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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 04, 2023


“Go and buy some milk and if they have eggs, get some.”

Do I really have to explain the joke? The sleep paralysis demon is asking “Is HTML a programming language?” And the person is “sleep paralysed” to correct them or do anything about it really.

I don’t know what else I can explain besides that.

What does your sleep paralysis demon ask you?

Prefer composition over inheritance. Though that doesn’t mean inheritance has no place in programming.

It’s not so bad TBH. As in if I couldn’t get IntelliJ on my machine, I’d use it.

TBH leap year is needed because of the ~0.25 day error in the Earth’s revolution around the sun.

I’d do this to all the guys who introduced different charsets.

It would be more appropriate if the Imperium replied with the Navy Seal Copypasta.

You mean the new Spring Security deprecating some of the older APIs? I agree that the new version changes a lot of stuff but IMO these changes are much more welcome and more streamlined than before. It’s better to do it once and you don’t have to touch the security config all too often once it’s done.

I don’t understand the bad rap that Spring gets. Compared to the other frameworks around (Jakarta EE, etc) it’s much more accessible than people realize, plus a very mature ecosystem.

A sound has been recognized that may be a rusty trombone.