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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Nov 08, 2022


“We’re not tasked with providing clean affordable drinking water. We can’t be there. We’re in business.”

“We’re not tasked with preventing food poisoning or affordable healthy food. We can’t be there. We’re in business.”

What other examples can we make where “business” is an excuse for acting in a sociopathic way?

Notice that they never state she was an alcoholic. They also never atate she was a “high level” alcohol user. Just that she was an alcohol user.

You can make your own assumptions about her alcohol use, but in general these rules would also excluse a “normal” alcohol user with a congenital liver failure…

In Canada, drinking more than 3 drinks per week is medically considered “high alcohol use” for a woman… (6 for a man). This limit keeps getting lower year after year

If this can prevent you from getting organ transplants, then it encourages lying to your medical doctor about your current habits… That lady was not considered alcoholic, she just used alcohol in greater amount than the limit considered acceptable by doctors.

Latest stats show that almost 4 out of 5 people has exceeds that limit at some point in their life. This woman died only because she was honest with her doctor about her alcohol use. (Note that the article says her partner was a compatible donor but the system refused to accept him because she used alcohol. It’s not about lacking donors.)

We should remove tariffs for European cars as well. Why can’t I buy a small 4wd in Canada, when they have them all over?

Although I never took the time to check myself, I heard multiple reports about how streaming music has crappy dynamic range, and that the same song on CD or ripped vinyl always has much better range.

It would be my main reason to use the scenes…

I don’t know about unbound so I can’t really compare… OpenNic is not run by for-profit corporations, which I think is a good thing.

Could they use a crawler with visual inspection? It’s not as good as ultrasound because it will only see surface breaking stuff if it’s big enough… But it’s still better than no inspection at all, right?

I would love to self host a real debrid service where i can control what i pre-download using the “my library” feature, something similar to the *arr suite but only using the stremio interface.

Of course they’re registered as charity… so they can avoid paying tax…

What do they give to the community of there a charity?

Why is the solution to Canadian oligopoly always “let foreign corporations in”, instead of fostering growth of small local businesses and coops?

This also applies to telecom…

They’ll blame individuals for lighting fires, and campaign for a water market for “efficient” water usage.

It was taken down because of illicit meat sake, but the neighbor has concerns because they didn’t like to see the link between animals and meat…

but you could tell it was a little baby

If it gets us rid of some middle managers, that’s great!

“brain drain” is always used by right wing and liberalists as an excuse to reduce tax. The only people that really “drains” are the greedy crooks. Calling it “brain drain” just shows what they think of themselves…

University professors, engineers, and doctors (those who are not crooks) will not leave, they have roots at home and will not leave.

Is it actually ethically acceptable to control distribution of something that naturally shares itself?

Before computers, it actually required some energy to copy the content of a book. With computers now, the action of reading an ebook will actually copy it from the hard drive to the ram. If your book is on the cloud, there’s even more copying going on. It actually takes more efforts to erase temporary copies (ex: from local cache)!

Digital copying is not the same as physical copying.

You can only stretch facts so far before it becomes an obvious lie. Not everything is a matter of personal opinion.

Not a doctor, i spent 7 years on post secondary education and i barely raked in a 5 figure student debt to pay off at ultra low interest.

I had a friend studying to become a doctor. Because of that, banks allowed him to take on huge debts and he bought a brand new fully equipped wrangler. No wonder doctors have 6 figures debt if that’s what banks allow them to take… I knew someone else in dentistry who bought a BMW.

Knowing that will make money, they take on more debt. Then they ask to raise salaries… It’s a system that attracts greedy people, the type that will move out of their home country just to make now money.

For me, it would take about 4 times my current salary to move away, because all my family and friends are here.

In fact Alberta researchers have recommended a tougher traffic light system for geothermal projects than the one currently regulating fracking. It would trigger a major evaluation of operations when 1.5 magnitudes occur and shut down the operation at 3.5 magnitude with the goal of keeping all tremors at low magnitude.

When it’s not oil-related, regulations are tougher?

Framing it as an environmental problem always implicitly assumed that people understood we need a good environment to be healthy…

People complain about bonfire restrictions in my city, but when I show my air quality sensor data and the effect it has on breathing and sports performance, they tend to be more open minded.

The council also found that he had violated ethics rules by changing the date of a neighbour’s court appearance for a traffic ticket so he could hear the case — and acquit her — before he retired.

To me that’s the more important issue… It can be hard to measure time accurately, but there’s no excuse for twisting the system to prevent your friend from facing justice!

On DST, it’s well agreed with my job that I come in an hour later (and end an hour later as well).

I change my clock, but I also change my alarm so I end up waking up at the same UTC time.

It’s easier to stay up late in the summer if I start work an hour later as well!

My colleague built an ultrasound walking stick for his wife, but can’t even give units to the local sight-impaired community organization due to regulations… He’s given up on getting his design certified.

If i wanted to jump through complicated hoops, I’d try paid streaming services!

I have not seen a total one since i was a small kid, so I can’t really say… Totality will have these things last longer, but I’m sure there is no clear-cut difference.

Here’s a couple of differences: With totality, the stars become visible again. The darkness is such that air temperature drops like at sunset. Birds stop signing, and insects start chirping. Also, i think you can see the sun’s corona. While the sun is totally blocked, you can look at it with naked eyes.

I’m not sure how much of this occurs with a 95% eclipse… I would encourage anyone to go to the nearest place to see totality. I will personally visit family living 2 hours drive away to be in the totality zone.

These reports tend to focus on measuring the outcome, because that’s the measurable KPI.

It leaves as an exercise to the reader to guess the cause, and your comment shows exactly what i believed for years. “There is an inequality of outcome because people typically act differently”.

I now realize that the gender pay gap is just the outcome of bias in the workplace… Whether conscious or inconscious. We must recognize them and actively try to counteract their effects of we want to reduce the gender pay gap. Something often criticized as “reversed sexism”.

Is it weird to feel that it is still an improvement over the last big software project we heard about? (Phoenix)

Yeah, they should definitely have targeted vulnerabilities instead. Human skin should not be so easy to pierce with bullets…

Within 20 years… That’s a generation. They have time to raise kids to adulthood.

From my early torrent days, we used to say that any torrent we dont seed back to at rast 1:1 is bad for the network (leeching). I can see why there is a desire to block StremIO clients, but if it was modified to see back to some ratio, it would be nicer.

As for debrid, it’s a bit too “centralised” for me still… I’ve read that it’s a major weak point in the system and that servers are often unavailable. That’s why i like the resilience of torrents. (Plus the sharing aspect. Sharing is caring!)

Ok… I like the interface of StremIO, which looks like a service aggregator (ie I can open the movie on a streaming service i have access to), but I don’t like the fact that I can’t pre-download and seed less popular files. It supports debrid services, but from the technical description, thesec seems to be leech-equivalent to seedboxes…

What would be a good drop -in replacement? Something that works on google TVs and is easy to maintain?