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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 05, 2023


Kann ich Sie für unseren Herrn und Erlöser, Linux, begeistern?

The energy demand of AI will harm humanity, because we keep feeding it huge amounts of energy produced by burning fossile fuels.

Mods used third party tools to help them with their unpaid work. These tools relied on access to the reddit api.

Then reddit charged ridiculous prices for api access, which would mean the apps would need money, so mods would need to pay to do their unpaid work or use the inferior reddit interface.

Given these choices, some mods decided to leave instead.

A short name for communities would be groups. I like to call the users fedizens, as it is not specific to one software.

Good to know, but does it have the feature I need? Because the last time someone tried to find it, they couldn’t. That was after i told them “sure, just go to search and replace and look for the regex option which surely is there.”

Yeah sure, i use Emacs to code. In evil mode. A lot of Emacs users use it to code. Why would you think otherwise?

You know, I wouldn’t care about being replaced by a machine, as long as I get UBI. Then I could just do what I like to do and wouldn’t need to care whether I actually make money with it.

I consider using windows as self-harm. It is a decision you make. I choose not to harm myself in this way, so this does not concern me.

The reader view is not provided by websites, this is solely a browser function. They apply an algorithm to extract the content of the website and represent it in a readable way. If you are interested in this, the one used by firefox is available as a library: https://github.com/mozilla/readability

Does the “reader” button in your browser redirect you to your rss reader, or are you just using the browser feature for readability? Because the second one does not need rss.

They are just offering the free service of video hosting. There are no advertisements and no paid accounts, so all they could share are costs, not income. They are not an advertisement/monetarization service.

Maybe boot a fast OS from an external SSD? So the harddisk can stay untouched.