• 4 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 26, 2023


Looks like I was wrong…

this is from an older thread before the final closing announcement:

24 February 2024

Yesterday, we received unfortunate news from one of our trusted admins stating that the owner of the site intends to shut it down due to insufficient revenue.

fucking nice… is that on their public eu domain? having trouble finding it but probably looking in the wrong places

anyone feels like pm my dumbass the loc or give a hint, i’d appreciate it

edit: also tried dht (qbittorrent, solidtorrents) but no joy there either

edit2: to fellow drunken fools:

is that on their public eu domain?

the ansqer is ‘yes’. See: /public/Random/torrents

edit3: had a few drinks and forgot to add the one i got from eu domain… brought qbit up again after i sobered up and it still had the dht search open and so I figured why not and retried it… and now it was showing up there too (via bt4g dot org). go figure

now i just need to free up enough space to acually dl it (it has things packaged as multiple ~8GB .7z files, so anybody who was hping to pick-and-choose based on what you want subs for, sorry to disappoint; gotta dl whole thing and extract to do that … so really you need quite a bit more than 90gb if you account for the archives + whatever size of extracted files is)

well, also it was not long ago with a short-time frame…

If it all turns out to be a prank / main account was hacked / etc, great … but could see someone who expects a lot of negative feedback or even somene who have a lot going on offline not really bothering to look at commentss

plus we all knw silent legal / state presure is a thing… rarbg, kat, and many others had people willing to take over but ithink they got legal pressure to stop.

my plan is just have a few glasses of boubron and relax. we are hydra and all that lol

fuck… subscene is closing down (in less than 12 hours) UPDATE: has now closed down
UPDATE: Just checked and subscene is now down for me So... what're your guys favorite alternatives? The ones I'm aware of but haven't used much are: UPDATE 2: needed subs for an ep of a moderately popular crime procedural show that aired 4 days ago on a regular tv channel, so updated to note experience with them. tested in librewolf on vpn: - english-subtitles (dot) org : had latest subs, no issues downloading. - subdl (dot) com : site was realy fast compared to some of the others. had latest subs, no issues downloading. that said, it had creditted the uploaders from subscene so it was easy to see that the subs were just copied from there. i probably need to retest this stuff again in with something else in a few days to see which sites are getting **new** uploads that arent just copied from subscene. - my-subs (dot) co : did NOT had subs for latest ep. did have subs for previous ep. no issues downloading. - podnapisi (dot) net : had some weird css fuckup on the search results (i use always https mode so maybe realted to that?). but they had latest subs and no issues downloading. - subtitlecat (dot) com : mostly for translations. Otherwise I generally avoid this one since I prefer my subs to be spot-on. had latest ep, no issues downloadig. - ~~yifysubtitles (dot) me~~ : they did not even have current season of the show. if they did, then there search sucks balls so hard you might get a ruptured testicle. - ~~opensubtitles (dot) org~~ : update: these guys use fucking google fucking recaptcha which has been extremely fucking assholish in firefox/librewolf lately especially when on vpn (im talking you can submit 15+ correct and it still say you wrong and dont let you pass). so they can fuck right off my list until they decide to switch to literally anything else besides recaptcha. seriously guys how can you call yourselves "open" anything and using fucking google recaptcha. you can do better than this. Happy to hear complaints on any to avoid too. edit: for any curious why, I found this is from an [older thread](https://forum.subscene.com/topic/attention-subscene-is-shutting-down?page=1) from before the final closing announcement: > 24 February 2024 > > ... > > Yesterday, we received unfortunate news from one of our trusted admins stating that the owner of the site intends to shut it down due to insufficient revenue. > > ...

hey’re now owned by Kape Technologies, a company that used to do bloat/malware development to do shady data mining.

not a new thing. been that way fr years nw. sucsk but there apps are stlll foss (on github), still 3rd pary audite, and ii still havent been sued for downlodaing shit lpl

an they have wg. but you neeed to clone their git repo and run some shit to generate it. i wish it was just a simple conf file like ovpn but something about auth token i think. idr

I have encountered some annoying “prove you are human” prompts when using Google Search so I mostly use DuckDuckGo.

same. searx.be anohter good one

I think there hasn’t been a release this year without subs in the container.

there are for sure tv releases that are missing subs. also some that h=as subs but text is wrng… specialy sutff like lower-sizd encodes. havent watchd muhc movie this year so not sure on those.

but fuckyeah i apriciate when teams include subs in there relases

ain’t got none but hyptotheticaly, sure. better’n them gettin busted with a dcma or whatever cuz they dont know how to chekc for dns leaks and use failsafes to block non-vpn access. most of us started off and had to lern ho wto do shit the reight way. why nt help em do beter

i woldnt want my kibds to be soem kind of normies that dont even know wtf a vpn is

FOr anyone else reading this while slightly inebrinated, note: AR = AlphaRadio (a private tracker). Nothing happening to the Arr tools.

Everyone else, pardon my and my whiskey.

sites that allow users to download the audio from YouTube URLs

you guys use sites for that? I just use vpn + yt-dlp

Is why I like to have multiple aliases and always connect via vpn… harder to sue me if they can’t figure out who I really am.

On that note, it would be really cool if there was a TOR-based github alternative (or even an I2P-based one) for hosting project repos somewhere that take-downs have no effect and servers can’t be seized. Anybody aware of anything like that? then again, I’m not even sure how I would configure git / ssh to use a TOR-based server lol

From a less selfish perspective, if it exists in decent quality on public trackers, I’d rather contribute to keeping it alive there, where more people can access it.

This is the way. If more people did this then arguably no one would even need private trackers…

I don’t know enough about ovpn or wireguard to know how that would help me…

OpenVPN and Wireguard are different protocols that VPN providers can use. Technically, there are also groups and client apps of the same name for both too. I think there are other protocols too (pretty sure there’s one called IPsec and maybe some others) but OpenVPN and Wireguard are 2 of the most common. Wireguard is newer and generally is regarded as faster than OpenVPN protocol but there are some privacy issues with it if using the unmodified version. Some VPN companies use a modified version of WG that address those issues (Nord and PIA). But since customers can’t inspect the server configs, I would definitely recommend only using VPN companies that have undergone a third party audit to confirm that they keep no logs and have a server configuration without privacy issues (off my head: PIA, Nord, Mullvad, expressvpn, surfshark, cyberghost).

Is that not a VPN/tunneling that you have to have both sides to use?

Yes, if your VPN provider doesn’t have servers configured with Wireguard, then you can’t use it. And even if they do, it probably won’t be all the servers so you need to choose one with it. So if say your provider was Nord. Nord calls their modified WG as “NordLynx”.

If you wanted to connect to Nord’s WG (aka NordLynx) servers, AFAIK you have to use the official Nord client app. Some providers might release a WG config file that you could use to manually set it up but last time I checked Nord only offers manual config files for OpenVPN (here’s an old reddit thread basically saying the same thing). This is annoying if you are trying to have a setup where you can switch between multiple providers and protocols easily (like me) or in places where you can’t install client software (like routers) but probably not a big deal to most users connecting from a computer/tablet/phone/etc.

For PIA, it is similar although they don’t rename their Wireguard as something else. But again, they don’t provide manual WG configs and you have to use their official app to use it. However, they do have some github repos and more technical users can run some scripts to generate temporary manual configs (my understanding is that unlike the OpenVPN manual configs, these will eventually expire and you will need to rerun the scripts again at some later time).

I used Nord proxies when I still used uTorrent, never had issues. I’m definitely hardwired, and my isp is shit, don’t get me wrong, but the only change I can see is qBit and proxies. I tried every server they had available, and the issue just stops when I don’t use their proxies. Maybe I should try proxies from some other service, but I’m not really in a place to shop around… and I don’t know that free vpn services have proxies that you can try.

Not sure. Hard to debug without concrete details and I’m probably not the best for that anyway. Could be proxies; I connect to vpn servers but not via socks proxies so not sure how those are different speed wise.

If not that, could be qbit settings or version (several years ago some various builds of qbit could be hit or miss but I thought that was more or less done with nowadays). If you are interested in working it out, my recommendation would be to take some screenshots of qbit settings. Then create a post asking about improving qbit speeds and also list a) who the vpn provider is - nord or whatever you use now, b) how you are connecting - nord app or proxy url etc, c) if you are testing with same torrent in each, then what kind of approx numbers you are seeing in qbit and what you expect based on network test. That would probaby be enough info for folks to help you get it sorted and would be a good resource for anybody else having similar troubles.

in any case, seems to be working for me now. same pc, same vpn, same dns, connected via same vpn server. so no clue

lol good points and so true. reading this just makes me think of the old quote If the penalty for a crime is a fine, that law only exists for the lower classes. When I think of record labels and big film companies, let’s just say that the first thing that comes to mind isn’t starving artists but coastal elitists getting pissy bc they can’t charge people even more.

Appears to be down now, getting 500 proxy error. If it matters, I’m on vpn, like any good sailor ought to be

probably just people who don’t want to bother with compiling everything would be my guess

I use a mix. Sometimes, I’ll read stuff in the foliate app on Linux from my desktop outputting onto a big screen tv.

But I also do an old kindle while lounging on couch/bed and Librera reader on phone (android/f-droid) when I’m on the shitter.

For the most part, I load different things on each and just jump back and forth between several stories. Keeps things interesting and no need to sync bookmarks and whatnot.

same. sometimes for really new books in niche genres, i’ll come up empty handed but more often than not i find what i’m looking for

Oh yeah, completely forgot about Mac version lol.

As for why, no way to know for sure without inside info, but best guess is that they are trying to account for maximum file size limits across all the various possible Windows/Mac filesystem types but whichever employee setup the Linux ones realized that most Linux users wouldn’t be using shitty Microsoft filesystems. FAT12 is fairly safe to ignore but they might have been considering FAT16 and HFS as the lowest common denominators, then making the files slightly smaller than the max file size just in case.

That or possible that they were balancing by network loads (since Windows versions probably account for around 99% of all downloads) and that was somehow determined to be the sweet spot.

they are based on size but it’s only the windows versions. for example, if you buy witcher 2, it has windows and linux versions. linux version is a single ~20 GiB file while the windows version has a small exe + lots of bin files that are 1.5 GiB or less and you need all of them to install.

ok, you convinced me that I want Galaxy for Linux too 😁

the achievements, social, and install management stuff wasn’t too important for me but having it simplify offline installer downloads vs doing it from browser would be great.

Definitely agree that being able to control install location + whether or not to update is nice (compared to steam) but I was comparing vs what I can already do in the offline installers so I guess that’s why it didn’t matter to me if the client could do it. But some games you need to download a lot of files which is kind of a pain in the ass from the browser (especially when it’s something you need to run under wine since gog tends to split windows games into multiple pieces/.bin files more often than they do native linux ones from what i’ve seen).

“Argentinians mostly pirate content”


every few minutes is a lot. havent been on nord for a few years but even when i was on them i dont remember getting drops that frequently. i suspect it is likely not an issue with qbit as many others use it without running into drops like that - including myself.

probably an issue with either nord or your isp. if you are on wifi, there are also some routeres with known issues when it comes to dropping wifi signal - but there’s too many different models and firmware versions to really guess this accurately without detailed info (and sometimes it only happens in specific versions of firmware on specific routers).

i get occasional drops on PIA but its usually after running for something like 3-7 days straight. i’m not using the official pia client app but instead download manual ovpn file configurations from pia and import them into generic client. under windows, you need the openvpn free community client for this. under linux, you can import them into networkmanager. iirc, nord has manual ovpn files too but they make you select a specific server and download 1 config file at a time.

alternately, if you setup wireguard that might also work better but haven’t tested myself

I understand the chances are low and my media player needs to be exploited but is there a way to be certain?

Personally, even if I was on a highly targeted OS like Windows, I wouldn’t really worry too much about video files being infected - with the obvious exceptions of making sure they are actually video files not something like .mkv.exe and that your system isn’t compromised some other way (e.g. installing / running random apps or scripts off the web / email / etc).

But if you want a little extra peace of mind, you could run an antivirus file scan on it or take steps to sandbox it in a VM or security container.

If you are on Linux, you can run the media player apps like vlc / mpv / smplayer / etc in security containers which would limit their capabilities if there ever was a successful exploit on the player software via something embedded in a video or music file. There are several different apps you can use to make use of such security containers. The easiest is probably to just use flatpak versions of applications (flatpak is a “universal” linux build format - most of these are available on flathub.org - and have a built-in security container called bubblewrap which you can control with a tool called flatseal). There are also other options besides flatpaks such as firejail (which I use myself), which has pre-made profiles for a lot of the more popular linux apps so like for vlc I could simply launch firejail vlc in shortcuts or I think there is a graphical app for it too. edit: jsut checked and yup, there is a gui called firetools: github | their blog which has screenshots and a 2min video demo.

Linux security containers rely on features built into the Linux kernel so I’m not sure if there are comparable alternatives for Windows or Mac. But I suppose if you were on one of those, you could always just run things in a virtual machine.

A post on reddit said to use mkvtoolnix to check all the elements but I honestly don’t know what to look for. Any help?

Without an actual link to see what they said, I’m going to go out on a limb and guess their assumption was that you would either have some kind of corrupted exe that is NOT a valid video OR a valid video. I mostly agree with that assumption - there are things like steganography that can hide data in some other data files like pictures or videos but that is more just extra crap than exploit.

IF you accept this assumption, then what they probably meant was that you could use mkvtoolnix to confirm that the mkv file loaded successfully and had audio + video streams (e.g. a really really basic test for it being a valid mkv file). You could do the same thing with the mediainfo tool (I believe this is also crossplatform since that’s what RARBG used to use on their media detail pages… and God do I miss that, wish other public trackers all did the same thing).

Possibly stupid question, but how does one manually tag things on lemmy when using desktop web ui from browser (as opposed to mobile apps that specifically have a tagging feature). Is it as simple as add some #SomeWord thing? Asking bc I thought that when using markdown for comments (which I do), the # at the beginning indicates a heading level, not a tag. So… guess I’m just saying I have no idea how tags work in lemmy (don’t know how to add them, don’t know how to search by them, etc).

It might be worth mentioning - or at least linking to - how one can do so manually on lemmy in the readme.md file for dummies like myself.

was surprised to see they are still around. have heard snahp was pretty alright but never used it myself (freinds who mentioned it were talking about tv shows mostly tho, didn’t realize they did LNs too). is there any way to get an invite these days?

tbh, i never really used galaxy so i guess i have no idea what i’m missing. if it’s just an online install client kinda like steam but for gog content, that wouldn’t really interest me too much but if it lets me download offline installers as a batch job, that alone would be totally worth it (i have no idea if it does that already or not)

not really sure what you mean (maybe i didnt notice or it was before i started using it?) but to each their own I guess?

It’s actually an old windows VM and definitely not convenient, more it’s just that I know I’ve tested the fuck out of it and it’s rock-solid in terms of not leaking ips or whatnot. I’ve been wanting to migrate it to be pure linux for some time but part of the complexity is porting my old firewall rules… linux firewalls don’t see process paths for the most part so I pretty much need to handle things in a much different way. I could probably throw together a Linux VM with iptables-based rules without too much trouble but I guess I just figured skipping past VMs entirely and going directly to containers was better but that ended up being more time- and research-intensive than I had originally expected (apparently i suck at containers lol)

Interesting. I’m still on a VM setup and still need to migrate everything over to using docker (or podman). I had made an attempt a year or so back but wanted to run all my containers without root and whatever one I was using as a template at the time had been expecting the opposite. Then life caught up with me and I ran out of time on that project

But good to know about Gluetun. Maybe I’ll revisit the migration to containers at some point if I get the free time.

I agree that that is a very nice feature. So are the rss feeds.

But to me “best” is anything that makes it easier to avoid getting caught so the network interface binding is still my favorite 😉

The reason? The new deadpool IP shredded the contracts with the original game developers primarily because the voice actors weren’t the ones everyone is now accustomed to (mostly ryan reynolds).

Makes me wonder how out of touch those guys are that they see the only solution is the nuclear route. Even if there were more issues than just this, it seems like better options could be found.

Steam managed to allow the content owners to be able to download and install the game without any problems while also complying with the new terms surrounding the deadpool ip.

That’s a very good example and I agree that’s a much better way to do it.

I would think tho that this was more of a difference in how the original contracts were designed (e.g. Steam probably planned for this from day 1) but it’s clear that wherever along the timeline the decision was made that Steam handled it way better than Sony.

I think one other angle we’re probably missing is that Sony is in the movie industry in a big way, where Steam is not. From everything I’ve seen, film/movie/tv/music bigwigs are some of the greediest and most childish asshats in existence. Just look at the pettiness of their lawsuits.

since you seem familiar with those clients, do you know if either or both of those have a network interface bind feature like qbittorrent? (if not familar, qbit lets you pick which interface your vpn uses and only torrent on that one - which is damn handy if your vpn drops)

i used to use deluge back in the day (years ago) but ended up switching to qbit after i got a dcma when my vpn dropped. i’ve since improved my setup and safeguards a lot but was wondering if it ever got a similar feature.

Most quality VPNs will have a killswitch built in and enabled automatically, with nothing to setup, but they are notoriously unreliable and can fail.

Fair. I do all of my setup manually these days (networkmanager on linux, openvpn client app on the rare occasion i’m on windows, not a mac guy so no clue there). I implement one using a firewall but that is more complex than most people want. Still, as long as it is done in addition to the qbit network interface bind, then it’s not bad to also set a VPN killswitch.

The key term people want to search for is “bind.” You want to bind qBit to your VPN.

Agreed. This is what I was referencing in the first bullet about network interface

I’m not saying you shouldn’t recommend these, or that people shouldn’t use them, but IMO, people should at least be warned to search for the following, so they can make an informed decision:

1 - Fair points. TBH, I had my doubts about that initially but have been with them the whole time (before and after kape acquisition). FWIW, I have not seen any change in PIA service quality. In fact, I have seen them add Wireguard support and release all of the code as FOSS (see here). I agree that Kape did some sketchy shit in the past but from what I have seen over the last several years, they are not doing anything sketchy in the VPN/technology sector part of their business (aside from maybe advertising which I consider to be separate). I don’t even really think about Kape anymore tbh. If they were ratting me out, I would have had enough dcma notices to start a bonfire with by now.

2 - I had not been aware of that. I haven’t used them in a few years. Any sort of data breach definitely sounds bad but since I haven’t reviewed the details, I don’t want to jump to any conclusions either.

I like Mullvad from a tech and privacy standpoint but IMO they are a bit on the expensive side compared to some of the other options. Nord and PIA you can usually get multiyear deals on periodically and that can drastically lower the overall cost ($80 for a 3yr VPN plan = monthly about 2.22 USD/2.04 euro vs 5 euro/month for mullvad). Not saying price is the be-all-end-all or that Mullvad is unaffordable but it is going to be a consideration for many, especially people that already don’t want to shell out for a paid VPN over the free ones. With that in mind, I think there is still value in PIA (and possibly Nord - I haven’t reviewed the details of what exactly was breached - e.g. vpn service vs blog server vs etc, what data was exposed, what steps they took to address, etc). There are many other no-logs vpn options besides Nord, PIA, and Mullvad out there, I just don’t have any personal experience with them.

Maybe? Been awhile since I’ve messed with my setup and while I don’t like slow, I prioritize security over speed so my settings might not be what you want anyway. so I’d recommend just looking up a guide; it is an extremely popular torrent client and there should be tons of guides out there. Or if you not sure which guide to use, just create a new post here - lot of people use it and probably have set it up from scratch more recently than me. I know some people say to open ports on the router but i’ve never liked the idea (I view it as less secure) but some people swear by it.

I can recommend that you test the following:

  • make sure you are using a VPN server that isn’t too far away. If you were in say San Franciso and selecting a VPN in New York or Europe, your speeds will be less than if you selected one in Seattle or Los Angeles
  • do a speed test off your vpn vs on it (e.g. speedtest.net). ALL VPNs will be slower than regular non-VPN due to the encryption and having less hops. But you can see how much difference it makes when you switch servers and if you have more than one VPN service, then you can find servers in the same city for both and compare which service is faster.
  • If your VPN has a modified WireGuard service (PIA and Nord both do IIRC), then that should be faster. I say modified bc the unaltered Wireguard spec has a privacy red flags so if you have a VPN service that offers it, make sure you read up or at least skim some reviews and whatnot to make sure they handled those issues that in a way that doesn’t leave your identity exposed. PIA and Nord both did that (I think Nord’s was called something else not actually WG but idr).
  • make sure you do your testing on popular torrents - but if it is anything you could get in trouble for, then you should do all the leak tests I mentioned above FIRST. Only mentioning, bc I had a friend that was testing his shit on some obscure thing he was looking for and saying it was slow but when i helped him configure his settings, we tested with something popular (i think whatever the current hottest show was) and he was actually getting a lot better speeds than he thought.

edit: just searched on dbzer0 and wasn’t seeing much on this. I did find a reddit post and a makeuseof guide that both mention stuff about improving speed. For the reddit one, I think the patched exe they are talking about is likely a dev build and since that was from a few years ago, whatever fix is probably already merged in and no longer needed. will compare the other settings vs mine and post back

edit2: are are the differences i have from the guide:

  • makeuseof has (Tools > Options > Speed) “Upload and download rate limits are set to infinity by default, and it’s recommended not to tinker with these limits. Most often, users limit the upload rate to save bandwidth and get faster download rates, but the torrent client’s choking mechanism compromises download rates when upload rates are limited, making the download process much slower.” - on mine, i had infinite down and was restricting upload. But I kind of think MUO’s advice is better and increased my upload amount. Mine was 100 KiB/s, now 1000 KiB/s. Only reason I don’t put it on infinite is I am on a capped internet and tend to leave my downloaded stuff around for sharing so I want to avoid uploads consuming too much of my monthly bandwidth and I don’t leave my client running 24/7 so not sure how reliable bandwidth settings are.
  • makeuseof has (Tools > Options > BitTorrent) "In the dropdown menu next to Encryption mode, select Allow Encryption. " but on mine I have it as “required Encryption” - probably this would make mine slower than the suggestion tho
  • Tools > Options > Connection settings I have “TCP and uTP” (same as MUO) but that old reddit thread was recommending only TCP.
  • MUO has (Tools > Options > Connections) : "Ensure the box beside Use UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding from my router is checked. " - as I mentioned, I don’t do port forwarding so I leave mine unchecked but there is probably a speed hit for this.
  • There was also something about "Don’t download multiple torrent files at the same time. This will then allocate all available bandwidth to downloading a single file, resulting in a faster download. " - I generally ignore this but there IS some truth to it. I have had hundreds of things queued before and gotten awful speeds. I recommend just not going overboard with how many you are running at once.
  • Tools > Options > Advanced: Find the network interface and select the one that corresponds with your VPN. If you aren’t sure, for most Windows users you can connect to VPN then find from command line using ipconfig /all and look for something that is NOT disconnected and probably has TAP-Windows Adapter Vx if using OpenVPN-Protocol (most VPNs) but might be different for wireguard. For Linux users, to show network interfaces run ip -4 -o -br addr - usually in linux ethernet interfaces start with an E and wifi interfaces start with a W, lo is localhost, and 99% of the time the vpn interface will be named tun0 if you are using a VPN with OpenVPN-protocol (most of them) but might be something different for wireguard or if you have customized things.

yea, never understood this.

i use a very thoroughly tested no-logs vpn for everyday casual stuff but this isn’t the first time i’ve seen people doing encodes get caught. i’m not a genius but i know how to read shit online, ask questions, and test my setup… you’d think people doing sketchier stuff would lean into the same a bit harder than I have.

Thanks, I hate goodreads and hadn’t known about BookWyrm … which is ironic since I am currently reading a series that has a dragon-creature that is literally called a book wyrm (Divine Apostasy)

Most of the alternates that I looked at, tend not to have basic info (obv it should have author/title but also i like it to have series info like book # in a series, when it was released, and category/theme tags) or else the sites would have a lot less book coverage (especially in niche genres) so I always seem to end up back on GR which I hate. Will see if some of the bigger BW instances do a better job

Questions about private trackers for the extremely paranoid (read: anonymous VPN users)?
**TL;DR - 1. How do most PT's track ratios? is it always by IP address or are there other methods. Asking bc IP address seems like it would be an issue on VPN. 2. Do all PT's operate on ratios or are there other systems? 3. Which PT's are best for competition and education tv shows? 4. other options besides PT's?** --- 1\. In general, do Private trackers require you to reveal IP address or some other info that could be used to track real world identity (even temporarily)? Some online recs for ABB alternatives included myanonamouse.net but rule "1.2 Duplicating IP Addresses" sounded VERY anti-VPN / anti-privacy to me and got me wondering if this is something all private trackers do as a method for tracking ratios via IP address or if it is just some of them. Not sure what the BT protocol supports, but seems like using public/private keys or some other equally anon method could be used instead of IP address for tracking stats if privacy was a main goal. If IP address based tracking isn't the norm, then how are ratios generally tracked on PT that let you remain completely anon? 2\. Do all private trackers require maintaining ratios or is that misconception on my part? I'm just an average home user and like a lot of people my ISP imposes a monthly bandwidth cap. I don't mind sharing but I also don't plan on paying for something like a seedbox - if I'm going to spend money, I would probably look into some other option that doesn't require any effort on my part. Maybe usenet or real debrid? I haven't explored either of these in as much depth as I would like (so far). 3\. Aside from looking for redundant alternatives to nyaa, ABB, irchighway, and libgenesis, the main content I'm having a hard time finding on public trackers is "educational" tv shows. Some documentaries are ok but I mostly mean non-fiction, non-reality-tv shows like like home improvement/gardening/animals/history/engineering/science/firearms/crafting/etc. Don't want to break [rule 3](https://rentry.co/piracy-rules) by mentioning any specific names but for example, a competition show that focused on crafting and had eliminations based on design or implementation flaws rather than how a competitor's crafted product looked would be right up my alley. I might also like a competition show that focuses on blue-collar workers. And pretty much anything related to archery/firearms, home improvement, maker, or outdoor challenges is usually fair game. Are there any private trackers (or usenet/real debrid/etc) that specialize in this kind of thing or are at least are more likely to have that kind of content than public trackers? I'm mostly interested in pirate sites for new and existing tv shows but am open to hearing about new youtube channels and the like that match my description too. 4\. If there is another option besides public or private trackers that seems relevant to my questions, please feel free to enlighten me... If it matters, I usually prefer smaller file sizes with x264/x265 encodes. I generally prefer 480p or 720p releases since I sometimes watch from mobile and family doesn't really care about resolutions over 720p anyway (I generally avoid downloading anything over 1080p).

how to get bitcoin or (whatever crypto usenet services will take) anonymously (or where to find out)?
i'm wanting to get on usenet but remain compeltely anon (vpn, anon purchase, etc). i know this ins't stricly a piracy question and is maybe more of a crypto question but figure there ain't nobody who knows privacy and anoniminitry like you guys do. so if i want to some amounts of bitcoin/whatever anonymously, how tf do i get it? liek not large amount, just small shit like to buy subs for a few for usenet indexes and whatnot?i know the bitcoin atm's and banks do "know your customer" stuff (basically they id you first) and are not anon. have hear d that you can mine it anon but not sure if apps track hw specs and whatnot that could be used to id you. is there another ways that dont require you to have sepcial sms accounts or burner phones pr whaetver first? or maybe you guys can recommend me some foss mining apps which are safe that i could check out? i'm on linux ifg it matters for good mining aps. i can write some bash scripts but im not a super hacker or anthing so ones that dont require a degree are appreciated. edit: i don't specifically care about bitcoin. i just don't know jack about crypto and assumed that was what the usenet service providers would accept. if there's something else they'd take that is still anonymous, that's fine with me as long as you guys can help my dumb noob ass understand what to do.

best approach for less popular tv shows (edu / competitions)? usenet? something else?
I like watching things like educational tv or some competition shows if they are objective and have good sportsmanship... stuff that definitely does not appear in the top ten list, probably not the top 50 list. Assuming I should not mention show names here but will mention on DM if woul;d help. I've found public torrent sites and dht searches can be hit or miss. For older episodes, if I can even find torrents at all, then there are no seeds. But some of the shows I like, it seems like the scene release groups just completely ignore them... despite covering past seasons. I've had this happen with 2 different shows (one while rarbg was still around, another just this last month). One I'm currently looking for, I found *only* EZTV covering and they completely skipped one of the episodes. I've had bad experiences with private trackers in the distant past. But even if I was willing to try again, I saw one or too that want you to reveal your real (e.g. non-VPN) IP addres and am waay too fuckign paranoid to do that. Do you guys think I'd have better luck on usenet? If not, is there something else you guys would recommend? I am looking to have offline copies similar to what you get with torrents (streaming might be an option if there are ways to download that don't require me being smart enough to do video editing or having to manually record) edit: just to clarify, I ahve read the megathread here and on the old pre-reddit migration r/piracy. have tried practically every public torrent tracker and dht search engine (btdig/solidtorrents/etc) i can think of as well as looking on most of the direct download sites i can access.