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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


Germany and Poland should invite him to a roundtrip through the camps then

Can’t have the already well-off children go without their steady income that they didn’t have to work for…

Yeah but afaik downloading in Germany isn’t against the law since it’s allowed to download a “backup copy” of things you actually own legally so it’s pretty much never enforced. The only way people in Germany get sued is for uploading but then a couple of bytes is already enough in many cases

My girlfriend got a legal claim for using stremio when her vpn failed which in Germany is only possible if you actively upload something so I’d say it does that

China is not a country that gives subsidies but a corporation that invests in branches it wants to grow

I’d imagine the situation is more dire to those filmmakers and journalists that do narration as a job

Why would you need them if you can just use the voice of an AI impersonating famous speakers like this

Rule #6 of the international humanitarian law:

Parties to a conflict shall at all times distinguish between combatants and non-combatants. Attacks shall be directed solely against legitimate military targets.

If you look up the definition of military targets you will see

“In so far as objects are concerned, military objectives are limited to those objects which by their nature, location, purpose or use make an effective contribution to military action and whose total or partial destruction, capture or neutralization, in the circumstances ruling at the time, offers a definite military advantage.”

You can ask pretty much every lawyer that Hamas actually made the hospitals into legitimate targets under the Geneva Conventions. The only party that clearly broke that law without a doubt is Hamas.

What would you expect “-1 month” to do for a date like 31st of March? Would the result be the same as for “-1 month” on 29th of March?

If you go back 2 months so the 31st is existing again - should that mean that the result of using -1 month twice should be different to using -2 months?

I think it’s just a stupid way to implement something like this as “month” isn’t a defined size so defining it with a fixed value and documenting it properly is a decent solution but noone should use that kind of function in the first place

I think the best example about how AI will only further a bias that’s already there is the one when Amazon used AI to weed out applications by training an ai with which applications resulted in hired people and which failed - eventually they found that they almost only had interviews with men and upon closer inspection identified that they already were subconsciously discriminating against women earlier but at least HR sent them an equal amount of men and women to the interviews which now wasn’t the case anymore since the AI didn’t see the value in sending the women to interviews if most of them wouldn’t be hired anyway.

I guess it depends on what pedophilia is in the end of how it’s developed.

If it’s more like a sexual preference then it’s probably there already when someone is born and not changeable, but if it’s more like a fetish then those are (afaik) related to experiences and exposures while growing up and actually can change and develop over time - and in that case it could be really dangerous to have that kind of material floating around freely.

Still hoping to catch a few of those “build the wall”-idiots without realising that those are the ones most lost on rational arguments

How much are you paying at a gas station?

Here in Germany it’s 2€/liter

An inventory management button that would automatically distribute wares to the character with the least carried stuff would already hope a lot - especially if we would be able to save that every cup, fork, etc would automatically be marked as wares and if there was a way to mark multiple things as wares at the same time (and if " sell all wares" would sell everything from all inventories present and not just for the talking character)

Selling wares remotely that are in camp and having an option to automatically send everything marked as wares to camp would also help a lot

I feel as if BG3 could do a lot more with the “wares” marker to make the weight limit less annoying

Moving cups and plates from one char to another just isn’t fun

The only thing annoying with BG3 is that “sell all wares” only refers to those at the current character

I’d have liked it if stuff marked as wares would always be automatically distributed between the characters (or that there was a button to do this)

Also why can I select multiple items at once and move them between characters but not mark multiple items as wares?

Why can’t I save that every cup I pick up should go to wares automatically?

I feel as if BG3 could’ve made the whole carrying thing far less annoying with ways to do less inventory management

One of the biggest German meat production companies started introducing vegetarian and vegan products 10 years ago - last year they made more profit from then than from their meat branch and are remodelling meat-processing factories for replacements - it’s just like everywhere - if you don’t lead or follow the change you’ll have to try to stop change itself

The shitty thing is that this culture war against replacements is also majorly fucking up our chances to combat climate change as a change away from the meat-heavy diet most people have on a population level would be one of the most effective changes we could make as a society to give us a better chance…

Even a lot of the AAA single player games have day 1 DLCs with skins or 15 different deluxe packages for preorder or something similar though

Doesn’t need to be the in-game microtransactions but it’s very rare today that everyone starts out with the same stuff in AAA games today

I’d guess that the series X would need to show at least full HD

With the Steamdeck it only needs 720p which is a pretty big gain in performance

I think the most important part is that it launched without DRM on GOG and was able to be pirated from day 1 and it STILL was a huge success because people knew that the game isn’t trying anything shady to get even more money from you

It’s just something people actually want to support and not like people feel like even if they buy the game they only have half an experience if they don’t spend more money later

I really hope the next financial report from Larian is making people think differently about the necessity of putting aggressive DRM in their games

People don’t pirate because they don’t want to pay - they pirate because they don’t trust the game to bit pull more shady shit later and not be worth it in the end

I really hope they take a good look and overthink their approach even if that means more delays.

With their last games their track record looks more as if they are about to make a new Assassin’s Creed game as the next Dragon Age Installment

You can’t easily tell it to replicate any painting for you - with current AI you can do that with almost any book it trained with

The problem is that the AI can print the book word for word if you ask the right questions and at that point it’s breaking copyright again but that’s not a problem with the learning part but with how AI has no concept of understanding context at all

Also read that Microsoft is holding the trademark on ‘X’ because of DirectX, X-Box, etc…

I wonder how long until Elon pulls the “it’s just a joke bro”

But you won’t save more tax with this that you lost money with it?

How would this ever make sense especially given that inflation is a thing?

they are in their official quarterly report and not in some press release though aren’t they?

if they lie on that it could have some bad consequences

The only he I possibly see myself preordering in the forseeable future (haven’t preordered anything in the last 10 years since I really dislike buying something you don’t know)

Some feature which I absolutely need which for some reason is not part of most task apps is to repeat tasks based on the completion date instead of the start date.

Dumb example: If I have a task to water my plants every week and I do it after 4 days already then the next due date is in 10 days instead of the 7 I’d want

Yeah - stuff like this should REALLY be public infrastructure

I know a lot of people are opposed to the state running things but I really wouldn’t mind if there was a well-managed state-run federated instance for all of this

at least with Matrix Europe is already doing something like this since it’s the de-facto-standard for a lot of the internal chats - but there really needs to be a push to make it more popular.

Having the kind of “lock-in” that Meta has where their userbase alone is an argument of using their service is horrible since it makes every competition futile…

If i is lowercase too then it doesn’t make a difference

But tbh if your function is having mit than 3 levels of nested loops you should probably rethink that function

Also recommend Liftoff

Have thunder and jerboa installed, too since neither of the 3 apps is feature complete right now but at the moment Liftoff comes closest to what I want from an app