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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


If it really ramps up, we could share block lists too, like with ad blockers. So if a friend (or nth-degree friend) blocks someone, then you would block them automatically.

Normalize political energy. Howard Dean should have won.

2009-2017 boomed a little too

This suggestion makes you a crypto influencer now.

Sure, you can change literally everything about Firefox if you pay a time cost. The defaults do matter because that’s one more thing to fix when installing it. We could say this about any negative feature.

Limited leaning, for the people who won’t stop trying to walk through virtual walls.

All I do in chats now is post a link to the Discord channel where chatting won’t get you kicked.

I’m glad Reddit won here because it sets a precedent that will protect less well-funded Lemmy instances.

That’s because he wasn’t around and it hasn’t been perverted. It’s the same as it always was and we keep making excuses for it.

You underestimate the power of AI on the blockchain! Web4 will solve our helium shortage.

Hey now, it’s impossible for them to coordinate on employment to prevent recessions!

Because every time they coordinate they form a cartel that causes a recession.

It’s a tragedy of the commons - as an economics problem it matters, sure, but copyright is an artificial monopoly, not a human right. We could provide these more efficiently with public funding of the arts or crowdfunds, without the need to make up imaginary property with imaginary ethics.

But if you want to sign up for a bunch of subscriptions because some might trickle down to the writers, be my guest.

You’ve gone from asking what was lost to insisting that they took it in order to give us a discount.

Refunding the sale price is still theft. If it was only worth that much to me (zero surplus), then I wouldn’t have bothered with the trade in the first place. The only things worth buying are worth more to you than the sale price.

Neoliberals: “OK how about we keep doing the thing that makes them care only about next quarter, but give them a $1 fine every time they’re negligent?”

I would love it even more if they gave me a receipt when I opt out of overdrafts, and then charge the bank an enormous fine when they turn overdrafts back on without my consent. This happened to me repeatedly.

(And every time I mention it, some bootlicker tells me I must have opted out wrong repeatedly. They need to believe the system works and everyone poor deserves it.)

Leftists love to minimize the huge differences between them, like how much your overdraft fees should be.

The whole point of mining/staking/whatever is to be expensive. Governments can pigouvian tax it to high hell, mine workers can unionize, and it won’t make any difference to users whatsoever. So there’s literally no benefit to more energy use.

Bitcoin mines can’t do general computing. They use ASICs that can only mine.

My country is literally an oligarchy, not a democracy. The oligarchs don’t want to gradually reform based on democratic principles. But they sure want us to think they will.

We need a total revolution. The people who ought to be fined are the ones buying the laws.

The building helps a teensy bit because their premiums will go up, and so will the premiums of anyone expecting similar risks. It’s averaging out the financial risk, not eliminating it.

If they were held accountable for their crimes then police, CEOs, and politicians would already all be in jail.

Apparently they’re going to just make only the little guy’s copyrights effectively meaningless, so yeah.

Having read through these comments, I wonder if we’ve reached the logical conclusion of copyright itself.

It’s not even a question of whether we should anymore. It’s just a question of how we coordinate on it.

I am a crypto bro and felt the same way. The vibe is too uptight. If it can work without a blockchain (like Mastodon/Lemmy), then adding one just makes it worse.

It’s the same line of thought as ACAB; if local Jewish communities also condemn genocide, why are they not publicly and harshly denouncing Israel for it?

Except it’s possible to be Jewish without supporting Israel, but not possible to be a cop without supporting the police as a social institution.

This is why we need a p2p mesh internet.

Everyone: “But Explodicle, the bandwidth will be terrible!”

Meh, all we really need is basic communication infrastructure that isn’t hostile. Everything else I can wait to download… like the 90s.

We now live in a crazy backwards spacetime where literal socialists want smaller less government than the main “conservative” party does.