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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


Ohh you have some big guys!

Yeah, I lived alone at the time so we were around each other constantly. Especially after the lop passed, the white one clung to me even when I got her a new friend.

I don’t mean this condescendingly, but maybe that’s why they’re harder to train! Mine were completely free range except for one room they weren’t in alone and another they were never allowed in (didn’t want to rabbit proof)

Here’s two of em. The white one was my darling. She was the lop’s protector because he was a sick little guy

Not to say I didn’t like the others but I ADORED the one that knew commands. They were all rescues but the other two were neglected and had health problems so it took awhile for them to warm up to me and they didn’t live as long. The very trained one was with me for 12 years and followed me everywhere. She’d come running when I got home from work to meet me at the door, too.

[Edited a bunch of typos. Was I asleep when I wrote this??]

I’ve had 3 and they were all as trainable as a cat. Ran to me when I called their names, used the litter box, and knew the command “periscope”

One of them knew “spin” and “kisses,” too

How are you getting these summaries? I’m trying to get my own silly results like this but it doesn’t show up anywhere I’ve tried.

I tried on Android and PC then tried a different Google account in Chrome on my work laptop. I even made sure AI Overviews were enabled on the Labs page

Can’t watch the video but I know exactly what you are describing and I wholly agree. It’s fine with me if standing ovations are just part of the tradition…but I’m tired of the headlines about it. I want to hear about the actual reviews.

Hey writers, please shut the fuck up about the standing ovations already. When every movie gets one, it’s not good headline material.

(Not criticizing you, OP)

The biggest offense is the cut line on the GitHub sticker…what the fuck is going on there? Why cut out around the H?

I did not install SANs, I built racks for AV so the only drives were NAS/mini PCs on shelves

Absolutely on that point. Same goes for heavy multi zone amplifiers.

Man I loved building racks. Almost makes me miss field work…

Back when I built racks, our “standard” was UPS at the bottom, all drives at the top…but mainly for accessibility. Hadn’t even thought about vibrations or interference!

Can someone explain why April is nervous about having the username April? I don’t get it

If I’m understanding the intent correctly, it sounds like you want to rip off artists for profit. I’m on board with piracy but this is stepping a bit too far out of the moral gray area for me…

I took a look and didn’t see domains mentioned until you go to the members login page. It’s not even on the sign up page.

So, uh, maybe go take a look at the link you’re posting. And also don’t write “pay for what you use” when someone is asking about buying a domain if you don’t want people to think you misunderstood the question

Do these things “just work” like the R4 for the Nintendo DS? I know that’s old as hell but it was the last console/handheld I’ve owned lol

Of all the bots on lemmy, this one has got to be the most annoying.

I’ve been running Plex for like a decade and never had the database get corrupted… What was your setup?

Go for it! I’m not holding that against anyone. I’m railing against the entitlement of saying it’s “not respectful of the viewer’s time” to have sponsored segments.

Like I said elsewhere, I think that stance is ironic because it’s not respecting the creator’s time and effort. “I want you to spend hours and hours making videos for me but I don’t want you to make money from it”

If the creators you like choose to monetize with sponsors, you can choose not to watch them instead of complaining about it on a forum. Or go create the content you like yourself.

I don’t like ads either and have stopped watching several channels because of how they use them.

“Every time the same argument” is right - “my time is valuable but the creator’s time is not!”

If nobody needs them then why are they complaining? Just don’t watch it. Your problem is solved!

Videos on YouTube are so much better than the era you’re remembering. If nordvpn or whoever sponsoring videos is the way for creators to continue making great things on a regular schedule, I’m not gonna make a huff when they take a minute to acknowledge them. I skip most of them, too, but I’m not venting about what a terrible inconvenience it is.

And sorry for not specifying that I wasn’t speaking about reaction videos and meme compilations when I said “high quality”, I thought it that would be pretty damn clear but I guess we watch different things on YouTube

Stop acting like it’s morally wrong to get paid for your work. If there’s a market for it, why shouldn’t people do it full time? Should Hollywood work for free, too?

Shit, I didn’t realize there were 48 hours in a day.

Sorry, you’re right. Creators should work their 9-5 and then spend another 8 hours a day making videos for us out of the goodness of their hearts. I now think it’s disgusting that these people try to monetize their hard work

I think it’s ironic that the argument is both “sponsor segments don’t respect my time!” AND “I have no respect for the time of the creators”

Skip it all you want but don’t act like it’s such a terrible inconvenience. Creating high quality content is a full time job and people gotta eat

Aha, your complaint makes a lot more sense now lol

Trust me…I’d kill to get Autodesk and their always-online DRM off my PC…but those are not alternatives. I do CAD professionally with established standards and LISP routines. I’d have to learn a new programming language to even consider switching

$ for variables. I know that this is just based on how the language grew. But god do I hate having to type it. It is not an easy to reach letter and just breaks my typing flow the whole time. You get used to it but still.

I’m assuming you’re not using an English keyboard…? Shift+4 is an extremely key combination for me lol

AutoCAD and Ableton are my two most-used pieces of software. There are no FOSS alternatives that get anywhere close

I played Conway’s Game Of Life and - you’re not gonna believe this - the pixels moved around into new shapes

I find this software to be of greater quality and better than closed source software

You’d find the opposite of you use what I use. Open source alternatives to every piece of software that keeps me on windows kind of blows in comparison.

If it’s a premade patch cable…good fuckin luck. It’s possible but they’re usually too thin and flexible to recrimp without a bunch of attempts. Bulk wire is a lot stiffer and maintains its shape.

Are you using pass through (EZ) connectors? That makes it a ton easier.

How about a shared calendar you both subscribe to?

I didn’t want to include my opinion with the tweet (so the quote doesn’t get buried by people who disagree) but I agree with you. It’s a pretty direct threat.

I’m no fan of the police but misplaced blame helps no one.

The tweet:

Abbass tweeted: “How about this, premier of N.L.: I’m going to bring down Confederation and have politicians executed. Ready to have me shot, coward?”