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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 20, 2023


The agency (FTC) can seek civil penalties, I do not see anywhere that companies could bring a lawsuit that they couldn’t before (libel?).

Also only differences are stored, so if your files don’t change much each backup costs very little. I keep hundreds of backups for the previous year of changes, and it uses less than double the amount of storage the files take up. You can also enable compression, which I do, so it’s even smaller.

I use backblaze storage with Kopia, which supports using object lock. Every time a backup is made the objects for it are locked for a configurable amount of time. I use 30 days, so an attacker would have to compromise my backup software for a month before being able to erase my backups.

Why would they pay them, just use the power of the free market and raise the price of electricity (or even just for industrial users like bitcoin miners) when supply is low until they bow out because it’s not profitable and demands matches supply. Weird how the free market is only good when it’s not free, but dominated by monopolists.

What on earth is this video from; I’ve never seen it before.

Because that is the necessary condition for the primary attack people are worried about right now: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvest_now,_decrypt_later. We have plenty of information that could still be damaging if decrypted in 100 years.

What makes you think someone won’t manage to develop a performant large-scale quantum computer in the next hundred years? Just 90 years ago standard computers were still more or less electromechanical arithmetic machines.

Factorio is probably one of the best deals I’ve gotten; I paid $30 and at this point I’ve played it for at least 200 hours because I find it such a fun game.

I think the metric works pretty well if you are willing to quit a game if it’s not interesting enough.

What a painfully awful interview, she couldn’t even answer any of the questions because the answers would make “X” (or Elon) sound awful. Basically just a half hour of spewing random garbage to fill the time without answering any questions. And what’s up with her never letting the interviewer finish a question?