I’m David. I live in Tacoma, Washington. I do square foot gardening, home automation with Home Assistant, and have too many cats.

You think you saw me behind some ferns? You just might have!

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 31, 2023


Looks really cool. I’ve been working on implementing SSO through Authentik for every home lab service that supports it (Like Proxmox!) Do you think you’ll add SSO/SAML? If you do, I recommend not locking it behind the enterprise plan to encourage adoption.

Well, I’ve maintained my music collection from the olden days, and acquire new music as I discover I like it. I mostly have trash vaporwave tastes so I actually buy most of my music cheaply on bandcamp. My music collection isn’t massive like some peoples, but it’s a decent amount of GB. Mostly mp3, I’m not fancy enough for FLAC.

As for hosting the music, check out Navidrome. It’s a great subsonic compatible service that can run on your OS of choice. I use Symfonium on Android to access the library. It supports playlist syncing, offline caching, etc. etc.

Don’t sleep on the video walk through, it can be truly invaluable.

To be honest, would a spreadsheet not be a good use for this? There are FOSS asset trackers, but a simple .ods with a pictures column might serve you well. Are there additional features/conveniences you are looking for?

As Principal, teaching Juniors should be like handing out a boon from your deity of choice. “Here, young one. Here is what you do, and why. Have an easily consumed meme to easily illustrate the concept.” Then you return to the ether, to watch with benevolent eyes.

If you have any kind of firewall on your network, you might make sure it’s not blocking that port with a rule. Here’s a couple screenshots from my setup in case that helps.

The config in NPM

The config in HA’s configuration.yaml

Try adding just the NPM IP and HA IP first, then add the docker internal network as well if you still have issues.


Never use one source for critical data! One backup is no backups! No backups is playing with the entropic forces of the universe!

  1. Have at least three copies of your data - primary, backup, and offsite backup.
  2. Store the copies on at least two different media types.
  3. Keep at least one of those copies offsite - what if your house or datacenter burned down?

If you don’t care about recovering your photos, by all means use an actively changing project as your sole means of data storage!

The nomenclature I’ve heard (from sci-fi) is ‘narrow’ or ‘weak’ AI would be our current day LLMs, Roomba AIs, etc. It’s restricted in capability and lacks true intelligence. ‘Strong’ or ‘General’ AI would be at the level of a human and have true comprehension and the ability to learn. We don’t have this yet, unless Dr. Alfred J. Lanning is out there working on positronics. ‘Super’ AI will be beyond human capability. Probably will kick off the Singularity.

So uh, what are the story beats of Squadron 42, exactly? And what kind of release date does it have? And say, what exactly, are the features it offers? Because it’s been in development for 10 years now, and literally all I’ve ever heard is ‘It’ll be good, trust us!’, and yet I’ve seen less gameplay from it then Star Marine.

And if the power in your area sucks, the power conditioning even a good small UPS provides is invaluable.

The multifactor can’t be understated as part of your security stance! I turn it on and enforce it on my home network for any service I host that supports it. And like mentioned elsewhere, only 80 and 443 are opened and they go straight through a proxy.

Excellent, looks exciting, I can’t wait to play it.

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