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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


Is that not the normal? I just started sailing again recently, and I legit feel bad having to clear out an old torrent to make room for something new.

For a quick and dirty clean room run the shower really hot for a few minutes to make a bunch of steam and then wait for the humidity to naturally equalize, boom you got a few minutes to do your swap job.

I’ve never heard of this… what’s the idea behind it? That you get the RH near 100%, and any dust particles will be a nucleation point for water to condense on, causing them to literally rain out of the air?

On the power disable feature topic, I’ve only bought a few used enterprise drives from Goharddrive.com and Serverpartsdeals.com, but they both included a handy little SATA power adapter with each drive for exactly that reason.

The first desktop I installed them in worked just fine with the factory PSU cables, but when I upgraded I was left scratching my head for a few minutes until I remembered those adapters!

Ha! It took me a minute too to realize that having to google WTF a skibidi toilet is was the Millennial test, not being expected to know it.

Finally, a sterotype of “millennial” that recognizes we kinda be old now!

The big one for me is drag/drop, copy/paste, saving of emails and attachments between Outlook and the rest of Windows/Office is completely borked.

I have to keep both versions open at work to keep from going completely insane.

Not sure if it’s totally your vibe, but Machinae Supremacy is more on the rock/metal side of gaming themed music with a lot of C64 chiptune layers.

“Indiscriminate Murder is Counter-Productive” is one of my faves from them.


Ratchet & Clank games are solid and approachable if you’re into casual platformers. The main focus is the huge array of different weapons which often get hilariously over the top in the late game, and story is just there for a backdrop.