These days, just a retired guy who likes to hike.

  • 10 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


And just like DEI teams, ethics teams will be easy to cut back on if a company runs into economic trouble.

This is actually pretty significant - not just as Supreme Court "inside baseball" but because, coupled with the recent decision in *Allen v. Milligan*, it will likely result in several new Democratic members of the House of Representatives in the next election. With the House majority as tight as it is, this will be one of the key factors in who controls that chamber. [Image description: the front of the Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C.]

Sure, no argument there. There’s a choice to be made between “post the second story as a comment to the first one” and “post the second story a a separate topic”. I’m in favor of the first approach to keep discussion in one spot, but it’s not something I feel super-strongly about.

Avoiding dupes is, I think, an important one. We’ve had multiple instances on Beehaw of the same story showing up more than once. If you try to post a duplicate link, Lemmy will let you know (by showing the previous copies to you as crossposts). It’s harder to make sure you’re not posting the second or third story from a different source on the same topic. Perhaps we can just encourage people to search before posting.

I’d like the rules to at least ask people to add an image description in their original post. would be good to link to here.

And given the nature of many posts in the news, I think it would be good for this community to remind people to be(e) nice in their discussions.

Clearly someone needs to figure out how to get an old Furby to interact with a new Furby.

(Of course, someone has already done ChatGPT + Furby)

Not quite your traditional gaming, but with 600 responses to user actions at least as complex as some interactive computer games I've played. [Image description: two new Furbies]

Their web site is down, but their Github account is currently still available, with 3D printing files and software for their microlab.

You appear to be unable or unwilling to distinguish between “preventing births” and “voluntarily choosing not to have children.”

Not sure why you’re quite so interested in escalating the rhetoric here (forced sterilization? in a thread that started with individual action to save honeybees? really?) but in view of the first rule of Beehaw (“Be(e) nice”) I’m not interested in joining you.

Telling one person that they can help out by not having kids is rather different from, as the dictionary says

the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group

Even suggesting to a whole group of people not to have kids is not the same as killing them.

So no, it’s not a logical conclusion. It’s illogical rhetoric. But you do you, I guess.

I’m pretty sure that discovering a new isotope while working on your MS guarantees that you’ll get the degree.

Yep, I get it. Effectively block ads and javascript and it doesn’t much matter what a site wants to do. I skip the few that have actually effective paywalls (as opposed to just putting a div over content on the page - as far as I’m concerned, if it’s downloaded to my computer, I am allowed to read it). Of course, the sites that load up on ads tend to be pretty low-quality content anyhow.

ProPublica strikes back. [Image description: Justice Alito with a salmon, Wall Street Journal editorial page, connected by circles, lines, and arrows.]

This is why I use DuckDuckGo instead of Google, and Firefox with a few selected extensions that ensure I almost never see an ad. I would be shocked if Google enabled any long-term ad-free experience.

I’ve seen this “sub affects logitech stock” story a few times now, and I don’t find it very credible. If you look at the 1-month or longer price of the stock, it’s pretty evident that (a) a 5% intraday variation in price is totally normal and (b) the recent news that has actually hurt the stock price substantially is that their CEO resigned.

I’m skeptical that Amazon review trolls are buying enough stock to move the market.

In addition to making it easier to find authentic perspectives, we’re also improving how we rank results in Search overall, with a greater focus on content with unique expertise and experience. Last year, we launched the helpful content system to show more content made for people, and less content made to attract clicks. In the coming months, we’ll roll out an update to this system that more deeply understands content created from a personal or expert point of view, allowing us to rank more of this useful information on Search.

That seems like just a step in the inevitable AI arms race.

This exactly. The more developers working on different parts of an application, the more chance of an apparently-easy merge having unforeseen side effects. git bisect is the easiest way to narrow down the problem so real debugging can begin.

Horrifying. And a splinter of the movement apparently led by men. It’s easy to promote consequences that you’re protected from by your lack of a uterus.

Assuming innovation, it seems like there would still be a need for some way for producers to inform potential consumers. I’d love to see advertising move from “create demand” to “provide information”. Not at all sure how that might come about though.

Meanwhile, I personally get by just fine with blocking as many ads as possible, which is almost all of them, and going out and searching when I need information. But that probably doesn’t scale to busier people.

Once again the conservative republicans seem to be better than anyone else at finding ways to "win" at politics. [Image description: a row of "OhIo Voted" stickers over a blank ballot.]

Depended on the size of the team in my experience. With a project of ~50 devs split into 10 teams, I was having to resolve conflicts perhaps every other PR. But training and standards for workflow can certainly help.

[Image description: "Protect Trans Rights" and "Too cute to be binary" protest signs]

Another bullshit legal theory from Texas goes down in flames. Justice Alito dissented because of course he did. [Image description: Migrants wait in line adjacent to the border fence under the watch of the Texas National Guard to enter into El Paso, Texas, Wednesday, May 10, 2023.]

And then get hired at 10x her Senate salary by one of the corporations she represented.

Yes, that sentence is in the original article. Did you have something you wanted to discuss? There are three studies in all in the article, so I don’t find cherry-picking a single sentence contributes much here.

I think one of the major benefits is that courts do take notice of science, even in this country. The more we get studies on the record, the harder it will be for transphobic laws to stand judicial challenges.

Actual evidence from actual scientists. [Image description: A patient holds bottles of medications for hormone replacement therapy as part of her gender-affirming care.]

A few more details in the Oregonian make it even more clear that this is not an anti-drug ordinance. The tipoff is that they’re adding it to an existing public alcohol consumption ordinance, so selective enforcement is clearly the name of the game.

Also it appears that the county sheriff and the DA are not necessarily on board with this approach.

Non-paywall article on the same topic:

I’m saddened by this, but not surprised. The rationalist in me wants to think that at some point the red state attacks on science will have consequences in worse quality of life for their residents, but I’m not optimistic enough to believe that will happen before the whole culture collapses.

Not too surprising. This is the same city that recently made it illegal to camp between 8AM and 8PM, effectively outlawing being homeless with possessions (and probably violating federal court rulings).

It’s not just about the information though, is it? Web forums can offer a sense of community that his preferred alternative (long-form Medium articles with comments) just can’t match, in my experience.

And yet politicians are still talking about fixing Social Security. Good luck with that.

This sort of nonsense is the best reason to vote for the Democrat presidential & senatorial candidates, no matter how odious they are. Someone is going to nominate and confirm 3 or 4 Supreme Court justices in the next decade, and if we let that be the Republicans, we can look forward to a whole court full of Alitos.

Ah, Indiana. As if I didn’t already have enough reasons to leave this state.

Another unsurprising decision from this court. Apparently guaranteeing the Navajo Nation agriculture doesn't include water in the minds of the conservative justices. [Image description: the facade of the Supreme Court building in Washington D.C.]

TW: Some discussion of suicide This actually looks like a pretty responsible use of AI in healthcare. [Image description: an abstract and colorful representation of a random network]

Speaking just for myself, I’ll be giving cultivated meat a pass. Not because I’m a vegan, but because I avoid ultraprocessed foods and venture capitalism as much as possible.

Yeah so far it seems to be battling experts. UC Davis is a big agriculture/animal science school. On the other hand I don’t trust the lab meat industry’s own experts either. Hoping at some point to see a credible neutral analysis.

There are some analyses out there that suggest cultivated meat will actually be worse for the climate than animals - for example

Of course the cultivated meat startups disagree:

Looks like only available in one restaurant for now, but it’s a start.

“For one thing, cultivated meat is not vegan or vegetarian.” -> I know some vegans who would disagree with that, on the grounds that no animal cruelty or slaughter is involved. I suspect there will be a fair bit of debate on this as cultivated meat becomes more widespread. I would guess just like we’ve already got “I’m a vegetarian who eats fish” we’ll end up with “I’m a vegan who does/doesn’t eat cultivated meat.”

You might want to cross-post this to !food too.

"The broad attention is showing the world what local leaders have spent the past half-century trying to prove: This desert city can be a major player in global tech and manufacturing." But putting the water shortage in the very last sentence of the story? Seems like burying the lede.

I would like to think there is some level of this nonsense that even his base will not believe. I’m not all that optimistic though.

In my opinion it’s unreasonable to think anything can truly be deleted in a federated system. Even if the official codebase is updated to do complete deletion & overwrite, it’s impossible to prevent some bad actor from federating in a fork that just ignores deletion requests.

Seems sensible to just not post anything that you don’t want to be available for the lifetime of the internet.