is some right wing nonsense.

I think this is more about creating a remote work system for the federal government than anything else. But anything supported by Sinema is probably a terrible idea.

I once wrote some software that replaced almost an entire accounting department. No bonuses were paid, no salaries increased for the few remaining people, it just went into the shareholders pockets. The company was already very profitable before this.

Cars aren’t automation, but you already know that. And despite what Elon says, they still require a driver to be operated (although that will probably change soon and remove 15% of jobs in the process). I’m not saying all advances in technology are bad. But things that will replace entire workforces, like how this will replace ground crews, have a negative affect.

Remember folks, most jobs are lost due to automation like this. These robots won’t be paying taxes or simulating the economy.

And those are the same people who are running dev-ops, infrastructure management, and acting as CTOs of companies. If you rely on enthusiasts, you don’t wanna piss off the enthusiast community.

Asange plays favorites and has an agenda. I want him to expose all the shady activities, not just the stuff he thinks will help Trump win an election.

This is the wildest take I’ve heard. People don’t trust meta because it’s Facebook, because it’s Zuckerberg. We’ve all seen what they do with companies they acquire (I used to be an Oculus rift owner).We’ve all seen how poorly they handle data, seems like there is a data breach every year.

Hell, when I was an Oculus rift owner I worked inside of Virtual Desktop some days. I’d argue that Meta killed my desire to work in VR.

“There’s a new war going on, is this affecting my investments?!” - some capitalists I assume.

US State Dept. Officials Told Not to Use Terms ‘De-Escalation/Cease-Fire’ About Gaza - just… big sigh.

According to HuffPost, which reviewed official emails, “State Department staff wrote that high-level officials do not want press materials to include three specific phrases: ‘de-escalation/cease-fire,’ ‘end to violence/bloodshed,’ and ‘restoring calm.’”

Yeah they burned me a few times in the past by acquiring games/studios and breaking their Linux compatibility immediately after getting them. I’ll hold this grudge for decades.

I wonder what could have provoked an attack like. Perhaps decades of oppressive occupation. Constantly escalating violence isn’t going to fix this. But Israel is the side that can choose to end it by ending apartheid. All the imprisoned can do to improve their situation is try to fight out of it.

Apple doesn’t ship consumer systems with dedicated GPUs in them and they’re on their own custom silicon now. Developing cross platform games for them must be a major PITA.

How many more shows can they buy the rights for and then do one half-assed season of? Surely they’re running out of ip.

Ah yes, a doorbell camera with an effective distance of 5 meters (about 16 freedom feet) is definitely gonna create proof of extraterrestrials visiting.

Headline coming soon: emoji reply-alls trigger e-mail server meltdowns.

Thanks for breaking that down, I was trying to find the per user amount

Maybe you should check out the polestar 2 if you’re interested in a sporty sedan. I seriously considered one of those but couldn’t find a good 2" receiver for it.

Even my Volt can do a burnout, every EV is going to have a lot of torque. But in this price range, a Kia ev6 or a Ford Mach-e would be better choices. You also have the Nissan Leaf or the Chevy Bolt for fwd options.

With all the issues Tesla has (poor build quality, lying about range, blatant racism in factories, Union busting, Elon) I don’t know why anybody would buy one. There are several better options at this price range.

Finally getting some (closer to) mainstream video cards from AMD. Still feels overpriced but a lot better than $750 for a 7900xt.

Heads up if you're using Alpine images to host your services or run build pipelines. Alpine's packages are going to be less current unless some others maintainers are found to pick up the slack.

AMD Unveils The Ryzen 9 7945HX3D For Laptops With 3D V-Cache
AMD is releasing (what appears to be, still need all the reviews to come in) a beast of a mobile processor. 16 cores, 32 threads, and 128MB of L3 cache.