“a history of good comments” - quote from founder of beehaw

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


  • torment or tease (someone) with the sight or promise of something that is unobtainable.

I literally have 0 idea why you are replying to me when all I am doing is tantalizing you. 😘

The article isn’t really clear about what this mineral was purchased and marketed for. Was it curing meat specifically? In which case, how does this company’s mineral differ from any other? Wouldn’t it be the fault of the people mis handling it? What made this particular company’s mineral especially dangerous?

Automated, unsolicited posts are spam. If a tldr is needed, it can be done by a browser extension or the instance owner making it show up there. Consider that the fediverse is basically email. If you were in a reply all chain and had someone automatically replying to your messages with abbreviated versions, it would be pretty annoying.

Wouldn’t they want to do that to show off their work? Or I guess not so they can distance themselves from it and pretend it never happened.

Yeah, a lot of private travelers will not accept doubly-lossy encoded files as a rule. So you can’t just go from 264 to 265. You need the original lossless file.

To OP, yeah, you want a seed box. Both to pin the file up and host it for a while, and to preserve your anonymity (the original seeder is under particular scrutiny.)

The body doesn’t magically disappear. Although it is probably in many, many pieces, this can be confirmed through DNA testing on small samples.

There is no such thing as “api misuse”. You provide the api and people use it according to the conditions you provide. Tighten your shit. Don’t blame your own failures on other people.

Please do not follow this advice. For one, copilot is terrible in general. For two, using it without being able to vet the codes correctness is a recipe for disaster.

It’s not a fucked up situation. I’m a Ruby developer and I got hired in a Scala shop with no experience. It took just a couple weeks to get up to speed and everyone was understanding.

Since you know programming principles already, the difference between languages is mostly in their APIs. But even experienced developers spend half their time reading docs about APIs. It’s nothing out of the ordinary.

It pretty much is like that. Oauth is also useful passing a user’s identity from one service to another.

No, it’s actually two bombs. They manage to take out one. The girl is Paz and the boy is Chico.

Why is this still being reposted (with the same title) like a week later? It’s the top post on like every community. There’s no way you didn’t see it. You don’t need to karma farm on a site that doesn’t track karma.

Yep. You might not even need an extension if it’s just a html5 video.

Not really to be honest. ActivityPub is a very inefficient protocol. My concerns are that it is HTTP based and that the files would need to be replicated across every federated instance. There are already scaling issues just from having to federate all the text.

Hypothetically yes. But consider that much like a virus growing in a petri dish, it needs an appropriate environment. A mp4/mkv/whatever file sitting on your hard drive that you never access is not going to be problematic. Even when you do access it, it is probably is not going to do anything unless you also open it in the viewer that the malware author intended the payload for. There is no general purpose video decoding malware. They target the players.

You are not going to get far just by ignoring DMCA countries. You need to protect your anonymity entirely or you will simply be extradited to a DMCA country.

The most appropriate approach, like for any site, is probably to have a multi cloud setup across jurisdictions. Such as hetzner, Amazon, whatever. And you have orchestration to set them up and tear them down on a whim.

There was a post about plain HTML-and-CSS there that was anti-Tailwind the other day, although I can’t find it now. Seeing both of these posts is why I made my comment. :)

So glad people are catching on to this. Until like a month ago if you said anything bad about Tailwind you would literally get shadowbanned on HN.

Once he’s in prison for treason he doesn’t get secret service protection anymore. He is up for the death penalty for christ’s sake.

Probably server-style versus CGI style? But it’s a blurry distinction because things we usually run as servers (such as node.js or rails) can hypothetically be run as CGI; and things we usually run CGI style (such as PHP) can also be run server-style with FastCGI.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_News_Act doesn’t only apply to facebook… it’s extremely broad, unenforceable, and likely to be repealed

Yeah this is complete GPT hype. I would like to never hear about GPT again just like we never hear about NFTs now.

I can’t even filter out GPT posts because people call them AI instead of LLM to sound cool :(