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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


They’re way too expensive for most people. Even taking any savings into account from not needing gas, less maintenance, and rebates.

A lot of them are about double just buying a gas car sticker price wise.

I want an electric car but it’s hard to justify it.

I tried it and it didn’t work well for me (can’t remember why, it was awhile ago).

Looks great. I’ll probably wait for a flatpak and try it out.

I’ve already automated Restic with bash scripts and systemd timers but… used to use Vorta with Borg and did like having a GUI.

Obsidian + Syncthing is what I’ve settled on. Not perfect, but the best I’ve used.

Works great. Just remember syncing is not the same as a backup. Make sure you do backups!

Interesting. When I researched drives for my NAS the general conclusion was to avoid the reds. Go with iron wolf.


Nah it’s a cultural thing. Burgers done to not well done is common in the US. It definitely isn’t in Canada. They’re almost always well done.

First time in the U.S. being asked how I like my burger was actually confusing to me.

A strong economy generally means a better quality of life in general.

The real solution is more housing, more density. Etc.

Of course it is. More people more demand.

They also contribute to a stronger economy, which is why the government allows the immigration.

5 minutes after every computer boot to a NAS. Then nightly from the NAS to the cloud.

Wireguard is just much faster connection-wise. Built into the kernel too. Since it came out I haven’t gone back to openvpn.

Nothing wrong with openvpn otherwise. More config options.

Something like Tailscale makes wireguard setup dead easy.

It’s just so easy.

Headscale if you want to self host.

Fuck Trudeau people never have a cogent answer for this lol. But they all seem to believe it.

The answer is that their right wing propaganda told them so, and they’re not smart enough to think for themselves… so they repeat it.

I’m pretty technical… but I love my Synology.

It just works. Obvious choice for those that aren’t techy.

Interface is riddled with stuff that isn’t on my local network.

I just want something to manage the stuff on my local network!

Anyways… I now use Jellyfin a lot for the above reasons … until it doesn’t work lol.

Yeah it’s just a frontend for Borg (which is great).

I just mount and browse in Nautilus. I have a mount script aliased to open-backup.

Yeah I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask him to take it down in that case. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Same if it was an Israeli flag.

I started on a raspberry pi and would highly recommend. Great for tons of things to self host.

It’ll run Plex no problem, just forget transcoding.

Great as a NAS but pretty low specced for hosting many more demanding applications for the cost.

I run Plex on mine but was faster on a raspberry pi 3 lol.

For file management, backups, etc. It’s stellar.

If you keep the database in the cloud I recommend using a keyfile in addition to the password which is NOT kept in the cloud.

Very secure that way even if your cloud account is compromised.

I keep TOTP in a separate database.

If you have regular backups I wouldn’t worry. If you don’t, I worry…. and you should!

Synology NAS where all computers get backed up to locally. Restic for Linux, Time Machine for Mac, active backup for Windows.

NAS backs most of its data (that I trust enough to put on the cloud) encrypted to Google drive every night, occasionally I back the NAS up to an external 8tb hard-drive.

I have 3 of the 3rd generation ones to mess around on.

I’ve been to Banff multiple times. This was my biggest fear the entire time I was there lol.

Industry grade? Just need fiber with a good upload speed. Not that rare where I am anymore.

And need the extra CHMOD, JAMES CHMOD

The frameworks and tooling stacks are just even higher level abstractions.

Why would it get better? Higher level programming is faster and saves companies money… they’re not going back to super efficient assembly or something to make xyz from scratch.

Article has a bit of an “old man yelling at clouds” sort of vibe.

My Synogy NAS was super easy to set up and has been very solid. Very happy with it. I’m sure there’s other solutions though.