• 5 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 06, 2023


It’s a video game show that uses the rules of the video game world.

Checkout https://infosec.exchange instead of blocking Threads, the admin made a second instance for people who wanted Threads blocked. Like 40 people migrated, lol

  1. “Run around” = Respond to a thread that appeared in my subscriptions.
  2. “Must lick Meta’s boots” = Let users decide for themselves to block Meta.

Your hyperbole makes it obvious you have no place in a reasonable debate about this topic.

I love when people conflate rights and ethics. I agree with you that no one has a right to be listed on Fedi Garden. And I still think it’s not nice to pressure admins into taking choice away from users.

“I don’t think it’s nice to federate with a company that has been cited in multiple independent reports of massacres/genocides,”

And I don’t think it’s nice to take the choice away from users. I can block threads all on my own – I don’t need a nanny who doesn’t even cite their sources.

Strong names are great, but (sometimes) mentioning the type of variable in the name is redundant.

Fun fact, it’s been two different groups of people in charge! Yahoo! was responsible for removing adult content and then sold it to Automattic for pennies on the dollar. Automattic then went through several rounds of different poor moderation before the CEO himself stepped up to share GDPR violating information on Twitter. Now we’re adding AI!

They mean jank:

jan·ky adjective, informal adjective: jank

of extremely poor or unreliable quality.
"the software is pretty janky"

The things that make me a good programmer:

  1. I read error messages
  2. I put those errors in Google
  3. I read the results that come up

Even among my peers, that gives me a leg up apparently.

Yeah. I worked for a SaaS company that had two rounds of layoffs because they hired C-suite executives who were better at talking than building software or running product teams.

One was let go in the layoffs – but given a book of clients to start a competing business. The other is still there holding pointless meetings that keep people from getting work done.

It’s also disingenuous because they already decline to host sex workers newsletters. So if the censorship angle was true, they’re already censoring.

The “Sync Contacts” setting is weird. You can toggle it on, but it doesn’t gain or ask for the OS permissions on Android. There’s a brief message saying you have to give it the permission. No idea why they didn’t just use the built in SDK to ask for the permission.

Just add them. You’re a developer and automated testing is one of our tools. A woodworker wouldn’t ask permission to sand.

These people don’t even read their own literature. The Catholic church’s ban on alchemy is about falsely claiming something is a valuable metal in order to pay for debts. It has nothing to do with the occult – the ban was because it’s a sin to lie / cheat / steal. A saint is even on record saying that alchemical gold is ok if the end if product is real gold.

With that context, of course God doesn’t give a shit if you use SQLAlchemy as long as you aren’t using it to defraud people. If you were defrauding people, it wouldn’t matter what tool you used.


You could pay for the service with cash instead of ad views. Works on all devices without having to set up an adblocking VPN or Pi-Hole.

I too want my query results in an object, but thankfully libraries like sqlx for golang can do this without the extra overhead of an ORM. You give them a select query and they spit out hydrated objects.

As far as multiple DBs go, you can accomplish the same thing as long as you write ANSI standard SQL queries.

I’ve used ORMs heavily in the past and might still for a quick project or for the “command” side of a CQRS app. But I’ve seen too much bad performance once people move away from CRUD operations to reports via an ORM.

Right. Even pay-once software can have a phone home component that disables it if the creator deems it. So really we’re talking about old versions of software that just used offline license keys which were easily cracked.

I honestly really like the Jetbrains model where they offer a subscription for continual updates but you also get a fallback version you can use forever if you decide to stop paying. It acknowledges that you aren’t costing them money if you aren’t getting the new updates.

Interesting. I’ll have to find some docs and share it with my co-workers because they definitely don’t use build-in refactoring. Thanks!

Jetbrains IDEs do a lot of indexing and caching so that operations that normally take a bit are faster. Full text search, find usages, identifying interface usage in duck types, etc.

But the killer feature for me is the refactoring tools. Changing a function signature, extracting an interface, moving code to new files or packages, etc. I pair with folks who use VS Code and its a bit tedious watching them use find and replace for renaming things.

I’ve never been able to benefit from an IDE in a way that make up for how much slower and more bloated they are.

That does sound legit if you have resource limitations. Thankfully I’ve always worked for corporations that hand out MacBook Pros like candy. Normal day for me is having two Jetbrains IDEs open with Chrome, Slack, Zoom, and a dozen containers. Still runs smooth.

I’m not convinced that “strong pairing” is the best way to pair but even people who rail against agile ideology tell you that you’re pairing wrong if you don’t follow it precisely.

Code review is overrated and often poorly executed, most things should be checked automatically (review should still be done though)

I think part of this is caused by the fact that a lot of people are bad at code reviews so they focus on things that a linter could have told you. Being able to read code isn’t necessarily the same skill as being able to write it – as evidenced by the knee jerk reaction to throw out any coffee we didn’t write ourselves.

I still create code reviews when I’m working on a project alone because it gives me a different perspective on the changes I’ve made.

Today I removed code from a codebase that was added in 2021 and never ever used. Sadly, some people are as content to litter in their repo as they are in the woods.

Please don’t say the new language you’re being asked to learn is “unintuitive”. That’s just a rude word for “not yet familiar to me”.

Yeah. I’ve written in six or so different languages and am using Go now for the first time. Even then, I’m trying to be optimistic and acknowledge things are just different or annoying for me. It doesn’t mean anything is wrong with the language.

Not arguing either side, but I’d love to hear your reasoning.

And? My DNS provider shouldn’t be leaking my information even if I immediately use the info they gave me to connect to the site.

I bought a plane ticket this week and it had all the fees listed. If airlines can do it, so can any multi-national corporation.

On top of this, they don’t care about best practices. They’re shit managers who were better at getting promoted than managing people.

Meetings on Zoom suck? Well, you don’t use agendas, meeting notes, etc. Your meetings always sucked, you’re just missing the dopamine hit from socializing on the way to and from the meeting.

Bad employee relations? Well, your 1:1s are really only status calls. Your relations always sucked, you’re just missing talking to Bill about your kids when you corner him at the coffee machine.

Missing team bonding? Well, your team went to happy hour to bitch about you. They always hated trust falls. You just miss hanging out with your yes-chums.

Yeah, I’d say your road to C# should pretty much be syntax then. Check out a course on exercism and read a bit about common idioms in C#.

What language are you familiar with? Switching between the C-style OOP languages is honestly pretty straightforward.

Yeah, it’s just like when Prince changed his name. The media will just keep going “X, formerly known as Twitter” forever.