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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


Yeah, no. The main point of the multi-player is to get help from allies. It’s only if you get that help that anyone can invade your game in Elden Ring

Gluetun works great for this. It’s a VPN docker container that you can route other containers’ network connections through. Super lightweight and fast

There’s a series of novels kinda based around that idea. Magic 2.0 is the name of the series. Basically various hackers from different time periods discover a file that controls the whole universe and learn how to edit it with code/macros and become wizards because of it

Even earlier, Colossal Cave Adventure from 1975 is the earliest one I can think of.

Likewise Dungeon from the same year might be the earliest Empoisoned

EDIT: Nah, Pong predates Dungeon.

One of the first arcade games (1971) was Computer Space. Kinda feels halfway between the two, so that’s fun.

EDIT 2: Think I found the earliest Jumble’s Big Bumble: Hunt The Wumpus, first distributed in May of 1973

RenameMyTVSeries is the simplest way to do it if you’re not using the *arr stack for downloading stuff

Right, I just mean if your connection speed is faster than your server can transcode, then the transcode speed will be the bottleneck

It’s limited to the transcode speed, but it’s important to keep in mind that e.g. if you transcode to a lower resolution especially it’ll usually transcode faster than realtime.

Yeah, agreed. You can appreciate the art and still think the guy is a douche who people shouldn’t have to put up with

I’m feeling like the odds are good even just because she comes off as competent and not ancient. On top of that voting for a female president right after roe vs wade was revoked feels motivating to me, personally.

This. Jellyfin has a direct HDHR integration and works as a DVR directly with one.

Setting up multiple controllers on the Steam Deck is mostly plug and play. At worst you need to run the mapper, which takes all of 2 minutes

The person you’re replying to linked their literal reliability stats lmao

A meme is just any piece of cultural information. Some are gatekept and carefully guarded, others are just kinda around

… why are you talking like we’re in a debate?

Seriously, it’s not a “gotcha” to point out Pelosi is awful. I’m not being forced to support Pelosi at all, we’re talking about a hypothetical that you suggested, not the current reality.

Are you alright? If you just want to rant about neoliberal bullshit I can listen. I’m a socialist, I get it.

Pelosi is 84, 3 years older than Biden. She’s also richer and even more out of touch

Kill or forcibly resign everyone on the Supreme court who voted in favor of the decision, appoint new justices, and have it overturned.

More realistically? Add more members to the Court so they’re the majority and then overturn it.

Yeah, I mean I use them with Bazarr, so I don’t deal with their UI, it’s all automated. I’m not saying they’re convenient, but it is public and widely used, so if your goal is your subtitles helping others, it’s a good option.

So first of all, you shouldn’t involve yourself in your friend’s business. Fraud is generally frowned upon.

But secondly, you know that ChatGPT was trained on the entire internet, right? Like, every book. I don’t think “more books” is gonna help.

I hope you take your computer skills and make something of yourself. Try not to get any more involved in this scheme, seriously. You don’t need this crap marring your reputation.

Besides, there are better reasons/ways to fight the system than helping other people avoid learning.

It’s also real scary to think since I’d assume most of us Gen Z-ers aren’t properly able to object to privacy eroding tech bills because we’re too tech illiterate to understand the impacts.

Millennial here, putting my tinfoil hat on for a minute:

This is exactly what the big tech corpos wanted all along. They’ve been curving the arc of history towards people at large being digitally dependent but incapable of self-service. They want addicts, not citizens. Serfs, not an educated populace.

In the 70s, 80s, 90s, and into the early 00s there was this “hacker culture” which was centered on the idea that as long as we keep our wits about us we could use computers as a great equalizer. The common person was empowered. Any and all software would be distributed for free so anyone who couldn’t afford it could get it. Bill Gates was painted as a villain because he was overtly capitalistic. The corpos were kept in check by a diverse, rapidly evolving market and a ton of savvy users who knew what they wanted.

Giant corporations pretty much caught on that they needed there to be fewer tech savvy people who could get one over on them. When politicians needed to ask experts what to include in school curriculums, guess who had lobbyists ready to go? Microsoft and Apple. Eventually Google too.

And now that there are fewer tech savvy people? Everything got shittier. Shinier, faster, dumber, more locked down and shittier. And the enshittification is just going to accelerate until people straight up reject it, then it’ll pause for 6 months to a year and start up again.

Just that they’re no easier to use to fool an anti-AI system than using ChatGPT, Gemini, Bing, or Claude. Those AI detectors also give false positives on works made by humans. They’re unreliable in the first place.

Basically, they’re “boring text detectors” more than anything else.

I believe commercial LLMs have some kind of watermark when you apply AI for grammar and fixing in general, so I just need an AI to make these works undetectable with a private LLM.

That’s not how it works, sorry.

Quantized with more parameters is generally better than floating point with fewer parameters. If you can squeeze a 14b parameter model down to a 4-bit int quantization it’ll still generally outperform a 16-bit Floating Point 7b parameter equivalent.

IMO, if you want the beast deals right now on a 12+ TB HDD, you should use serverpartdeals.com instead. I’ve got 2 manufacturer recertified 14 TB enterprise-grade drives from them and it was way cheaper than buying any 14 TB external drive.

I totally agree. There are exceptions to every rule, but random people on the internet who you aren’t being paid to solve the problem for by a very large majority would benefit more from education than having their problem solved for them.

Teach a man to fish and all that.

But it is helping effectively.

It’s less efficient to learn how to do something than to have somebody who knows how do it for you, but it’s more effective to learn for yourself. Hard won knowledge is rarely lost.

I pay for ChatGPT+ and it’s real. I talked to it for about an hour today from my Android phone.

There were occasionally longer pauses than shown in the promo video, but only ever between when I spoke and when it started replying

Agreed. It’s also worth noting that '97 is basically an uncensored version of the OG, so like in the old show Wolverine never gets to knife anyone who bleeds with his claws. In '97 he can

They’re still mounted individually, so you do RAID5 or ZRAID on them, same as if they were internal. You can potentially be bandwidth-limited since USB 3.0 has a 5 Gbps speed limit, but realistically only for reads and you’re still fine in terms of overall performance since they’re all spinning disks anyhow and 5Gbps is fast enough for any media server/NAS unless you’ve got a 10-gig LAN/internet connection and feel the compulsive need to saturate it.

I’d recommend a DAS setup (just a 4-bay USB 3.0 or better hard drive enclosure) with a server with any modern Intel CPU in it.